PostHeaderIcon January 1 update

January 1st, 2010Author: DavidFoxfire

I would have posted this sooner, after some decent holidays, but there was an emergency:  A loved one of one of my out-of-state uncles died, and my mother had to go to Chicago for the week. And guess who had to be yanked out of bed too early in the morning to petsit for a week?

So much for all those leftovers I had, right?

<shrug>  Oh well.  But at least the response wasn’t like this shit:

Rush Limbaugh is in hospital for chest pains.  Left Bloggers have a collective fap.

God as my witness, I fucking wish I was kidding about the masturbation.  When I heard that Ted Kennedy had finally passed away, outside of the obvious, “Well, we don’t have to preserve the body, do we?” crack, I pretty much left him alone.  (I’d probably do the same with Oral Roberts.  “Well, looks like God finally called his ass home.  Let’s move on.”  Compare that to the wingnuts who would line up to Rush’s grave to piss on it, and then go to Michael Jackson’s grave and offer offerings hoping he could acquire sainthood. (And weren’t they considering him little more than a wacko pedo, oh, I don’t know, just about This Time Last Fucking Year?)

I keep finding myself turning to Cracked for my editorial references.  I’d like to drag some people’s noses doggie style to this article, where David Wong written these bits of sage wisdom that I, or Eric Krockett for that matter, would live by:

“Celebrating the death of somebody you disagreed with pretty much makes you a dick….Falwell had a family. Friends. He was a human being. You cheer over his corpse and you’re just acting like a pecker.”  (And I should add, regardless of whatever he lives or dies by this, Rush Lmbaugh.)

Or for that matter, Sean Hannity, or Glenn Beck, or even—start bewailing me now—Chris-fucking in front of the webcam-Chan.

Honestly, when I reported that my mother had breast cancer, my first thought wasn’t about my mother, but of someone putting it on the Chans and rail at me over it saying that I fucking gave her that cancer by all the stuff I posted online.  (Think it wouldn’t happen, in a way?  I just described Tony Snow.)  I did not put that above some people.  Fortunately for me, I had a more supporting response.  At least directly.

…<sigh>  And people wondering why I’m re-writing Blood and Metal as a transplanting America to another country?  America is a bud from a rosebush that might be dead by 2020, or even 2012 for that matter.


In comparison, the Orc Land storyline from Domminic Deegan is coming to a close.  And while some people decry and debase just about every strip that Mookie makes—or for that matter, every panel or even brush stroke—he does have a point to make at the end of the story.  Here is Luna, a human cursed since birth by an Orc to have orc teeth for all of her life, and was pretty much dragged through hell since birth before she met Dom, and trust me on this, she had self-esteem issues something fierce.  But she has somehow overcome all that and began the steps to restore the Orc’s homeland in spite of the orc—shown in the strip above—who cursed her.  In the next strip, this chief begged her forgiveness, and if it were any other Callanian, he would have—and from some opinion should have—been executed on the spot.

But that is not the Orc’s way, or even Mookie’s, as he’ll state in his blog:  (Scroll down for the words.)

If I wanted to be truly realistic about the orc clans coming together under the rain I could spend another year telling that story alone. If orcs were more like humans they would debate about how the miracle truly came to pass, which of their belief systems was the "true" one that brought it about, the implications of another race interfering in a time of great religious significance and countless other things that you’d find in the news.

But no. In my ideal world, when people are presented with a miracle of great benevolence they find it in their hearts to put their differences aside and rejoice as one, truly remembering that we are all in this together and that compassion should not be delegated or debated, but simply shared… where even an old man scarred by racism and hatred can find the will to love and forgive again.

It breaks my heart that I will likely never see this sort of thing in the real world, so I put my ideals, however foolish and naive some may claim them to be, in my world.

There are times I wish humans were more like my orcs.

No shit, Mookie.  Because in our world we have shit like this, taken from YuYu Hakusho #1, scanned from US Shonen Jump 1-1.  (Used as a reference.  Viz even thinks of infringement, I’m going to their office for a little Mind Crushing…with a hammer.)



If you ever made an eulogy as heartless as this (typical) High School Principal, do the world a favor and kill yourself.  If you are a High School Principle and have said that, do it on school grounds.  Both arms.  The long way.  At least do that right.

Let it not be you who eulogized anybody in this manner, or in a manner of a Moonbat bloggie.  Nobody deserves to be fapped over while they’re dying.  Not even Rush Limbaugh.

PostHeaderIcon A Kiddie “One Flew Over the Coo-Coo’s Next”

December 14th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

I saw this article that really caught my eye, and really gave me pause on how much school can get in the way of an education. Especally if the child happened to have a disability (such as Auditory Descrimination or Autism) or—worse—if you were like me as a kid and had Aspergers and nobody even cared to notice.

I’ve talked a lot about my own experiences, where my own ‘major malfunction’ went undiagnosed until well into my thirties. I went from a kindergardener taking classes in the first grade to a sixth grade social promotion case who the principal wishes were his son, “just so he can slap my face”. And I put it in quotes because he actually said that to my face in the cafeteria. That was the extent of what I learned in those six years.

Now take that experience and add shit that even a dominatrix would shudder over. Sure, they’d consider tying people up and restraining them to racks and beds and crap would be de rigor of their work…but would they do that to someone who hasn’t even seen puberty yet?

A Public School principal would. And if they kill somebody, so be it.

Item: Since hearing, states take little action on restraint in schools

This takes the previous horror story of Survivor-like Tribal Councils for a five-year-old—Jeff Probst should sue—and pushes them to the next degree. Never mind having someone stand in the hallway to cool down, a practice I know a lot about. Now they toss kids into closets—we’re taking areas only the janitor should be in folks—for even the most minor of offences. And if they can’t get a kid to sit perfectly still they’ll make them conform to their wishes…by sitting on top of them. Sometimes when they’re face down on the floor!

Note: These might be kids who doesn’t quite got the knack of communicating to anyone, much less an adult, and it goes into the negatives when that adult is an authority figure, and may not be intentionally acting out or causing trouble in the slightest. In their young minds, the teachers are pretty much doing this just out of spite, and with the approval of any peer watching no less.

Another note: If it’s done to a terrorist, it’s a fucking war crime! If you do it to someone in the street, you’re hauled into jail and then a lawsuit gets planted on you! Do it to your own child and it’s abuse! Do you honestly say that it’s all right and perfect for a teacher or a principal to do this to any one 30 years plus younger than him and call it discipline? If you can, then please, for the sake of humanity, kill yourself. And if you work in education and think that, do your immediate supervisor and THEN do yourself. Society has no need for such fucktards.

In the above mentioned article California Rep. George Miller (A Democrat of all people) state that this shit needs to stop, or at least regulated. “Without a fedual Standard to set the bar, it’s the Wild West.”

Sorry, Rep. Miller, but you’re a bit off. We’re not talking Wild West here. We’re talking about this:

Imagine Jack Nicolson younger than 10 in this scene. And believe me, if the schools can get away with ECT and lobotomies to get a kid to be their little sheep, they will.

And in New York, they have!

It’s scenes like this that makes me believe that this inclusion trend to put ‘special’ kids in with the normal class is one of the worst ideas they’d even come up with. Most of the teachers in even the better schools are ill equipped to deal with the kids who have these problems, only to be made to believe, like myself, that he or she is just ‘bad’. And then they had to deal with stuff that only appears in classic movies on mental illness. And you’d wonder why they eventually get a gun.

For more information, with considerable less drama from me, go to and look under Abuse and Restraints in Schools. You’ll find that what I said is just the tip of the iceburg, but my comparison is just as apt.

PostHeaderIcon If you think that I suck…

December 4th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

in novel writing, (There’s a review that is soooo getting into Book #2 of BAM, you hear me, Silvia?) I need to remind you that there are dozens of verified hacks that make me look like fucking Shakespeare…and they’re selling like hotcakes.

Here is the writing mindset of one such hack:


Ah, yes, the dreaded Chris-chan method.  And how many kids are mindless enough to give her money for her tripe?  In spite of what happens below my belt when I’m in composition, I have never gone so far as to jerk off with one hand while typing with the other.  God willing, I never will.  I touchtype with all ten fingers.  I write with an IM window or two open as I hash ideas and keep myself honest with, I use more blood and cussing than glitter…and people claim that I make Jesus cry?  And then go over and fap to Twilight and New Moon?

Why am I expecting Meyer to take one look at me, show an repulsed expression and go “Yiff in Hell Furfag” if we ever meet?

PostHeaderIcon Part of my take on Civil Rights:

December 3rd, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

martin luther king, jr.
see more Political Pictures

PostHeaderIcon Week of December 1, 2009

December 2nd, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

Well, now that NaNoWriMo is done (thank God; I almost fell 2K words short on the last week, and eventually had to put in the legal shit and the comments to just tip that counter over the 50K threshold) I can get back to business as usual, which involves some chatter about the nation and the world around me.


Item:  Honduras

The reason why I keep this Central American country in my radar screen is because I have a friend who lives there.  A friend who’s a rabid Scarlet PI fan and is writing a SPI book of his own.  So I really have a concern where there’s trouble down there.

And trouble came in the form of Manuel Zelaya, the former president there.  He was caught doing a dick move earlier this year, when he attempted to use emergency powers to change the constitution—it’s a democratic republic in Honduras, FYI—to suspend a coming election and give himself an longer term in office.  That’s called ‘Pulling a Chavez,’ after the Venezuelan douchbag who’s balls Zelaya’s sucking.  Or if you’re Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pilosi, something you’d do the first thing from the Oval Office.

The separate and equal branches of the government—remember that Honduras is a republic—refused to go along with Zelaya’s dick move, and when Zelaya just flicked them the bird and declared them meaningless, the government there proved that they’re not like the United Nations whenever a douche visits them.  The Judiciary declared him unfit to rule, and they sicced the military to boot him out, in his Hugo Chavez Underoos, I figure.

Now then, let’s turn away from the butthurt the other Central and South American countries which become Hugo’s bitches for a moment.  (This includes, Eric would be ashamed to admit, Brazil.  Do you really think that the Gracies would stand for someone pulling off a Chavez in their neighborhood.  Not without a couple dislocated limbs and choke-induced amnesia, they won’t.) Honduras’ constitution worked the way it should here.  When someone’s trying to pull off what Zelaya was supposed to do, (The term limit removal, not precisely being Chavez’s fluffer.) they’re going to call them in on it and tell him that you can’t do that, and if he doesn’t listen, kick him out.  It’s probably written in the fine print in their constitution:  Kick Out Anyone Who Becomes An Asshole.

Also, there’s the obvious:  What do you think would happen if Honduras gives in to the Central American consensus, not to mention a good amount of the world, and reinstate Zelaya back on his throne?  Who doesn’t think that this scenario would end up in tears?  Or blood for that matter?

Well, this week, they had their election, and Porfirio Lobo (Wha?  Did Eric have a relative there?) is now president-elect.  It’s more or less official there, even though people still demand that Zelaya be reinstated, who obviously declared Lobo as illegitimate as half of America declared Bush the younger.  (Of course you know what would happen if Zelaya is even temporarily reinstated.  He’ll go back to declaring himself lifetime president and call his followers to kill all the infidels who ousted him.  All to the sound of Chavez’s masturbation.

I’ll restate what I mentioned earlier.  Honduras’s constitution worked the way it should in 2009. Zelaya was becoming a dick, and because he couldn’t follow the rules, had to be ousted.  It was perfectly legal under their constitution to do this, regardless of what the other countries would think.  And if Honduras keeps the balls they showed in the coup, they keep him away from even a remote control, let alone their Oval Office, until Lobo is properly inaugurated.   Remember what your parents said about sometimes you have to do the right thing even though it pisses people off?  There’s a perfect example in Honduras.


Item:  Ba Rock Watch.


We all know what the extreme left wanted out of President Obama.  When Barack got to the Whiskey Hotel at January 20th, they wanted every soldier in both Iraq and Afghanistan leaving those countries, probably dropping all their inventories as tribute and reparations, by January 21st.  They were looking forward to showing the soldiers with their loogies at January 22nd, and were even looking forward to fapping at January 23rd to the tune of Afganistan’s version of the Kamir Rouge, blaming everyone in America for it as they come.  Some even had orgasms over Gitmo closing by Feburary so that they can have the show trials earlier than our current schedule, even to the point of kowtowing to their feet in the belief that they won’t slice the throats of someone so harmless as someone who’s licking their boots at the time.

(Sound like something I just pulled out of my ass?  I’ve just described Cindy Sheenan, folks.)

And then they wonder by December why nobody’s even showing up to save them from the next terrorists attack.  What happened in Fort Hood’s still up in the air.  I’m defining a fully-fledged ‘terrorists attack’ as something the size of 9-11, where civilians are targeted.  Fort Hood was just a crazy person shooting at soldiers, as horrific as that seems.  It doesn’t have the same shock of, say, him strapping bombs to himself and blowing himself up in Cowboys Stadium on a Sunday Afternoon.

Not even the Shrub’s that stupid to do something like that.  And definitely not someone like Barak Obama.  He doesn’t want to be a wartime president, no argument with me there, and he no doubt wants his boys to come home to a better welcome than what the soldiers got in the Seventies.  Even Barack wants kids to consider the military as a career to some extent.  (Remember what I said about the real reason why I didn’t serve?)  But he knows that America won’t stand for the status quo for an extended stretch of time with no end in sight.  Not even War Hawks want that.

So yesterday (1 Dec 09), despite the usual subjects in the extreme left caterwauling in the tubes, much like what some trolls wail about me putting books on Lulu,  (Honestly, I think Michael Moore tries to get me to stop writing and drawing on the web ‘for the betterment of the world’ when he’s not having another attack of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  The asshole.) Barack announced that he has approved of 30K more troops to be sent to Afghanistan to fight Al-Queda; an Afgan version of Iraq’s troop surge.  He also declared that he is planning the exit strategy in the future.  2011 is the benchmark, but he did say that he’ll move it if circumstances permit.

Boring that he is that night—especially when he’s letting the teleprompter doing the talking—at least he’s doing something that’s somewhat sensible.  He’s not pulling out all at once, although even I have to admit, you can’t just go wage war forever.

I just hope that, between now and 2011, we actually get that rat bastard Bin Ladin.  Hey, you’ll never know.  Remember how we finally got Saddam?

PostHeaderIcon Thanksgiving Special: King Flames Twilight

November 26th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

You wanna know why I don’t like the by-now-famous vampire series that kinds picked up the Harry Potter crowd.  Not only does it involve the heavy over marketing and hyper commercialization that Harry Potter is cursed with, well, I’ll just let the book writing God, Stephen King, sum it up for you.

“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. … The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good." – Reference:  Exclusive: Stephen King on J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer

Sometimes life just ain’t fair.  People would say that I make a very imaginative story, and the teabaggers just go gaga over Blood and Metal, but I hear more people referring to Troll Sites than people who want to buy them.  And some half-witted hack who just spits out 200 pages of vampire sex—and people say that I’m a freak—and becomes an international sensation?  Just because of a bunch of rabid squealing elitist school girls prefer dreaming about vampires that glitter—Glitter!—Did Dracula glitter?!  Would Dracula rather greet the sunrise with open arms than be caught with a bit of glitter on him?  I can just hear him now:  “Take me, Sun!  Take me!”—who’d look at everyone else as the great fucking unwashed.

Some of them probably photoshop dicks on Stephen King’s face.

PostHeaderIcon Microsoft Office Update.

November 23rd, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

Important Note beforehand:  I made a comment to a previous post: 2009/10/31/net-assholes-and-the-nuclear-option/ which describes Mookie’s whole attitude about web comic forums and the constant constant constant negativity that can drag people down.  I now go to the task at hand.


As some of you are aware of, Microsoft Office 2010 is in Beta now, and you can download it for free.  I’ve already sung it’s praises as a decent office suite for the first half of my novel writing.  I like the Word Counter and how it puts comments on the side for future reference.  It does it’s job really well up to the point where I need to tinker in the code like a hardened text editor writer of HTML.  But that’s when I start looking into formatting it into a book file.  MS Word’s pretty decent for the first draft and such.

Well, there’s a little addition that some of you may be interested in.  Remember Microsoft Works, the kid brother of MS Office.  Well, they’re discontinuing that with 2010 and replacing it with a lower-powered version of Office 2010 which has most of the more used features—including that word counter

Enter Office 2010 Starter


I grant you, it’s crippled, and it’s ad-supported, and it installs over the web and has a crazy Virtualization Handler that can screw up some things.  And for some reason it doesn’t play well with Office Beta when it comes to File Associations.  But if you can deal with that, you can use it for free.  In fact, it’s going to be released for free.  You can pay for an upgrade for the full version later.  Or that’s what Microsoft claims.

Granted some people would just stick with Open Office and leave it at that.  And after XBox Live did a blanket ban of a million users you’re convinced that Microsoft don’t actually want people to play with their chronically crashing consoles.  I’m more of a Playstation guy anyway.  But for some reason only MS Word will do.  Having a limited version of Word for free on your computer—at times it even comes preinstalled in your next Windows 7 machine—would be enough for you to scratch a little itch.

I only wished they released this about a month ago, though, for WriMos to use en masse.  There’s your beta testers for ya.

(It’s still no WordPerfect though. But there’s yet to be a perfect word processor out there still.)

PostHeaderIcon Nothing more damns a child…

November 17th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

…much like getting punished for a good deed.


There’s a reason why I re-worded Glenn Beck’s 9-12 principles.  Especially Principle #5.  I turned “You do the crime you do the time” to “Whatever you do for good or ill should be returned to you in kind,” because of shit like this:

A Boy Scout wanted to clear a walkway so he can get his Eagle Badge, and he getting his college funds sued by a Douchebag Union.

This is why most kids don’t bother leaving their basements.  (And it certainly kept me from several career choices or even driving a car.)

Would this union be happy if this kid’s sole accomplishment in life is to be able to launch a nuke in Modern Warfare 2?  In a more sane world, that union would want to woo this kid into their fold; he’s a fucking Eagle Scout for Christ’s sake!  If there’s anyone who’ll be able to succeed in life it should be this kid.  And is the Unions telling this kid that all that time and energy is only going to put him into the poor house to the tune of the rank and file’s jerking off and cries of “Stop being Butthurt, Retard?!”

If this the kind of America you want to live in.  I surly don’t.

PostHeaderIcon It’s Official!

November 16th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

You haven’t made it until someone spoofs you.  Believe me, I know what’s it like, Glenn.

And in BAM 02, Eric Krockett—Yes, I had to put in the last name—uses not one Chalk Board, but TWO!

Eric K:  And in between I tea bag Priness Sarah while she’s wearing a French Maid outfit and drop kick Michael Moore to Alpha Centari!

No you didn’t, you big liar…And don’t even think of pulling on that arm bar you just sinked on me, I use ten fingers when I type.

Eric C: . . . I like this guy.

PostHeaderIcon From Jay Naylor’s “Original Life”

November 13th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire



You know, Thomas, that is why I’m a Power Metal listener.


Meanwhile, I’m pretty much in deep with the NaNoWriMo book, that’s why I didn’t comment much on what was going on this month.  But I’ll do my best to keep everyone up to date on Scarlet’s original Adventures.