Mickey Mouse (©Disney): Lv0—Playing Castmember

"Aw, Come on, pal. I've been doing stuff like this since the Depression Era; you haven't done a tenth as much as I have, heh-heh."

One of the oldest Cartoon Characters and by far the most famous, Mickey offered to be Adam's partner in his quest. Despite his famous personality and 'Only as old as you feel' attitude toward being 75 years old, his age does grant him the experience and knowledge about the Dimension Shift version of Disneyland Adam will appreciate. Also having done prankerish and scrappy things similar to what Adam is known for is a plus.

Mickey has played a lot of roles in his 75-year career, from Riverboat Captain to Muskateer, and can easily assume any of these roles and more with a quick costume change, acquiring any needed skill at will. It requires d4 turns for a costume change to go through, which includes finding a place to change.

Also, because of his ability to change jobs on the fly, Mickey can save his '+1's from Leveling up and keep them for when and where he needs them.

Phy: 6 Men: 12 Agi: 18
Action Roll: 12
Life Points: 12/12
Magic Points: 12/12

Score: 9 (91 points needed for Lv1)
Whuffie: 25,009

Current Role: None
Current Outfit: A shirted and long legged version of the outfit he’s famous for. (Gloves, Shorts, Shoes)