PostHeaderIcon Obama Wins–Fatality!

June 19th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

Here may be a prime example of the stand that while I’m a 9-12er, I’m also can say that I flat out like Obama:

That’s right Pressie, git that mutherfuckin fly!!

(Now while you’re at it, go pimp slap Nancy Pilosi and Harry Reed.)

PostHeaderIcon Book 1 through the Second Draft!

June 18th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

It took me forever, but I managed to get through the second draft of Book 1. Talk about your uphill battles. It would have taken less time but I had other things to do, such as a job hunt and editing another book. (which should take less time now that this big chore’s out of the way.

After a bit, I’ll be running it through a grammar checker and doing the needing polishing, but in the meantime, I’ll accept requests for people to join the inner circle to help me proofread the book and give me feedback. If you could be civil enough to show me where all the typos are at without going into histrionics, E-mail me at and let me know you’re interested.

PostHeaderIcon A way you should not die:

June 15th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

I have it as my life goal not to end my life in a way that would make the troll sites. The last thing I want to do is to give them that post-motem lul.

Here’s an prime example of letting the trolls have the last word:

Do. Not. Do. It. People. Unless you want to be eulogized like this — Caution: Link NSFW.

PostHeaderIcon Update and a link.

June 13th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

For those who’re waiting for the rest of Book 1, I just want to let you all know that I’m hammering the climatic chapters hard, making some major changes and all that. I should be able to get to the public beta of the book by July.

In the meanwhile, I’d like to show you this link, from The Fox Nation:

Not only would this be a great help in public political discourse, but it would also be a well guildeline for online discourse, which is something I’m (and I’m guessing you) know more about, especially when trolls show up. And I know a lot about trolls.

PostHeaderIcon I’m very ashamed to admit this . . .

May 11th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

. . . but THIS is the reason why I neither enlisted when I was of age now will intend to if the opportunity presents itself now.

I refused to serve not out of a lack of patriotism, although my style of that quality is highly unorthodox when compared to say, your average soldier. It’s not out of anything against the military, in fact I give them my props whenever I can, and even thank them for doing what I would never have the balls to even attempt. And it isn’t out of a lack of desire to defend America against any enemies; At September 12, 2001, I would have loved to push the button that would make Afganistan a new ocean on the globe.

I refused to serve out of utter disgust over what the soldiers had to suffer through when they came back from the war. And I swore that would never happen to me. And now that they’re doing this The God Damned Second Time . . . .

I shudder to think what would happen when they hit us again. There’s going to be a lot of young people who know enough history to, although they want to fight back, would hear General Ackbar’s “It’s a Trap!” going through their heads, as they realize what a good chunk of this country would consider them as when they step off to Boot Camp. Some would just turn around and leave right there, and who could blame them?

Like I said. It’s not something I’m proud of. But would you rather be called a ‘Coward’ or a ‘Baby Killer’. In some areas, that’s all the choices you get.

When you support the troops, when you thank them for their service, you’re doing more than showing your gratitude for the soldiers. You’re encouraging others to do the same, especially teenagers that are eligible to serve themselves, and encouraging them to do the same as these fine young man. Not only are you helping those who defend you, you will ensure that you will have others defending you in the future. So for God’s sakes, Support your Troops!

Think of the alternative. Imagine the fix America would be in when nobody would serve because they know they’ll be hated for it.

PostHeaderIcon The Aeris Report

April 23rd, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

I have GOT to show you this!  This will make a surefire vision of what kind of a dude I am:


And if you even think about lawsuits, Steven, I will write that Beck/Colbert Slash Fiction and post it here.  And you will know where I got that bad rep from the trolls.

PostHeaderIcon Tea Party Update . . .

April 20th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

…and just another reason why Skyler ain’t around when you really need him.

NBC coorespondant Janeane Garofalo called everyone who attented a Tea Party last week ateabagging racist redneck.”

Nevermind the race card, I’m offended that someone would mention the sexual act of dropping your scrotum into someone’s mouth on Nationally Broadcasted Television. That’s what Tea Bagging is, nation, look it up!

Where in God’s name was the seven second delay? Even if you are leashed by Secular Progressive Elitists, you know better not to say crap like that to children! Were the censors all members of Team Shorts on Head Retard?!

Like I said in the prior post: Not even Hiro Nakamura can save that channel.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Teabagging Protests
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

PostHeaderIcon Pictures of the St. Louis Tea Party

April 17th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

Links to local reports on the Tea Party at Kiener Plaza:


The Tea Party was your standard run of the mill gathering, as what I’d suspect Tea Parties go.  I expected other places to be more elaborate.  I’d suppose the ones in Texas would have reenactments of the battle in the Alamo, and in Philly, there’ll be plenty of cosplayers to go with the Hawaiian guy who does Tomas Payne over at Beck’s Show to have a group hug.  I don’t want to know what happened in Callie.  But in the heartland, we had about 10,000 people making their voices heard in a vocal, yet conservative, rally over at Kiener Plaza.

I came there early and took a lot of pictures:


Kiener Plaza


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Kiener’s located at the center of town, just shy to the north of Bush Stadium and within easy reach of a still-operational Metrolink.  The location includes the open air Morton D. May Amphitheater with a dramatic view of the Old Court House and the Gateway Arch, and what I call the Runner pool, made by sculptor William Zorach.  You’ll really need to see the fountain in motion to fully appreciate it.  You’ll notice that the water in the Runner pool is blue for Child Abuse awareness.  Although with little signs over the reasoning, it just looks stupid on it’s own.  But what can I say, it could be worse.

I’ll be seeing if I can get something like this place in the books, in front of the Knothole Palace.


Horse Drawn Carriages

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A major addition in the scene is the horse drawn carriages that go throughout the blocks downtown.  It’s a nice image from the city’s historical nature.


And of course, if you have horses, you get, naturally, horse shit.  The natural kind.  Not the kind that comes out of congress, which can be worse.


The Usual Suspects

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As you could expect, our Fox Affiliate would be here to report on the event.  Where the news comes first . . . then rolls over to smoke a cigarette.  Just kidding.  KMOX (CBS-4) was there too.


Not to mention the requisite news chopper.


When you have a political rally, sure enough, you get signs!


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Here’s some of the better ones:

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The ones you wear with you as well…

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And the ones I flat out LOVE!




If you know what this means, you need to get out more.






I didn’t know Foxworthy had his representatives in this rally.


Ditto with Gaico!


The political version of RTFM!


I can just hear Vader yelling this out, don’t you?

“I believe I will take my antioxidants.”

Something Rosharch could say in these gigs.


And Rosharch did not die in vain either.

Or Mr. A for that matter.

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And we have our Sick Freaks out here in force as well.


Not to mention the signs Eric Krockett could get into…


Let your freak flag fly!

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Not that I’d call the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag a ‘Freak Flag,’ to the face of someone flying it, but that’s just me. I’m a stinker.


And remember folks, Cosplay is Love!

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Someone who was really in the proper spirit of things.


Colonial era haute couture


Me:  HEY!  Ain’t you supposed to be dead?!

Cap:  You can’t kill a symbol.

Me: . . . oh . . . right.  Silly fricking me.

Cap:  Besides, Winter Soldier’s doing well.


(And don’t get me started on Steve Roger’s death.)

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And this one takes the cake for the most imaginative.


And of course, if you’re reading this in English, thank a soldier.

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Circle of Concern props


Circle of Concern is a local charity the ran a drive for a food bank during the rally.  As someone who had to use food banks on occasion, I can’t give them enough props.

And some props for the Volunteers


We could never have shindigs like this without people taking time from their busy schedule over it.  Even if you don’t see yourself in this pic, take a bow.


And as the crowd really gets together and the rally is really getting underway, the darn batteries in my camera starts to go out :P

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Something tells me that I need to get a better camera.  But I made a lot of contacts and got some needed publicity for my book.  This will include several groups that I’ll be visiting in the coming weeks.

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PostHeaderIcon The 9-12 Principles, Remix

April 8th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire


CAUTION:  Spoiler Alerts for Blood and Metal listed Below


Whenever I’m asked whether or not I agree with Glenn Beck’s by now famous Nine Principles he presented in his 9-12 project, I always answer that I believed "In a Remixed version."  Some people might be wondering why I say that.

It’s basically a point of view issue.  I don’t have the same point of view as Mr. Beck; I doubt anyone does regardless of how much they do agree with him.  Or anyone else for that matter.  What I have for my remixed version not only presents what I show as my point of view, but it would also be the basis behind Eric’s activities on Maatla in Blood and Metal.

But that doesn’t mean that I’m writing a counter of Glenn Beck’s principles, far from it.  I’m convinced that, while me and Glenn have different points of view, we’re actually seeing the same thing.  It’s safe to say that we’re basically saying the same thing in different ways.  While debate on the two points of view is encouraged, we need not go to blows over it.

Principle 1

Glenn:  America is a good place, not perfect, but good.

Remix:  Any sentient being on this planet, regardless of their status in the world, has a capacity of goodness, even nobility. 

The remix should be obvious:  If Glenn would say "America is Great," to say, Sarah Knothole, it would just go over her brunette head, go through the video wall behind her, and skewer Shawn Hannity before ending up in Bill O’Riley’s thick skull.  And while some people would want to see that happen, I doubt Glenn would want it on his conscious.

America can very much be a good place, but why?  What makes America good?  It would be something Cheyenne would ask, but it far from childish.  And people would bang their heads to the wall coming up with a proper answer.

I think that I’ve discovered my answer when Sarah reveals part of King Acorn’s message to Eric near the end of book 1:

"This country, this United States of America, it’s nothing I’ve ever seen.  As you know, child, I encourage everybody in my kingdom to achieve their dreams and potential, but I’ve never seen it put into practice as much as it is here.  I grant you, child, it’s not a perfect country, but then again, no country really is, but America’s unique Republic style of government tends to allow its citizens to flat out achieve greatness in levels I’d only expect from royalty.  And it’s technology is almost a century ahead of anything form Maatla.  I’d even dare say that not even Alberect could hold a candle to the kind of devices I can hold in my hand."   — King Acorn Knothole, Blood and Metal, Book 1

If there’s one thing American that people really admire, and what draws people to this country the most, is the concept that anyone on this country can actually achieve success in their lives.  They can create a world-changing invention, discover cures for diseases, make something that inspires others, build whole empires.  Become President.  Publish a book.  Regardless of who you were when you began.  Granted, it isn’t easy, in fact it sometimes seems impossible at times.  But it does happen.

If I was ever asked why makes America good, even great, I’d tell of the successes made by everyday American People.  They’re out there, and with a dream, a little hard work, and enough balls, you can even join them.

Principle 2

Glenn:  I believe in God and He is the center of my life. 

Remix:  A person’s personal spiritual path is important.

Just before I go on, I have to go on record and say that I have nothing against Christianity.  I was raised a Christian myself, and despite not being a church-goer anymore except when they sell fish—not because I’ve had a crisis of faith, but because I became a Night Owl.  I think I always was, I was born on 12:45AM—I still consider myself quote-unquote ’saved.’  But I have to tell everyone there, whatever or not there’s just one God, there are a gazillion religions out there.  Even within Christianity.

And if you doubt what I said, go look under Churches in the phone book.  And for the sake of argument, Glenn Beck’s Mormonism counts.

(Snide Remark:  Sometimes I look at that section in the phone book and wonder what Jesus was thinking about when he said, "No man comes to God except through him?" (John.14:6)  Note that I’ve not only included Chapter and Verse, but also put Christ’s words in red?  I be giving Him props!)

That’s why I’d expanded Principle #2 to include other religions.  Someone could use a path of spiritual enlightenment that might not be on the beaten path, and it could be just as good.  Like what O’Riley said in Who’s Looking out For You, "If a human lives a good life, holds sincere beliefs, but just happens to be Hindu, an all-just and all-merciful God is going to set this guy on fire for eternity?" (p. 112)   Or Muslim, for that matter?

Yahweh might be jealous, but he’s not completely heartless.  You’ve got to royally piss God off to get the express elevator to Hell.  Crashing loaded planes upside the Word Trade Center, would work just fine.

Where does this come into play in Blood And Metal?  Maatla has one major world religion, the Modern Church of Gaia.  That church was founded over 2,000 by a prophet named Donnovan who’s story reads of a combination of Jesus, Mohammad, and Ghandi.  Donnovan claimed that the many relgions in the world have a single goddess, Gaia by name, at it’s core.  Eric might not be a practicing member of this church per se, but he will work with them as much as he can, and encourages the public’s worship practices as well.  Eric would relish comparisons between The Church and Terran relgiions, and see where not only they differ, but how they’re alike.  Also on topic is the obvious:

"I heard Gaia’s a nice girl as Goddeses go.  I’d like to meet her one day.  Even hook Her up with some dude Gods I know, like Jesus Christ.  Nothing too serious at first, dinner and a movie, comparing notes over drinks, walks on a park, good times."  —  Eric, line to be said later.

Principle 3

Glenn:  I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.

Remix: Everyone, including myself, needs to constantly improve themselves, to be better than they were before.

Principle 4

Glenn: The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.

Remix: Families are sacred.  The people you should be closest with is your family members.

These two Principles are almost a total port from Glenn.  I just have a different way to say the same thing.  Glenn personalizes it, I merely switch to a more global scope.  It’s just the way I roll.

Principle 5

Glenn:  If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

Remix:  Karma cannot be mocked.  Whatever you do, be it for good or for evil, can never be returned in void.

I’m a firm believer in the concept of Karma.  You might not be convicted of double murder, but over time all that smug clavier attitude by getting away with it is going to come to bite you.  And all along the way to your eventual conviction, which could be on an unrelated charge, you’ll be surrounded by people who know what you did and will never make you regret it.

"Mark my words, people.  Alberect will find justice for what he did to your King.  Justice by the courts, by a spear, by my left arm, by Princess Sarah’s Pimp Hand, makes no difference; it will come."  —  Eric, line to be said in Book 2

The major part where me and Glenn differs is major:  Granted, you must be punished for crimes, but what should happen when you do good?  Nothing can be more disheartening, discouraging, and downright scaring to anyone than the belief that ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.’  Or even worse, that there is nothing you’d ever do in life that will ever be worth any reward.

I speak from personal experience as a recovering Hikikomori.  It’s a Japanese term for someone who stays in their bedroom or apartment all the time, never ducking out for air, much less for a job, friends, or even a love one.  You probably heard of them; they’re 35 and still live with their parents, who’s probably penciled in ‘Possible Sociopath’ on their permanent record.  The main reason that made me such a hermit is that I could catch hell for practically any reason—or even no reason at all—from anybody (Parents, Teachers, Principle, Peers, Cops, Complete Strangers, et al) and my main goal in life as a teenager was to keep myself from as much trouble as possible.  If you’re a teenager and that is your current life goal, you really need to sit down with a Moleskine and re-evaluate your life.  (Oh, just to be on the record, this occurred in the mid 1980s.  In the Heartland of America.  The Japanese might have put a name to this phenomenon, but it’s far from new.)

Eric would naturally want Justice done to Alberect and his ilk, but he would also want to encourage goodness in others.  Especially the youth in Vinantos.  He sees a kid that was just dismissed as a ‘Weed Eater’ by someone—and on Maatla, pot is more or less permitted—and he could see someone who could become a scientist, a doctor, an inventor, a farmer, a builder, the creator of Maatla’s version of the Internet, someone who could reverse Mechanization . . . if someone would just shut the bleep up and see that in the poor kid?

There will be a chapter where Eric is encouraged to give Vintanos’ education system a major overhaul, taking out the old hardliner faculty and replacing it with a community involved group of parents and mentors, charged with promoting successful young men and women instead of cookie cutter rote learning and discipline too strict to be productive.

Principle 6

Glenn:  I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.

Remix:  Every being by their nature has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, although it does not mean that the results of their efforts to be identical among seperate individuals.

Once again it’s the personal vs global differences of scope.  Just as the next one.

Principle 7

Glenn:  I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

Remix:  People are entitled to the fruits of their labor, whatever they may be, and they have the right to do with such fruits whenever they wish.  This should include charity, but this should be given by the individual, not by authority.

One of the biggest events in recent Vintanos history is called "The Shrug."  Eric would be immediately reminded of Ann Rand as he hears of the various businesses, inventors, and scientist left their home countries en masse to Vintanos to escape demands on their home countries that became so unbearable that it proved impossible for them to exist.  The then King of Vintanos, John Galt Knothole (the first king to be a Knothole) opened up his kingdom for these prospective ‘Strikers’ with the promise of a reduced public burden, thanks to assistance from the Church, who usually assists with the community responsibilities.  They will also be appreciated with their accomplishments, rather than vilified for being ‘better off than the others.’

The Biblical-like exodus of bright minds from the neighboring kingdoms into Vintanos collapsed those countries back to the Medieval times, their people little more than peasants under a group of feuding states, while Vintanos rose to a level similar to the 1930s of America, clearly one of the most advanced city-states, if not the most advanced city technologically, in all of Maatla.  Only the city where the head of the Church is located, Vidicia, can rival Vintanos.

I start my explanation with this take on Ann Rand’s famous book, incorporated in the world in Blood and Metal, to dictate my fears of a Real Life Atlas Shrugged on Earth, especially in America under the current Congressional climate.  (If I were running an oil or drug company here today, or even worse, a bank, I’d be telling congress at my first grand jury indictment that I will immediately stop all business and leave the country forever, because I cannot conduct business in such a hostile environment.  They’d cheer, of course.  For about five minutes.  Then they’ll realize what they’ve brought upon themselves.)  I also wanted to express the real sticking point I have against Objectivism, which I’m sure is caused by not fully understanding their concept of "Self-Interest" like with most of their critics.  Just as you can drive people away by oppressing them in ways depicted by Miss Rand, or myself in those past two paragraphs, you can also have people who are so focused on their own interests that they end up doing harm to others, including themselves.  The same philosophy that created Mr. A. also created Bioshock.

I once chatted with a friend about my concerns about the philosophy, and I said that there should be a balance between individual rights and cultural responsibility.  It’s an elusive balance, and it’s not just Eric who’s trying to nail it down.  Most of these companies that were part of the shrug will seek to partner with Eric, with the hopes that an Terran invention that Eric brings with him could revolutionalize all of Maatla much like what they did on Earth.  And if they get a profit out of it, so much the better.

Principle 8

Glenn:  It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.

Remix:  The sharing of opinions and ideas should be encouraged, and disagreeing with anybody does not equate with animosity with whoever you disagree with.

There is one thing I want you to keep in mind about Blood and Metal:  This is not, I repeat NOT, a project made to bash the current President, Barack Obama.  Not only is it untimely, and so far outside the scope of the books that it might as well be on another planet,  (Okay, the story itself is on another planet, but that’s not the point.) but I have grown so sick and tired of all the Bush Bashing that I just tune it out.  (Personally, I think that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed will make a lot more damage than any president.)

"I’d even say that we’ve made it to the Promised land.  Now we’re in the business of building something on it." — Dr. Ombacain, Blood and Metal 1

I might not be on the same side as Barack on many things, but he’s the first president since Regan that I actually like.  Not only is he the first African-American President, shattering the image of America being a racist country,  but he also has a vital opportunity to be the Democrat version of President Ford, bridging some gaps between people that have grown to Grand Canyon widths and finding a way to bring decency and respect back to the office.  That’s why I mentioned Obama in a positive note in the opening parts of the book, and if someone ticks me off enough, I might write him into the book, personally wishing Eric good luck before the portal.  I really have nothing against our new president, despite being of different views.

And that’s the way it should be, for a lot of people, which isn’t quite found here in the online world.  I have a golden rule for those willing to edit and critique my work:  Be honest, be thorough, and be civil.  I don’t mind if you disagree with me or think that I’m not exactly the next big thing online, just don’t be an asshole.  There’s too much of that online.  Eric would want the same way; wishing to hear an honest debate on varying topics or problems and hoping that he can find a good way to address whatever problem in front of him.

Principle 9

Glenn: The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

Eric: Any government over you, regardless of it’s nature, is not your master.  They are your servants, and they are here for the people they govern.

That is something King Acorn made sure that Princess Sarah remembers.  Being a monarch has a responsibility for their people.  The King (or Queen) exists to represent the country of Vintanos and all who reside there.  Ruling with the people’s best interests in mind, instead of being a heavy handed master over everyone they see, is how one properly rules a kingdom.  After all, not even the tightest of grip would keep people from leaving the country of a tyrannical ruler, or worse, staging a violent and bloody revolt.

Nothing in Blood and Metal would depict this principle more than the factors surrounding Nicolas and Eric.  The Captain of the Royal Guard is next in line after a single Princess, and he feels that it would be best to take control over everything in Vintanos and put the city into a war footing, in the goal of taking on Alberect in a traditional ground war.  It is the people’s resistance to Alberect’s rule that caused Sarah to assume the throne as ‘Acting Monarch.’

As the story progresses, the populace would start to learn more about the Republic style of government that Eric’s America comes from and would want that kind of rule in Vintanos.  In fact, if Nicolas starts to talk with the people discussing Sarah’s ability to rule further down the story, he might be shocked to hear that, although some would agree with him about Sarah, that they might like to see Eric—alien though he is—marry her and take up the throne, saying that he’s got a firmer grasp on things.

This will bring things to a head when Blood and Metal reaches its climatic stage, where Nicolas appears to be the dinosaur unable to cope with the evolution of the world around them, an evolution Eric rides up to the climatic scene where the two finally clash.


My remixed principles are still in a state of flux; while I’m sure I got the spirit of what I have in mind down, there will be details that can be adjusted in time.  As I’m writing Blood and Metal, I’ll also be connecting with other people, creating a network as I promote my book and getting out of that hikikomori hole in the meantime.  I’m certain that these principles can be improved on, both in the book as well as in my personal life, and this site’s blog will show it.

PostHeaderIcon Welcome to Terran Franklin

March 30th, 2009Author: DavidFoxfire

. . . the official blog of the coming novel series “Blood and Metal.”  [Sometimes abbreviated as ‘BAM’]  My name’s David Gonterman alias David Foxfire, the author of these books, and main blog writer.  I’ll be using this blog to not only promote, and in time even tell, the stories in these books, but also to talk about the topics and themes behind this madness I’m writing.

banframk For example, what does that title of this little slice of digital heaven mean?  “Terra” is a second name for “Earth,” which is where Eric Krockett, the title character, came from.  The people of Maatla, the Redwall-style world this story will take place on, will prefer to call his home world ‘Terra’ because ‘Earth’ sounds just too silly.  And ‘Franklin’ would be the name of the magazine Eric will make to share where he came from and what his homeland is all about.  It’s named after one of that country’s founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin.

It’s part of the theme I was playing with when I decided to dig up the old fanfict from ten years ago and recreate it in an all original world.  But instead of anything copyrighted from any company, I dropped on this all-furry character world the ultimate in “The Gods Must Be Crazy” style Coke Bottles:  The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The idea was the commutation of a long brewing desire for me to see America get away from what this country has been doing for well over a decade—I’m not going to pick a side here, BAM isn’t a Left/Right/Red/Blue/Republican/Democrat story, not by a long shot—and back to the values and spirit that helped founded this country.  Not everyone would be on the same side politically, but I think everyone can agree with me when I say that, by the time the 2008 election was going on, which began at around Thanksgiving 2006—OH MY GOD!!—I was wishing I could reboot America with a Control-Alt-Delete.  I’ve destroyed several keyboards trying to do this.  In fact, when I got my new laptop over at E-Bay, I added a second USB keyboard so I won’t break ‘my precious.’

I started the first book last November during National Novel Writing Month, but I didn’t know whatever or not I wanted to move any further beyond it.  It was just something I used to see if I could write a 50,000 word book in under 30 days.  I did.  Shattered that deadline by 9 days.  But by the time some people would want to start he second draft of this story, I ran into the major inspiration to make this version of BAM my major project:  Glenn Beck getting on Fox News with his 9-12 project.

Man, Fox News, your pictures are so exploitable.

I might have been a wee too jaded by the sordid way Bush won the election—through the courts!  I consider the 2000 election a draw—to have seen it, I merely saw it like this:  A bunch of Islamic Assholes (Please note, I use that word a lot.  If that requires me to put up a PG rating, please advise) parked two perfectly good, loaded, and booked airplanes two-thirds the way up the World Trade Center, and half the people in the world cheered, the other half was wanting to execute Bush for that deed.  I wondered if there was something I missed, and Mr. Beck, that pasty faced, double chinned, ADD up to his eyeballs, would cry worse than Tammy Faye—HEY GLENN, JOESPH SMITH TOLD ME TO TELL YOU TO GET BACK ON THOSE M&MS—saw something on the day after that I kinda forgotten.  The people of America, from many points on the political spectrum and from all walks of life, came together as a country.  People were settling their differences and supporting each other.  They recognized their petty differences for what they were and realized that we’re all in this together.  It was something that was lost by all the rhetoric and vitriol that would come, and it was a lot of it.

I doubted that we could get to that place again, even after another attack.  Too many people would be too scarred by the time between 9-12-01 and today that they’d blame Obama for it.  But that didn’t stop Glenn for starting his 9-12 Project where he set up a way for the Nation to return to what really matters to them.

I grant you, his way won’t be the only way to that place.  When I signed up on a 9-12-themed forum, I put down that I believed in a personally-remixed version of his 9 Principles and 12 Beliefs.  I’ll be showing the remixed foundation here so you can see where me and Glenn differs, but I’m convinced that, although we might have differencing points of view, we’re definitely looking toward the same goal.

Dittos with the way I’ll be participating in this movement.  I’m an 40-something Aspergers-ridden ne’er do well who stays in his apartment all the time.  I was the kid in school people would think that I’d just snap and shoot up the school at any moment in my youth.  (During the 80s!)  I could very well be the kind of guy you’d be scared of, that quiet guy who keeps to himself while he’s giving his Dexter Morgan starter set the needed service.  I might not be able to lead any demonstrations and probably won’t be able to attend any protests because the busses don’t run at that time.  But I can write a good story.  At least some people would say that.  And if I can write a story where an All-American young man ends up in another planet and starts his country over, and hopefully makes that country even better than its original, and if that story inspires others to improve their own world or at the very least, lifts their spirits or even enjoys reading it, it’ll be worth my time writing it.

Right now, as I’m typing this, Book 1 of Blood and Metal is in the second draft, and the web site is in its ‘Soft Launch’ phase.  As I finish up the nooks and crannies of the code and graphics and have a book that’s more in a presentable light, I’ll be able to make regular posts here with the hopes that I can have my own little group in this thing much larger than myself, or any of us for that matter.

And if it earns me enough money so that I can pay my bills and not have to worry about finances anymore, more power to me.