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-- ChuChu Rocket! Lands March 2 --
   If you've got any plans for March 2, change them. If you've got any appointments, cancel them. Rally with your loved ones while there is still time. We could very well have a national emergency on our hands. We all have less than two months of freedom remaining. The grand Y2K crisis everyone was freaking out over WILL come to pass. When? The crisis will hit on the second day in the month of March of the year two-thousand. March 2, as confirmed by Sega of America, is the day the ChuChu Rocket! lands on US soil.

   What will be the result of this invasion? We need look no further than Japan for proof. We will all be robbed of our free will and morph into swirly-eyed zombies who are capable of only two things: playing CCR, and wandering around spouting obscure Chu-Chuisms like "Chu-Chu Fever!", "Rokketo wa Sugoi!", and the most common: "TSUBABABABA!" How can we escape this twisted fate? We cannot. There is but one shred of advice I have to offer to all of America: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.