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-- ReSaurus Does Sonic Again --
   Without a doubt, most of y'all reading this currently have at least one of ReSaurus' three Sonic Adventure action figures residing over your shelf. If you don't, then WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Don't let the looks fool you, these are some of the classiest Sonic collectibles yet. The modeling is dead-on (although I do have a few issues with the proportioning, most notably on Sonic's spines), the figures are fully posable, and they each come with a display stand portraying its respective hero (Sonic's stand is gold, Knuckles' is silver, and Tails' is bronze). Included with each is a glossy gold Ring, not to mention a spiffy sticker.

   The major complaint with the collection is that it only includes the classic trio of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The collection designer, luckily, stated that he expected a second series would be produced, based on the popularity of the first set. Apparently, they were popular enough (and rightfully so), so ReSaurus has a second set planned for release in May. Series two includes the other three playable characters: Amy Rose, Big the Cat, and the ever-popular E-102g. Sweet! Here's hoping for a third set featuring Robotnik, Tikal, and Chaos! (Source: IGN DC)

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.