Barby related all. "Fred, Rick, and I already had full glasses so we didn't let them refill ours. We saw you fall asleep. They took something and we tried to stop them. They killed Fred and Rick and wounded me." "But Barby, what DID they take?" "Our young ones! Wombat Stu, Matti, Callista, your Liz Sally, and Tails!" Marshank Inc. Presents OF SLAVERS AND WARRIORS Part two: Searchers and wanderers All StH related Characters-Sega and Archie Comics Deepblade, Raza, all slavers, Ringo, Jabez, Matti, Callista, Dhorba, Rocko, Kalamka-Liz Veeneman Miyasha-Miyasha1 Sasha Prower-Rottin Kid? Guosim-originally created by Brian Jacques Guosim-Liz Veeneman(There's a difference, so back off Brian!) Liz Raccoon-Stephanie and Melissa Johnson All BaM related stuff-David Gonterman Plot line-Brian Jacques<-----He rocks(Mattimeo) Ryan Nightweaver-Ryan Huber Tails awoke to a branch being brought down hard on his back. He looked up to see Deepblade weasel hitting him with a willow whith. He tried to give the little weasel a piece of his mind but he couldn't seems to get up. He was chained! Deepblade laughed. "No silly old panther or blue hedgehog to stop me! Take that and that and that and-" Deepblade's paw travelled too close to Tails. The two-tailed fox grabbed it and started beating the $#!* out of the weasel. Threeclaws came in and roughly separated them. A female badger helped Tails up. "That's Threeclaws. I'd stay on his good side. I'm Kalamka. My name means quick-witted. Who are you?" "I'm Tails." Suddenly, Liz woke up. "Hey! Why am I chained up? Haven't you vermin ever seen Born Free?" Halftail came up and put his nose up to Liz's. "Listen, missy, one more word outta you and I'll tickle you to sleep with my blade. Got it?" Liz had never been more terrified. An icey claw of fear gripped Sonic's heart. Sally stood up. "Sonia! They'll be with Sonia!" "Sal, you gotta believe Barby! They're gone! But don't worry, I'll bring them back!" "Sonic, your not leaving without me and that's final." Sally went to stand with Sonic. Ryan came in. "I second that! Count me in!" He went over to them. Knuckles the Echidna spoke. "I may not be best friends with you, but it's a threat to Mobius. I'm going too!" "Then it's settled! Miya, Davey, Sonia, your in charge of Knothole while we're gone!" The four headed South, for south was the way slavers always went. It was raining, hard. But they plodded on. "Hellgates and Darkthunder! We need to leave, quickly!" Raza yelled. She and her slavers ran at top speed, dragging along the slaves. It appeared Raza wanted to be out of Knothole and surrondin area by midmorning. The rain fell hard as Raza looked back. Her enemys had to stop because of the rain. She set up a makeshift den and whispered something to one of her slavers. Wedgeback went to where Tails was chained up. "Raza wants you." He said as he unchained him from the slave line. He walked into the makeshift den. Raza patted a soft fern seat beside her and sounded almost friendly. "Come here Tails and try not to fall asleep but first...." She whipped of her harkequin mask. Raza's face was like that of a normal wolfs on the left side. The right side was hideous! Everything was dead except the eye. The gums were a mottled purple and green while it had no fur on that side. Tails could not tear his eyes away from the hideous site. Raza laughed. "Look at me, aren't I a pretty one?" Tails swallowed. "H-how did that happen?" "A long time ago, or that's what it seems like, my Father and I ruled the South Lands. This was about six or seven seasons ago. Anyway, we had slaves, power! But one day, a fierce eyed warrior, the Mace, came and slew my father. I was left to die. The Knotholers found me and took me towhere they were staying. They put me in a place called the infirmery.Oh,they said it was only temporary but I knew better! I sneaked away, stealing little baubles as a price for locking me away. An ancient mouse, some buffer named Tanaka, got in my way. So I killed him. It was no great fight. He smashed his head against a wall and that was that. I was forced to flee. Had I not, I would have gotten out unharmed. I found a place and hid there until the Knotholers stopped looking for me. An adder was in there, probably sicced out by that Davey Crockett fella. It bit me in the jaw and carried me off. Anybeast would be instantly slain, but I lived, thanks to my knowledge of healing." "You lie! Knotholers would not deprive creatures of their freedom!" Raza put the mask back on with a flick of her paw. "Who are you to say that? Take him back." Raza watched as Tails was carried off. "Tell your friend the mouse you have spoken to the daughter of Lokan." The four travelers came upon the cart of Raza. "Huh, it's abandoned!" Ryan muttered. A small wolf yelped in surprise and tried to run off, but Ryan caught him. "Here now, who are you and what are you doing?" "My name's Anil. I'm looking for my companions who I was helping." "Who are they?" A raccoon and a ferret entered. "Anil! There you are! oh, hello strangers. I'm Ringo Raccoon and the ferret is Jabez. I believe you've met Anil." Introductions were made as Sonic spoke. "So, why are you after the wolf?" "Because he stole my son Rocko!" Jabez said badtemperdly. "And he took my Dhorba." Ringo said solomnly. "We'll go with you. We've spotted them up ahead by that cave. It's about a half a mile off." "You say your Sonic. Why don't you use your speed?" "In this weather?! That would be suicide." Tails by now had related the story to Liz, Matti, Callista, Kalamka, Stu, and his new friends Rocko Ferret and Dhorba Raccoon. Matti spoke of what happened. "If she's the daughter of Lokan, then her real name's Scrala, or at least it was then. We found her half dead. I was young, and couldn't speak but I could hear and see well enough. We took her in and cared for her. In return, she took things belonging to some freedom fighters and killed old Tanaka. She ran and was never heard from again until now." Liz began whining again. "Why did they have to take me? Why not Davey, or Sonia, or even Guru? Why me?" Tails had had enough of Liz's complaints. "Oh, just shut up, Liz!" He snapped. Callista snapped back at him. "Tails! You know Sonic wouldn't treat anyone that way!" Tails pouted. "Well, why do I always have to act like him?" "Because you are his apprentice. One day, you will take his place! Creatures look to you for strength!" Tails was dumbfounded. "Take the slaves into the cave. Make sure there are footprints. Then take them out, but cover up the footprints! Then, hide them so those freedom fighters won't see them. Threeclaws, Halftail, Vitch, you come with me," Raza ordered. Sonic and co. walked up to the cave and hid. "Okay, here's the plan. We will ambush them. Leave the food here so it doesn't get in the way." Raza, Threeclaws, Halftail, and Vitch walked up atop the cave so the seven couldn't see them. 4 poles were waiting. "Choose a pole and when I say now, push them so the rubble will fall on them. Okay?" The slavers nodded. Sonic looked up and noticed that the rain had finally stopped. "Okay......go!" "FUUUUUR AND FREEEEEEDOM!" "MOBIUS FOOOOOREEEEEEEEEVEEEEER!!" "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLLL!!!!!" "NOW!" Seven warriors ran into the cave. Four pairs of vermin paws pushed the poles. And eight creatures jumped up to see rubble fall upon the ones they loved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phew! That's enough for one Chapter! Next time in Of Slavers and Warriors: Meet Sir Harry the Muse the V See the mighty horde of Janga Find out who is after Kalamka And see the young one become a warrior! All in Part Three of OF SLAVERS AND WARRIORS Brought to you by Marshank Inc.