April 11, 2008

FoxFire Studios April Update

Filed under: Books, FoxFire Studios — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 9:44 am

If some of you have a more eagle eye, you’ll noticed that I’ve updated a good chunk of my site’s packaged wings.  This is happening alongside a much needed upgrade to the main site, which is not neccessarily a complete overhawl–I’m still using the basic layout and design–as to work on a better navigation and making the book wings more uniform (lostboyfound and scarletpi [dot foxfirestudios dot net] will be getting remade into more basic formats, and the bloodandmetal wing will be set up with a cover bit.)  How on earth will I be able to work the forum and this blog into the same standard still elludes me, but that’s a minor glitch.

As for the Scarlet PI Remix comic, I have some news on that.  While I may, if everything works out all right, to finish the penciling and inking stages of all those pages by this weekend, the comic might not be available utnil May.  That’s because I’ve just ordered the latest version of Draw Plus (X2, to be exact.)  Something this important is going to have to be used with what I feel to be the best program out there, and in my book, it’s Serif’s Award Winning Illustration Program.  (And what can I say, it’s at $40 with all the loyalty discounts.  I can’t complain.)

With the hard part of the comic book out of the way, I’ll be able to get back to the books, which involves the second draft of Blood and Metal, a major revision of Lost Boy Found (and quite possibily a minor one for Mim Su Sa).  And it is possible that me and a friend of mine could get to the editing stage of what could be the second book in the Scarlet PI series, something that I was hoping would happen with my projects. :)

February 21, 2008

The next Project is chosen :)

Filed under: Uncategorized — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 7:04 am

There wasn’t much for me to post about as of late.  What wasn’t spent playing with my Tax Return present, the current model of the Playstation Portable with Final Fantasy Tactics (Ivalice is nice this time of year.  Ivalice is always nice any time of year.), I was looking for a new project to work on, and I’ve found it:

Coming in April 2008:  Scarlet PI Remix #1

Long before I started on Murder in Main Street USA, I wanted to go through the web comic from Strip #1 and give it a proper redo.  Go through the story and improve on it, get over the bumps and hazards I ran into the first time around, and actually put out some decent artwork.  My Resolution was, of course, to get the fire back in my belly when it comes to drawing comics and artwork, and this is a good enough excuse as any to get it.

SPIR #1 takes care of the introduction of Jim Goodlow and the arrival of Scarlet.  They’ll be a scene with Toni, as well as a discussion of the primary situation (the HFL case) in Scarlet’s own words.  (And since she hasn’t been installed yet, there’s no accent to get in the way.)

My primary goal in SPIR is to take the CSI/Law and Order feel that readers got from Murder in Main Street and continue it into the origin story and beyond.  It will be published in Lulu while I continue the story in the Web Comic at the usual places (including DeviantART) Wish me luck.

Topic:  Blood and Metal Name Suggestion

This bit got solved with just a IM with one of my friends.  I needed to get an alternative name to the location where most of the story takes place.  Since BAM was originally a Sonic fan fiction–my primary goal is to put it in an all-original world that became Maatla–I used “Knothole Kingdom” as a placeholder.  Of course, I needed a new name for the Open Door (Second) Draft:

I’ve got my answer while chatting with Drew Rhine, my online friend and the creator of the Scarlet character from the previous item, while we were discussing a newer idea from his head, about a race of Foxes called the Vintanii.  It was originally made for the Planeswalker series, my Magic: the Gathering themed series.  Since that is currently in the Salvage Yard–the metaphysical place where I keep the ideas that don’t fit now for the time when eventually they do–I suggested that he move the Vintanii to Maatla and make it part of the BAM world.

Hence the name “Knothole Village” became “Vintanii Village” and eventually by the time Eric showed up, the “Kingdom of Vinatos.”  And I hope by the time I get to the beta stages that there will be a decent history of Vinatos for Eric to review.

As for Acorn and Sarah Knothole?  I think it would be safe to keep them in remembrance of BAM’s not so humble origins and not catch heat by Archie.  The reason is the placement of the names:

In Archie Sonic, Knothole was the name of the Village, while in BAM it’s a family name.  Acorn is the family name of the Royal Family in Archie Sonic, while it’s relegated into the surname of King Acorn Knothole.  This jumbling should be more than enough to keep the lawyers at bay.

I only hope I can do better lawsuit proofing with the other inspiration behind the BAM remake.  Let’s just say that if I ever meet Stan Lee, I’m kicking him in the nuts.  Hard.  I don’t care if he never even touch the creation of Captain America #25 and my prescriptions keep the anger off, I’m still castrating that SOB.

January 31, 2008

BAM Open Door Draft Finished

Filed under: Books — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 5:39 am

I’m happy to report that I’ve finished the Closed Door Draft one day ahead of schedule. The file is currently at 77 and 1/4 K in length, and despite having some extra holes that I’ve found along the way, I’ve taken care of all the original cards in the plot deck. I’ll fill in these additional pieces as I work on the text I’ve already got in the second door draft. (or Open Door, where I work the storyline into a coherent and readable story. As many of you know, the first draft of everything is utter crap. It requires at least three to make it look at least presentable) This will come later on this year, but not before I start work on the logo and the web site I’ll have for this book.

As well as deal with a problem that needs to be solved as soon as I can: Blood and Metal began as a fanfiction set in the well-loved Sonic the Hedgehod Saturday Morning cartoon (SatAm, as the Sonic fans call it). While I have done well in replacing most of the Sonic characters with original characters, there are two items that still have the Sonic references that are used as placeholders until I can come up with a new name. For example, the planet SatAM takes place in is called Mobius. In Blood and Metal, I worked on a new name for the planet. I first came up with Malta until I realized that it’s a country on earth, and someone else suggested that I mispell it into Maatla, it’s current name.

The two remaining placeholders have to do with the Kingdom that most of the story takes place in–Knothole–and it’s original monarch that sent Eric there to send a message to Sarah–King Acorn Knothole. In fact, Knothole became a clan name for the rulers of this kingdom, and I don’t know if I’d keep or change that. I’ll be putting up a discription of both town and monarch in later posts and ask for suggestions for better names.

But now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to shut down for a while and rest up a bit. I’m just glad I got to this point in time.

January 23, 2008

An actual CIVIL interview

Filed under: Current Events — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 12:03 am

I remember telling someone that I’ve been interviewed by someone, and now that it’s done and the result is posted online at this link:

I’m giving the interviewer props because he showed the one thing that would be missing in most people dropping out of nowhere and talking to me: Civility. As he said at the end of the page, I’m not that hard to talk to. Just don’t be an asshole. You don’t even have to be a butt-kisser, and I strongly suggest that you don’t; I’d rather have be constantly trolled than have someone stick their noses up my butt, thank you so much. I just want people to be honest, and yes civil. That’s the best way for you to get your point across to me.

January 2, 2008

Blood and Metal update

Filed under: Books — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 7:31 am

By the end of my visit to Ivalice in December, I found out something that does help me out with ironing out the storyline and getting the writing back on track.  By moving the final confrontation between Eric and Nicolas up a bit, in the ice age part while Eric is a robian, I was able to trim just about 40 cards from the deck creating a streamlined story which I feel needed at any stage in writing any book.

Now I’m back from the holidays and that I’m less than 30 days to go, I can put the nose to that grindstone:

79 cards left in the deck, 50.9K Length in the file, and 30 days remaining.

November 20, 2007

Megan Meier was killed by ED-style Trolls.

Filed under: Uncategorized — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 3:09 am



…and you wonder why I’m writing “So not the Draema?”

It would be more than just an Anti-ED book.  This will be a book on Cyber Bullying in general and how to combat it, from someone who should know who he’s talking about, being one of the top ten most flamed people on the Internet.  “There’s George W Bush, there’s Chris Crocker, and then there’s Daveykins FoxFire.

And as you can expect, there’s a new meme running around thanks to their latest ‘Hero: ‘

“Bullying is Rabbit?”

Who writes this shit?  I wouldn’t even think up crap like that even if I was stoned and drunk.

November 17, 2007

Murder in Main Street USA is out!

Filed under: Books — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 4:13 am

I’m happy to report that I have finally released my first Scarlet PI story on Lulu, a few days early to boot.

This is the first in my Scarlet PI novels that center around Lt. Scarlet FoxFire, a cop in Orange County Police’s Amusement Park Division. It’s a special branch of the local law enforcement that specializes in cases involving the many vacation venues in the Central Florida area, including Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World.
With Scarlet, there is a special reason why she’s there: Scarlet is a living symbiotic–and very realistic–vixen fursuit that her host found one day and was coaxed into wearing her. Her existence has to do with a shadowy corporation that specializes in amusement park technology, which may not be very ethical.
While on the trail of the kind of company that would make Michael Eisner (and even Dick Cheney) look like a Boy Scout, she has to contend with keeping peace and order in the various amusement parks, and that includes crimes that nobody expects to happen but do. In the first book, it involves a homicide in the Main Street Bakery!
Who would want to kill someone in one of the Happiest Places on Earth?
And is it connected in some way to the company Scarlet escaped from?

The book is now available over at LuLu dot com, and is available for both paper and downloaded E-Book formats.
For an additional fee to cover additional postage, you can have the book signed by me. Inquire Within.

October 25, 2007

Book Progress, Mim Su Sa and Blood and Metal

Filed under: Uncategorized — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 3:24 am

I’ve gotten enough edits to Murder in Main Street USA to claim that the next public beta would be the Final Edit.  That’s when I start formatting it into a book form (this time it’ll be a standard paperback version, hoping that it’ll be cheaper than the coffee table sized Lost Boy Found) and proofing it for the official release.  I’m shooting for November 18th as the deadline.

As for Blood and Metal, I’ve been taking on the plot deck and am typing away at that book in earnest now.  I’m at 165 cards to go and counting down as I speak.  It’ll probably go through November (So no NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) projects for me) and December and with luck make it to the end of January of 2008 with the Closed Door Draft.  (I think I’ll wait til next year to do a NaNoWriMo book.  With the election in that month, I’ll probably need the distraction.)  As I did before, I’ll update you all on the cards to go, both on my web site and elsewhere.

Also, I’ll still be working on Writer’s Circle challenges to help jump over writer’s blocks in B&M.  My latest challenge was the combat scene challenge which was Eric and Spectre’s first round.  People were getting interested more in the book with each passing submission which might be a big help in getting publicity with my works.  Now, if Gaia Online can release their Battle game, things will be perfect.

October 3, 2007

Mim Su Sa in 2nd Public Beta

Filed under: Uncategorized — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 5:53 am

I finally got to the second beta release of “Murder in Main Street USA,” my Scarlet PI novel.  I’m already getting the response I needed out of the book, a story that’s one part CSI: Orlando, and one part light-hearted romp.  The scene with Captain Jack Sparrow along must be read to believed.

I won’t say that all that’s needed to do is hunt for those stray spelling and grammar errors; the jot and tittle work as I call them.  There’s still one more chapter to put in here, and then it’s to decide whatever or not to add in a serialized origin story at the end of each main story:  I have a young Dexter-like mad scientist named Joseph who has dreams of being an Imagineer, and he lives in Aria’s castle (I’ll tell you more about it, but that would be telling) and I need a part where he’s introduced better than he currently is.  Fortunately, the Writer’s Circle has given me a perfect way to get the ball rolling on this one.

Once that is out of the way, as well as the other minor details, this book is all but ready to be released to the public.  I’m planning “Murder in Main Street USA,” the first book in my Scarlet PI novel series, to be released on lulu at November 18, 2007.  Watch for it then. :)

August 6, 2007

Getting out of Emo Mode and an Mim Su Sa Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 2:54 am

It took me a while to feel better after the discovery earlier this week. Finding out that your wiki
was hacked over ten days prior could lower anybody’s spirits. It also could show who’s got your
back. While I do have more web page visits from trolls than patrons that could actually pay,
unless it’s actually one person who’s been sending me troll puke into Word Press’s spam filter,
I’ve been getting a lot of love from various sources: Deviant Art (with some exceptions from a
couple), Disney Echo (who’s ‘Big Tent’ Disney Fandom gave me another reason why I’m a part
of their group, and Gaia, who’s really cheering me on with my books. It is my hopes that I can
make it up to those three organizations. (Relatively easy to do so with dA; I’m due for a support

While I was allowing the Emo Storm to pass I managed to go through the rest of my initial edits
to ‘Murder in Main Street USA,’ the first Scarlet book, as I returned to the Scarlet PI strip (this
chapter will focus more on Melody, and would end up with a grand adventure as . . . well, heh
heh heh, that would be _telling_.) While there may be some areas I need to add and rewrite, but I
think I can go through it all within a couple weeks, then it’ll be in a presentable form as a beta.
At that point, I’ll be looking for proof and test readers.

As I do so, I’ll be starting the lion’s share of the closed door draft of Blood and Metal while I put
Mim Su Sa through the group edit gauntlet. Until then, I’ll have some parts of B&M written as
Writing Circle challenges. My entry of Challenge #27 consists of a compromising scene with
Eric and Sarah, while Challenge #28 will have one of the earlier scenes I’m still working on.

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