Jamie's hair and collar BY davidfoxfire Published: August 8, 2011 With this sketch I wanted to take out several items that take place between one of the lesser but still important early scenes in the story: Jamie's bonding with Jasmine. The relationship would be mother/child like in a way, although some other trappings are used. On the record, Jasmine would call the child her apprentice, but it's quite informal. (First names instead of "Mistress" or "My Lady") At first, I decided on the hair. Since Jasmine just lets her hair float around her head with complete disregard for gravity, she felt that Jamie's hair should follow suit. so the braids come off and the hair just falls down off her back. Personally, I think Jamie's hair would be simply lovely at this natural state. From the start, Jasmine made it clear that she doesn't consider Jamie as a slave, but there will be others in the world who would just snatch her up as one just off the street. It was the number one reason why she decided to keep her. There's also the need to keep an eye on her when she's far away. Hence this modified collar of gold with a crystal jem. With it on Jamie, Jasmine will know where she is at all times, and can even channel her abilities through her if need to. The presence around her neck alone would be enough to keep the feebs away from the child, but if they do, they find out why I origianlly made Jamie McIndy a female Yugi Motou. Once Jasmine puts the collar on, she's able to talk to her telepathy, as part of the bond. Through this link, Jasmine is able to dump not only Hubworld's common language (a spoken language similar to Mandarin, and a Written language similar to Hiragana and Katakana. She also gets a little primer on the customs and etiquite of this new world so that, although she still klutz through it all, won't come off as being a total uncivilized dunce. It is here where Jasmine finds out about the loss of her parents (Jamie was 9-11'ed, so to say), the bleak future she had in her world by shuttling from Foster Parent to Foster Parent before being dumped on the street without a word, and the longing for Jasmine to fill a parent-shaped hole in her heart. And dispite her initial misgivings (Do I have the right to do this? But it seems that there's noone else. Someone has to be there for her, and it looks like that someone is me.) she does. Jamie gets images of her head with what Jasmine will be to her. A parent's touch, a friend's hug, a lover's embrace, a big sister holding hands with her, Jasmine became all that and more. (Well, It wasn't like Jas exactly knew what the child wanted out of her, even with that telepathic link. They are from different worlds and found each other in a third, after all. The most they have is each other.) Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License These are the notes of not only the bonding scene, putting Jasmine and Jamie's relationship in more detail, but also to show what Jamie's hair will be like without that hairbow. She'll just let it hang down, over her shoulders and down her back. Simple, yet elegant. EDIT: It would help if I set it to Literature, would it?