"What's going on with those guys in black, wrearing blue ribbons, and having telephone cords around their mouths?" "Have you ever heard of a Telecomunications Bill being passed around here, Serena?" "Well . . . er . . . no, Uncle Davey." "I'll bring you up to speed, then: By now I've shown you the wonders of the Internet. I was able to get you in touch with your Sailor Scout friends, Tell your folks that you're allright, even got an assignment to make a report on your adventures here to get a good grade for the time you'll miss in school. It's a beautiful thing, as it should be." "I hear a 'but' coming. I take it there's a hentai department on the Internet?" "Calling it 'hentai' is an understatement, Rabbit. There's stuff in there that would make Go Nagi freak." Serena whistled. "Good thing that I don't go for that stuff--Rei would, probably, but not me. . ." "I hate to break this to you, but there are some jerks on the net who would get their kicks by searing your screen with their NC-37 rated crap." "You're kidding." "I'm as serious as a flatline, hon. I call them on-line child molesters, and there are a lot of others that would make them look like Sunday School teachers." "There outta be something to do against them, Davey-kun." "Some people are trying. There's some sites that I joined that police the Net for such shady characters. I have some programs that block out objectional sites from younger Netters, much like channel blockers for cable." "And what's with this Telecomunications Bill?" "That bill has a provision that makes sending such material to minors a crime." "Oh, but if that's it, why are they protesting it?" "They think it's censorship. I think they don't want anything that even *smells* like it's gonna deny their 'rights' to the material in question." "But by what I'm hearing is that your congress just don't want kids to stumble into it. Don't these boards have ID checks?" "They do, in the form of User IDs and Passwords. Some of them comply with the Site-Blocking programs too." "And they think that the Internet's going to close down because of this law?" "It sure sounds like it, Serena." "Er, call me a blond ditz, but . . . I don't get it." "Neither do I. We are talking about a computer network with connections in the nine and perhaps ten figures that stretches all over the globe! Not even the most anal-retentive congressman is capable to cover them all. I *severely* doubt that my own web page will ever be touched in their witch hunt. I mean, the worst thing I ever do on-line is fluffle!" "What's 'fluffle?'" "What we did last night." "Oh, that! That wan't nasty at all, just snuggling up close like that. You're just a big teddy bear. So, Foxie, what do you think about all this?" "oh, me? Well, I . . . I believe that the Internet can be the world's biggest schoolhouse and playground at the same time. Somethimes it's the only place some people can do in peace. It's a great common ground for people all over the world to share ideas, make friends, and have fun. It should be safe for them to muck around freely and with no fear of being taken advantage of." "And this Telecomunications Bill?" "It's too soon to judge, actually, or to do any knee-jerk reactions like all these black pages. It'll have a lot of hashing done to it before it *really* gets into effect. I have enough faith in the Democratic Process to keep children protected without shutting anybody down. Unless of course, they take their Web Pages and log-out for good because they don't like the way it's played."