Disneyland: Storm the Castle is currently a chat-room/BBS/Table Top RPG [TTRPG] based on the RPG series by Square Enix and The Walt Disney Company, and is being designed to be an easy to learn and follow Role Playing Game while still retaining the feel of more popular and expansive TTRPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. It’s still in development at the time of this writing, but it will be played and tested on the Disney Echo (http://new.disneyecho.emuck.com), with appropriate edits and revisions as the players work on. With luck, this game can be translated into it’s own RPG or in published form, but that’s too far in the future right now. Those who know me would recognize the title almost immediately. I’ve made a fanfict set in Disneyland where I drag some poor Joe Schmo through a Disneyfied wringer going up against practically every Disney Villain ever made and then some as he discovers that Uncle Walt inadvertently created a composite multiverse out of the movies his company made. The story was poo-pooed, lampooned, and out and out flamed--and the story deserved it--but it was also so far on the bleeding edge of the knife it wasn’t funny. Because that storyline was very similar in nature to the RPG Kingdom Hearts, which is set in multiple Disney Movies, with some good bits of the Final Fantasy series thrown in for that Emeril-style BAM! Imagine Mickey Mouse hob-knobbing with Moogles. (Cute white furry rabbits with bat wings, for the uninitiated) Then try to get that image out of your head. Sorry about that, Adam Sessler. Kupo. Ever since I heard of the series, I’ve been toying to bring back Storm the Castle but never had an excuse to do so, until I became the Numero Uno bad boy in the Disney Echo. Their occasional Role Plays and the occasional request that I run one, (Ph334 me, Rich-domo. Ph334 me with great 4e4r.) has caused me to make this Role Playing Game. It’s similar in nature to the Role Plays that dot the chat rooms in the Internet, but I also have a simplified versions of RPG features involved which will give the feel of a table top Role Playing Game. I hope that it’s more enjoyable than controversial.