From: (David Gonterman) Subject: Review of S: TMC #1 Date: 1997/07/27 Message-ID: <> X-Deja-AN: 259440723 Organization: FoxFire Studios Reply-To: Newsgroups: Subj: Review: Sonic: The Mobian Chronicles #1 Date: 97-07-26 11:10:51 EDT From: HersheyFF To: Asrial Cat CC: DGonterman, Amy Rose12, CC: EGFox1284,, JulieSu01 Sonic: The Mobian Chronicles Episode #1 Fall Into Grace Art and Story by David Gonterman Note: If you haven't read it yet, point yer web browser to Uh....spoilers in were warned. :) Our story starts out with Sally falling. Seem familiar? Yup. However, the little caption boxes assure us that Sal's life won't end with a *SPLAT!* Next page: Right before Sally becomes Squirrel Pancakes, Sonic zooms in and catches her and leaves her with......Antione? Seems like David's totally redone Ant's character. No more little army uniform, no more little toupee.....Two words for y'all...... THANK GOD! Ant still sports that French accent though. Oh well, least the dumb clothes and toupee are gone. :D Ok, anyway, next page. Guns pointed at Sal and Ant. Antione proceeds to pull out a deck of bloody cards for this liddle dilemma. He pretty much cleans up those bots with the cards. Re-enter Sonic, with Antione asking why Sonic has to be 'So Phracking Gross?' Seems like the "friendship" between Sonic and Ant hasn't changed. Thanks, Dave! :) panel, Robuttnik looks like he's crying, saying he won't forget this day. Sonic proceeds to flick him off. That seems to have irked 'Botnik as he yells that it isn't over, with Sonic responding that he's counting on it. Next page, Sonic and Knuckles are fighting. This time, over Sally's almost-death. Knuckles: You see me blaiming Ken Penders over this? Sonic goes on to say that David and Penders buried the hatchet. Knuckles continues to argue until Sally enters. Third panel is pretty good. Anime sweatdrops....nice touch. Raymond Acorn thanks his daughter and begins a Freedom Fighter meeting. Those present are: Sonic, Sally, Tails, Knuckles, Ant, Bunnie, Rotor, Sera and Uncle Chuck. Raymond speaks of 'The Ancients'. I'm assuming that's the humans a loooooooong time ago. Guys, if you don't have a clue about this, check out Dave's web page and look at the timeline. It's pretty nifty, actually. :) Ok, Mr. Acorn continues to say that they want 'A Good, Fast Ending' before damage is too great. Not too fast, please. I'm beginning to enjoy this Comic Series, seeing as Archie looks like their Sonic Comic is going down the toilet. There _are_ a few fanmade chars in this comic....T-Bone and David Kintobor. Anyways....Sera suddenly speaks up, wondering where David is. Sonic, Tails and Sera begin to search for him, Sonic wondering how Acorn could forget about David. Seems like David was Robotnik's son. Make that Julian Kintobor's son. Back in our time, he invented the Mobius Virus, which 'sterelizes humans as it made lesser animals the dominant species'. You guessed it: People get hysterical and blame the Kintos. David even lost his arm as the evil seed was planted in Julian. Julian used the roboticizer to give David a new arm, then stuck him in a stasis tube for 1000 years. Julian then proceeds to put himself in one too. 1000 years later: Sera and the others find them. Looks like Sera has a crush on David, kinda like the one Sailor Aquis has on.... Ahem. Nevermind. Lemme take a moment to say a few things about the comic so far. David has put a few aspects of the Anime into this, something unexpected, yet something that helps the comic be better than Archie's. Yes, you heard me right. I personally thought S:TMC #1 was _better_ than StH #51. Why? For one thing, David Gonterman's artwork is so much better than Sam Maxwell's. Another thing: David can write better than Penders and Bollers. Good Story + Good Artwork=Great Comic. I also like the way David draws Knuckles. The Aussie hat that was in the Anime is a nice touch. :) As for Antione, it's a little odd, after a few years of seeing him as a wuss, to be seeing him as a heroic guy. Hey, I'm willing to stick with it and see what David has planned. I'm happy Ant has a new look, but him being like Gambit.....well, I'll stick with the comic. :P :) Fan-Made characters: I pray David doesn't go overboard on these. David Kintobor is a very nice addition to the comic, BTW, and we don't see T-Bone in this ish, but I hope the focus of TMC sticks with the core Freedom Fighters: Sonic, Sally, Tails, Sera, and David. I dearly hope David doesn't completely blow off the other FFs and focus on one. The Freedom Fighters are a team. It seems Archie has _forgotten_ that. Otay, back to the story. Next page tells how 1000 years _did_ pass. Julian was treated as a hero and David was betrothed to Sera. But, a little while after that, there was the R.O.C.C. explosion. I think David has the full story on that _somewhere_, so ask him. ;) R.O.C.C. is Retro Orbiting Chaos Compresser. There was a comic in Disney Adventures. The reason why I say go to David is that he has it scanned in and online _somewhere_.....uh, I think. Yell at me if I'm wrong, Dave. ;) The ROCC explosion turned Julian Kintobor into Dr. Robotnik. Check out the last panel, page 11. Makes you feel sorry for poor Kinto. Huh, turns out, _Sera_ is the princess of Mobius, as she explains next page that David was the first victim, not her father, the king, who was thrown into the void, _never_ to return. Once Sera finishes the story, they begin to pick up something on their scanners. Hmph. Looks like something either A) Died or B) Hasn't taken a bath in 3 months, 'cause Sonic and Sera are smelling something pretty bad. They follow their noses and find David under a tree. He claims he wants to be left alone, but Sera picks him up and drags him off. Boy, that girl's got spunk. :) Next page: Sonic's not looking too happy. He's just removed David's metal arm so no one gets hurt. Smart move Sonic! Unfortunately, David's not too grateful, telling Sonic that once he gets down, he's gonna wish Robotnik had gotten to Sonic first. Sonic's response? Razz him. :P Raymond Acorn, meanwhile, is *trying* to calm David down. Nice try. David's on a roll now, yelling at Sonic. We go through about three panels of ranting about how he and his father took the heat and went through #ell for 10 centuries, only for David to become the son of Robotnik. Uh, second panel, Sonic looks like he's zooming up, as David asks, "Whatta ya gonna spin dash into Sonic? My other arm? One of my legs? My head?! ...just do it and get it over with." Raymond walks up to David and tells him that he's gonna get down and join them Why? 1) His father is regarded as a hero for the Mobian Virus 2) That they only punish the person responsible for the crime 3) Because it's the right thing to do and David isn't evil. Uh, lesse, next page, David comments on how his Father's "death" is like Anakin Skywalker and he sure isn't any Jedi Knight(Got that right. ) David kinda looks pretty bad.....bu-ut.... Julian shows up! Father and Son hug, while Raymond comments about an AI. AI? Nuh-uh. Uncle Chuck explains that before the ROCC accident, Julian copied his knowledge and personality into the computer, which Chuck connected to their network. He considers it to be the _real_ Julian Kinto. And he can still care for his son through cyberspace.....whatta dad. :) It seems Sera's been standing by the door the whole time and asks Uncle Chuck if she could stay in there with David so she can see him when he wakes back up form the VR thing. The big question.....Does David intend on staying with the FFs? His answer? Yes. (Did we ever doubt him? ;) Sonic grins, and asks, "So, Davey-kins, you're not gonna being saying those four magic words anytime soon?" Uh, four magic words? Enlighten me. "I've got a better line. Let's hear it for a Free Mobius!" Oh ye-ah! I knew dat. Hehe. Last page, we get a _very_ good picture of all the freedom fighters: "TO A FREE MOBIUS!" Last panel, Dr. Robotnik grinning evilly. "To a Free Mobius, yeah right." Hehe, my comments? I _loved_ it. Flat out adored it. Let's hope this fast route that Raymond talked about won't be _too_ fast. I can recall awhile ago when David said, "David Gonterman on the story + Spaz on the artwork=A kick-butt comic Archie will never make." David, lemme change something in that..... Gonterman on story + Gonterman on art = Sonic : The Mobian Chronicles aka Something Archie will never achieve. :P :) David has a lot more talent at drawing than some Archie artists. My _only_ complaint is that one liddle part where Sonic and Knuckles fight, bringing David and Ken Penders' little, uh, fight thingy. I personally just want to forget Penders, ok? -Liz Veeneman ----- "I can see the light..." "It's warm, Michiru..." -Michiru and Haruka David Furry Code v1.2 FcFRMf1dfmw (Jonathan Brisby ) /CFcm2admsw (David Kintobor ) C-DH+++M+P+R--T++wZ+Sm+ RLAaCn++++d++e++f+h-iwf++p*sm AOL+++Sonic+Sailor Moon+++ FoxFire Studios--------