Minnie Mouse (©Disney)  Castmember

Mickey Mouse's lifetime girlfriend—some would call her his wife, though that's debatable—who will be tagging along off and on throughout Mickey's adventures.  Not that she wants to be a fifth wheel in the works; she sincerely wants to help.

Jessica Rabbit (©Disney/Amblin) Castmember

Just because she's drawn bad doesn't mean that she always dresses the part.  At the Demo part, she's wrearing a conservative housewife style dress with sensible shows and her flowing hair tied back.  Of course it doesn't hide her full figure any.

Roger Rabbit (©Disney/Amblin)  Castmember

The title character of the Life/Animated crossover film Who Framed Roger Rabbit
is still stirring up mayhem trying to get the brass of The Walt Disney Company to make another film or even a short with him in it.  To this day, he is nieve twoard the brass's incompetence.