The remains of the lab is combed over by a vanload of scientists. They picked that place clean, searching for anything they might be interested in. But, all they can do is look at each other and shake their heads. They'll won't find anything of interest there as much as they won't know that they're being watched. Especially by a rat with a holographic gyroscope. Another rat, much younger than this rat in question approaches him. "All of the captured rodents are recovered and accounted for, Justin." "Good going, Rasco. Er, anything left for these scientists?" "No way. What we didn't pick up, that Zannie dude in that freaky armor picked up. Even though he didn't get the formula, he sure runs a tight ship." "Hmmm, all that's needed now is for Jonathan to contact us. Where's that mousie at?" "He's still hooked up with those Rangers I told you about, I suspected he'd stay, with what I've heard from the grapevine." "So have I. Ras, that tree the Rescue Rangers lives in isn't far from where Mrs. Brisby is visiting. Send word to her and tell him that we need to talk." "Will do." _________________________________ FoxFire Studios Presents: The Rangers of NIMH II: Gadget Hackwrench and the Rats of NIMH Based on 'Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers' by The Walt Disney Company and 'The Secret of NIMH' by Sullivan-Bluth Studios __________________________________________ Part 1: "Yoo-hooooo, over here, you silly humans! Yer ain't gonna find anything over there! Ha-ha, made you look!" Jonathan Brisby was having some yucks at the expense of the scientists and what he calls their 'Stupid Human Tricks.' Gadget Hackwrench was mere standing by and giggling at her new boyfriend's comical teasing. Monterey Jack was inside fixing up his prized Cheese Chowder when he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to find a shy field mouse in a flowing blue cape. Montey: "Hello, ma'am. Something we can do for you?" Mouse: "H-hello. Is this the Rescue Rangers--" Montey: "Right you are miss. Come on inside. I'm Monterey Jack." Mouse: "Thank you. I'm Jennifer, and I'm looking for my great- grandson, and I've heard he's here. Jonathan Brisby by name." Montey: "You're heard right, love. I'll whistle him down for y-y-y-y- y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y" Jennifer: "Pardon?" Montey: "Your great-grandson?" She nods. Montey: "Then that makes you--" Jonathan: "Grandma Jenny!" Jennifer turned around to see the mouse she was looking for, the two greeted each other in a hug. Gadget: "You know her, JB?" Jonathan: "Yeah, I do. Gadget, Monterey, this here's Jennifer Brisby. She's the widow of the original JB." She curtseyed. Montey: "Too-la-loo, you look exactly like the one in the Movie, Mrs. Briz." Gadget: "Golly, if you're his great-grandmother, you don't look the age." Jennifer: "Why, thank you. But really, you should thank this stone Little Johnny wears." She lifted it up with one finger, and it flashed, making her jerk her hand back, as if she touched something unbearably hot. Jonathan: "The amulet's kinda developed a 'tude while I've been weaning it, Grandma. That's why I always wear these gloves, you see?" Jennifer was cooling her finger with her mouth. "And be dressed like a Toon? No thank you." _____________________________________ Jennifer continues her story over hot tea. "I used that stone to move my old farm home--by myself, no less." Montey: "I believe you lass. We've seen that stone in action. Jennifer: "Hmm-hmm. And later on I realized that I'm still having it's affects, and it's not just these burn marks on my hands. It changed me, inside. It did to me . . . what the experiments from NIMH did to my husband." Gadget: "Golly!" JB: "Yeah. Imagine the blow-away when she passed that blood test. She has the same effects as the Rats had. Not only had she grown more intelligent, but she also got a longer lifeline. But that little feature was a little bittersweet." Gadget: "How come?" JB: "Statistically, Country Mice don't live as long as City Mice. It's probably an environment thing. I was raised in the city, so I can't speak for them, but that's the reason why Mrs. Brisby outlived three out of her four kids, and a vast majority of her grandchildren." Gadget: "Oh." Jennifer sighs: "I often dreamt of growing old, while the man that I love remained a young mouse. I didn't expect to see the dream from the other end. It wouldn't have been that bad if I didn't have to bury my children, and not the other way around. But then I was able to see him." She points to Jonathan. "Little Johnny here looked and smelled exactly like my husband. He even has the spots on the right places. I simply *had* to give him his name and amulet." Monterey and Gadget was listing to her story with relish. JB, however, has heard this story a million times, and was patiently waiting for her to finish only to humor his Great-Grandmother. "Well, there's more to you showing up than just to tell my new friends how you threatened to fry everyone with The Stone unless you call me Jonathan Brisby." He took out a paper from his vest. "Justin's pining away for this report, ain't he?" Jennifer: "He's not that bad, JB! He knows that you're with your friends and will bring it to us when you can . . . especially with you, Gadget. Is it true, that your father . . . " Gadget nodded. "Yes'm, I'm a NIMH Rat too. Dr. Ages found that out. Daddy was one of the ones that got sucked down the vent and lived." Jennifer ah'd. "I know some of them did survived. I know that one of them actually mailed himself to my old home. Why we at Thorn Valley ever heard more of them, I don't know." Gadget: "Hmm...You know, I've been thinking of going to Thorn Valley with JB, even if just to visit, but I don't know. What about the Rescue Rangers?" Montey: "What about the Rescue Rangers, Gadget Love?" JB, Gadget, and Jennifer turned to see the Aussie Mouse, who was looking melancholy outside a window. Montey: "This place can't hold anything for us anymore, Mates. Especially from what I hear from the Disney Brass. You know that Fringe Crap I've been telling you about? Miramax? People from the American Way? All this Political garbage that Michael Eisner brought with him that's got a stranglehold of that company? Well, it's getting worse, and it's making Uncle Walt turn over in his urn. Heck, even Mickey Mouse left Disney over it, finally." Gadget: "He finally left? Golly!" Jonathan: "You're kidding. That mouse *made* Disney." Monterey: "I'm as serious as one of Walt's strokes. He's roaming the US looking for talent to make his own little kingdom the way his old man would make it. I hear he's hooking up with a FanFict Web Writer from St. Louis first. Maybe we should hook up with something else as well, like the Legendary Rats of NIMH. Do you think they won't mind the Rescue Rangers moving to Thorn Valley?" Jonathan: "I dunno, let's ask them." Jennifer: "I'm sure they'll won't mind." Gadget: "Then let's do it!" ____________________________________________ The foursome loaded up the Ranger Plane with whatever they would hold them for a few days. "Don't worry about the rest, guys," JB told them, "I'm sure they'll help with the rest." And prepared to fly to Thorn Valley. Montey: "What's with the blindfold, Mrs. Briz?" Jennifer: "Oh? You've gotta excuse me, I'm still a touch afraid of heights, but I'll be okay as long as I don't have to see it. Little Johnny here can lead you there." Jonathan hopped in next to Gadget--the pilot--while Monterey and Jennifer took the back. (It was by this time that Zipper finally showed up, whom Montey quickly called him to come before they left the fly.) "I know the place like the back of my hand." Gadget got ready to take off, but she had to stop to let a flock of crows to pass. Montey: "Crikey! What did they do? Build a skyway by our tree?" Jennifer: "Oh, be patient on them, Monterey. Some of my best friends are crows." Gadget and JB gave each other a 'Is she crazy or just senile?' looks. Jonathan: "Tell me about it? Sometimes I don't watch myself and wonder that the Scientists shot *her* up with." Jennifer's laugh caught her off-guard for the rush from the Ranger Plane taking off for the skies, and heading for the countryside, rising in altitude for the long trip to what they will find to be the planet's largest rodent community. ============================================ All right, True Believers. Let's see how long I can bring *this* baby? And this time, I don't see anything--or any ONE--to piss me off and stop me.