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-- PSO Limited Edition Canned --
   There's good news and there's bad news, and this is definitely not good news. It's been doing the rounds through the rumor mill for a few days now, but Sonic Team officially confirmed at the home base that the limited edition Phantasy Star Online package has been cancelled. The limited edition package was to sell for ¥9,800 (just shy of a hundred bucks) and include the fabled Sonic Adventure 2 demo as well as the special PSO 4× memory card. The Adventure 2 demo will now be slapped together with every copy of PSO in the first shipment, and the spiffy PSO memory card will be made available exclusively through Dreamcast Direct. The game/memory card bundle will also be available exclusively through D-Direct, for ¥9,800 (same price that the limited edition was supposed to be).

   Sonic Team cites overwhelming demand and the inability to produce enough as the reason for the cancellation. May I be sent straight to hell for blasphemy, but they can suck that right back up. Isn't having a lower production to demand ratio what makes it a "limited edition"? The truth I do not know, but it's most likely (as pointed out by a handfull of major sites) due to the fact that Sega's past "limited edition" packages have not sold well. Sucks to be Sega, at least in Japan. This news actually has no relevance whatsoever to American or European gamers (ie the majority of the beloved GHZ readership), because none of the limited edition stuff was ever planned to be released anywhere else. So it still sucks to be us, but the suckitude has been balanced, at least.

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.