[SOL int.] Mike and Gypsy are talking in low voices-we can't hear what they're saying. They talk for a few seconds. Suddenly we hear the grinding of metal. Mike and Gypsy look around. MIKE: What's that? [Servo and Crow enter from the left with space gear on.] CROW: Mike! We just sent the Mir out into space! MIKE: Oh, is that all? [shocked] What?!? If you didn't do it right, the Mir could be propelled into space or burn up in the atmosphere! SERVO: Oh, is *that* why it started to fall and glow bright red? MIKE: WHAT?!? Cambot, I need Rocket Number Nine quick! [SPACE] A small red flame is falling toward Earth. MIKE[voiceover]: Oh, no! [SOL int.] MIKE: Why didn't you ask me for help getting rid of it? SERVO: Well, cuz last time you destroyed the Hubble! CROW: Yeah, killer! MIKE: I didn't mean to! SERVO: Save it! Now we need to figure out what to do with you! MIKE: For what? CROW: For destroying the Mir! MIKE: But you guys- SERVO: It's too late for excuses, killer! -movie sign- CROW: Allright, into the theater with you! Go! SERVO: Killer! [Crow and Servo push Mike off-camera.] 6...5...4...3...2...1... [Mike and the Bots enter the theater.] > > > ***************************** > > "Ah reckon, that Nagus is up to no good. But Ah shore hate guardin' these posts, >'specially late at night. Oh well, ole Rotor'll be here pretty soon." SERVO: Oh, loose the fake southerner already! > Bunnie was staring out the tiny window in the guard post that sat on the eastern >boundary of Robo...er Nagotropolis. CROW: You know the writer's getting bored with a story when he doesn't even attempt to backspace. >The landscape outside was a few bushes, a stunted tree, and a quiet stream that was a >little less than clean. MIKE: The story is turning into a descriptive poem. >Now that Nagus was there, they had to be extra careful; keeping an eye on Nagotropolis >at all times...they didn't know this wizard's style yet. CROW: Gee, what's his style? Magic? No... > Over the years, Robotnik had grown more or less predictable. He surprised them >every once in a while. But even with Doomsday, they had known about it months before >it was even completely built (thanks to Uncle Chuck). But this Nagus...he was different, SERVO: And you're always supposed to hate the guy who was different. >and his next move was a mystery. > > Bunnie sighed, and moved her eyes up to the stars, which were partially obscured >by thin gray clouds. The moon was half-full, and dim eerie shadows were cast on the >mostly bare ground outside. The air here was tinged with pollutants, making Bunnie >twitch her nose and sneeze occasionally. SERVO: Isn't it cute when rabbits sneeze? > Outside, she noticed a shadow that moved. It wasn't the shadows of clouds over >the moon, or shadows from the rustling leaves on the tree. No...this was something alive. CROW[Frankenstein]: Alive! ALIVE! > "Rotor?" she called. "Is that ya out there?" SERVO: Bunnie doesn't really have an accent, it's just poor spelling on behalf of the author. > There was no answer. But the shadow on the ground froze. The upper part looked >back and forth. > "Rotor, are ya playin' a trick on me?" She moved towards the door and pushed >it open. Her robotic feet clinked softly against pebbles at her feet. She made her >way through the sparse bushes. MIKE: Isn't a guard post supposed to be on stilts or up a tree? SERVO[Bunnie]: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... thud! > Then she saw the figure standing, tense, trying to hide behind the tree. CROW[shadow]: I'm a squirrel. Go away! >She ran towards it, knowing that it was not Rotor. The clouds blocked the moon, >and the figure lost any definition. Cbot1:>figure: um...I forgot the definition... >But Bunnie was not frightened; her legs flashed as she raced after the fleeing creature. SERVO: How could her legs flash when the moon is blocked? MIKE: Rotor installed some footlights. Heh, heh. SERVO: Stop that. > Panting, the creature tried to elude her by zigzagging through the bushes. >But Bunnie was not slowed. She simply leapt over the brush. CROW: And Bunnie Rabbot has cleared the first gate and is starting to pull ahead in the steeple chase... > She reached a hand out, and clamped it down on the figure's shoulder. Spinning >off balance, they both went down. Fists lashed out at her, but Bunnie grabbed the >wrists of the figure, and yanked it to its feet. MIKE: However, her robotic arms were so strong she tore the hands out of their joints. > "Uhhh...let go..." it whined. "Let me go!" > The voice was unmistakable. Bunnie peered into her captive's face, seeing large >frightened eyes in the dim light, and a sharp pointed nose. "Snively?" > "Let go!" was his response. > "Ah don't think so," she said, dragging him towards the guard post. > "Let go!" he repeated, trying to break free. But her hand tightened on his arm >hard enough to make him cry out in pain, and he ceased his struggle. SERVO: Poor guy. He can't be safe with anyone. > The guard post was dark inside, so Bunnie turned on the small oil lamp that sat >on the table. Normally, she didn't want to risk having the light on so close to the >city, but she wanted a better look at her captive. CROW: It's nothing much to look at, though. > "Sit down," she said, letting go of Snively, after closing the door. He obeyed, >plopping down in a rickety wooden chair. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking >down at him. "So, what are ya doin' here?" she demanded. > He raised his eyebrows, and looked up at her silently. > "Well?" > He rose up, still silent, and moved to the door. She watched as he turned the knob. > "Ahem." > The door swung open. > "Um...Snively," she said. "Come back here." > He sighed loudly, and returned to the chair. Then he put his head in his hands and let out a peculiar half-sob. SERVO: She's not even trying to stop him! What's his problem? >"Where would I go, anyway?" he whispered. CROW: Los Angeles is nice this time of year. > "Aw, whatsa matter?" she cooed. MIKE: So now she'd a bird? > He looked up at her. "Everything, Ms. Rabbot." CROW: "Ms. Rabbot"? > "Like what?" Bunnie was staring at Snively's face as if intrigued, and indeed, >she was. She leaned her face further into his, so her pink nose nearly touched his >pointed one. MIKE: They're going to make love, aren't they? SERVO: You can never tell with a fanfic. > "Ya know, Ah've never seen a human up close before," she stated suddenly. > "I've never seen a rabbit up close before," he replied. MIKE[as Snively]: Most of the time they run away from my disgusting body odor. > "That's rabbot," she said, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "Thanks ta Robotnik, >Ah'm stuck between robot an' animal." > "That's too bad." SERVO[unemotionaly]: That's too bad. Can we get back to me now? > "So, what are ya doin' here?" she asked again. > He leaned back in his chair, trying to distance himself from her. She was making >him nervous, staring at him with those thick-lashed green eyes. "Getting away from >Nagus," he said. The chair slid and he nearly fell backwards. But Bunnie grabbed him >by the shoulders, pulling him back up. He winced under her grip, biting back a whimper. SERVO[as Bunnie]: You ain't always this much of a bimbo, are 'ya? > "Are ya hurt?" she asked. > "When am I not hurt?" he muttered, then raised his voice. "Nah...Nagus just >electrocuted me the other day, that's all." > "Ya poor thang." > He sighed. "Yes, I ran to get away from Nagus, and now I'm caught by you. I >suppose you'll take me to the princess, I'll be charged guilty for my crimes, and >before I know it, I'll be swinging from the rope." > "Ah don't know. We don't kill that often." SERVO: "That often"? > He narrowed his eyes, looking intently at her. "Really, Ms. Rabbot, you think >a pitiful creature like myself with get any mercy? After the crimes I've committed >against you? I've betrayed your king, killed your kin, I've destroyed your families, >I've tortured your children, and you know what? I liked doing it." MIKE: But there's that thing with the remote, so they may just give him twelve life sentences. > "Ya didn't." > "I did." MIKE[as Bunnie]: Did not! SERVO[as Snively]: Did too! MIKE[as Bunnie]: Did not! SERVO[as Bunnie]: Did too! > She leaned her face in, close enough to kiss, and hissed. "Ya didn't like it, >Snively. Ah can see it in yer eyes." > He closed them. "They lie." > "Eyes don't lie." > "Mine do. They've had to." Then his eyes flew open, startled, as Bunnie suddenly >grabbed his hands in her paws. Her roboticized hand was cold against his skin. > "Look, Ah ain't pretendin' ta like ya or anythang. But Ah know ya ain't evil. >Ya don't have it in ya." SERVO[as Snively, hurt]: Well, thanks a lot! Makes me feel a lot better! > He pulled his hands away. "You don't know anything. But, shall I tell you my >reason for coming out here?" > "Yeah, of course." > "I wanted to join the Freedom Fighters." CROW[as Snively]: ...then betray you and kill you all! HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry, did I say that? > Her mouth opened in a round 'o' of surprise. MIKE: It's a round 'o' of savings at Minard's! >Then she snapped it shut. "Ya see, ya ain't evil." > "My motives are hardly pure, Ms. Rabbot," he said, with a chuckle. > +AH4Afg-What a wicked little snicker he has+AH4Afg-, she thought. CROW[as stupid Bunnie]: Yet he's not evil! Nope! > "I thought it out. I join you. After you kick Nagus and Robotnik out of there, >I'll resume my position as leader, and crush you once and for all." He said this with >his eyes locked directly on her face, and she felt suddenly uneasy by the >coldness in those blue depths. SERVO: But that is to be expected because oceans have an average yearly temperature of 39 degrees. > But she laughed. "So, we let ya help us, an' after we beat Nagus an' them, then we >lock ya up. Simple as that." She giggled again. "Not wise ta reveal yer plans, little one." MIKE[as stupid Bunnie]: But I still don't think you're evil! > "By then, you will have forgotten this conversation, Ms. Rabbot," he said, staring >off into the distance. > +AH4Afg-He looks stoned+AH4Afg-, she thought, and that thought set off more giggles. > "Yes, yes, go ahead and laugh," he growled, momentarily losing his I'm-high look. > CROW: Dude, hook me up with some Angel Dust, man. > "Bunnie!" > The rabbit's ears perked up. She ran to the open door of the guard post. >"Rotor!" She smiled cheerfully at the walrus as he made his way through the bushes. SERVO[exited]: And just then, Snively pulls out a gun and shoots her in the back! Right? MIKE: Calm down, Servo. > "Hey Bunnie! Brought you some tea." Rotor indicated the two thermoses he was >carrying. "Got me some coffee." > "Why thank ya, sugah." CROW[as stupid Rotor]: Oh, you wanted sugar? > "No problem." He strode into the guard post, and set the thermoses on the table. >"Oh, hiya, Snively. Wasn't expecting you." MIKE: It's the old classic "not paying enough attention" ploy. Makes us laugh every time, right guys? SERVO: Huh? Oh, right, Mike. CROW: It's a hoot. >Then his eyes widened, and he turned to Bunnie. "Um...what's he doing here?" > "He wants ta join us," said Bunnie. ALL[chanting]: Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us! > "What?" Rotor stared at the human, who stared balefully back. Although he was much >bigger than Snively, Rotor still took a step back, made uneasy by the malicious gaze. > "Him?" whispered Rotor into Bunnie's ear. "Last time I checked, he was an enemy." CROW[stupid Bunnie]: He's not evil. > "Yeah, but seems he hates Nagus more than us," she whispered back. > "I don't trust him." > "It ain't up ta us, sugah. It's up ta Sally an' the king...er...Max--Ah ain't >ever gonna get used ta that name!" > "The king?" asked Snively, who had been eavesdropping. "He's in KnotHole?" SERVO[Bunnie]: Well he certainly is knot in *my* hole! > "Of course," said Bunnie. She saw a flicker of terror in the small human's eyes, >but he looked away, trying to hide it. "Ah, told ya, we ain't gonna kill ya. Unlike >that uncle of yers, we do believe in mercy, sugah. We forgive mistakes...we won't >beat ya up fer them." MIKE[as Bunnie]: Unless it was you who stole the carrot cake from my windowsill! > He looked indignant. "He never..." > "Don't give me that. We all know that Robotnik beat the crap out of ya." MIKE: Ya pansy! > "No..." > Rotor shook his head. "Are you sure about this, Bunnie?" > "Dead shore. He's comin' with me." > Rotor sighed, then finally nodded. "But blindfolded, ok?" > "All right." > "I won't give away your precious village, walrus," said Snively. "I'm against >Nagus." He looked at Bunnie for a moment. "And Robotnik." > She walked to the door. "Ya goin' be ok here, Rote?" CROW[as Rotor]: Could you be a dear, Bunnie, and not talk like that? > "Oh yeah. Sure you can handle him by yourself?" > "Yep." > "Ok. Bye." > "Bye." MIKE: Bye. CROW: Bye. SERVO: Bye. [all leave] 1...2...3...4...5...6... [SOL int.] Mike, Crow and Servo are on the bridge. CROW: Mike, how could they have southerners on Mobius, anyway? SERVO: Yeah, and guys with French accents? MIKE: Well, I think I can answer that with this little didy... [cue bouncy music] MIKE[singing]: Mobius is a place where all countries can combine... -movie sign- MIKE[singing]: And don't look now, but we've got MOVIE SIGN! 6...5...4...3...2...1... [all enter and sit] CROW: That sketch was kind of pointless, wasn't it? > Bunnie beckoned towards Snively, and he stood up, walking over to her. Rotor >handed her a bit of cloth, and she tied it around the human's eyes. > "Jest in case," she said. > SERVO: They put the court juggler in a trunk? > > ************** > > > > "Sally, come here," said Bunnie, waving from her hut. "And bring King Acorn." > "That's Max," called the king gleefully, who had been trailing behind Sally. SERVO[keping back a chuckle]: Max. > "Whatever. Jest come in here." > MIKE: But I thought he was still locked up in the trunk. SERVO: D'oh! > > Sally and Max entered. They saw Bunnie, brushing out her headfur while peering >into her mirror. Curled up in her chair, reading, was Snively. SERVO: Yeah, one of those "action-romances". > Max briskly strode over, and grabbed him by the collar. He shook him fiercely. >"Traitor! What are you doing here?" CROW: So basicly Snively is a human hackey-sack? > Snively's eyes widened. Bunnie laid her hand on Max's arm. "King...er.. >Max, Ah brought him here." > Max released Snively. "Why? He is a traitor. And dangerous to us." > Snively straightened his shirt with an indignant sniff. MIKE[as stupid Bunnie]: He's not evil! > "He wants ta join us," said Bunnie. > Sally laughed. "I'm sure." > "It's true," said Snively, but shut up as King Acorn jabbed his nose. > "Silence!" The king's brow wrinkled into angry folds. "You will be judged most >severely, traitor." Max snatched Snively up again, and slammed him against the wall. >"You know the punishment for treason?!" he bellowed. > Bunnie reached out towards the king, but Sally grabbed her arm. "Don't Bun. SERVO[Bunnie]: Who you callin' a bun? >He's angry...but he'll calm down on his own." > "Do you?" yelled King Acorn. SERVO[forcefully]: *Do* you like Leonardo DiCaprio?!? > If Snively had an animal's ears, he would've flattened them flat against his >skull; the loudness of King Acorn's voice both hurt and scared him. He whimpered >pitifully, avoiding the king's eyes. > "Look at me," growled the king, gripping his chin and staring into his face. "Do >you know the punishment for treason?" > "It's death," whined Snively. MIKE: Correct! You win a brand new gilloutene! >"God, you're going to kill me..." His eyes suddenly filled with tears. "Go ahead, kill me. >Right now." > "I should. But I am not the total ruler anymore. It is up to the court of KnotHole >to decide your punishment." CROW: The king is such a dope, he wrote and signed his own Magna Carta. > "I deserve death," whispered Robotnik's nephew. > King Acorn gazed hard at him. "Do you wish for death?" > "I...I don't know." Tremors shook his body, and the tears spilled over his eyes, >running down his face. > "Bah." King Acorn threw Snively down onto the bed. "I shall have the court >assembled tomorrow. Bring him to the jail, Bunnie. You should've done that before." > "But he wasn't tryin' ta escape..." > "Doesn't matter. He's a clever one. As is Nagus. This could all be a very >elaborate trick." Max turned and looked again at Snively, who was wiping the tears >from his cheeks. "Remember when you came into the Void the first time?" > "Of course," said Sally. > "Well, Nagus imitated me. He shape-shifted. Who's to say that that is not him?" >He pointed at Snively. > Bunnie nodded. "Of course, Yer...Max." She held her hand out for Snively, who >took it. She pulled him off the bed. > > > ********************* MIKE: But on the floor there were razor-sharp jacks and they maimed Snively's feet. > > > She locked the jail cell, then peered through the bars at Snively. "Sorry. >Jest precautions, ya know." SERVO: Jugglers *do* have to be careful, cuz if they drop a pin... MIKE: Alright, Servo. > "Yes. But I'm not Nagus." He laughed bitterly. MIKE[Snivley]: I'm not evil! > "Ah believe ya." She raised an eyebrow. "Do ya really want ta die?" > He stared dully at the floor. "No. I don't why. My life is certainly not worth living." > "Life is precious." > "Don't give me your 'inspiring quote of the day' bullshit. Life sucks." He looked >over at her, eyes narrowed. > She sighed. "Ya jest haven't been livin' it right, honey. Ya jest have taken some >wrong turns, that's all. But ya can get on the right path, ya know." CROW: This accent is really starting to annoy me! MIKE: Just be glad Antoine is nowhere to be found. > "The shining path of righteousness, eh?" He rolled his eyes heavenward. "I just >love fighting for peace and justice, don't I? I mean, I'm a perfect angel here, no >sins on this soul." > She sighed again. "Ya obviously need some help. That sarcasm don't cover up >yer goodness, ya know. It shows in every part of ya. Ya can't hide it-ya are not evil, >no matter what ya do, ya are not evil." > "Shut up." SERVO[Snively]: Your accent is starting to hurt my head. >He closed his eyes wearily, leaning his head against the stone wall. "I'm tired." > Bunnie left the cell, after checking to make sure the door was locked. He was a >hard-ass alright. He would admit openly that he was evil, but he wouldn't admit that >he had been beaten into it. Born evil, that was it. But never, ever, had he >been forced into it. > +AH4Afg-Well, I know ya ain't evil. Ya might act evil, sound evil, but that's cause >yer afraid to be good. Ya've forgotten how, but not completely. Ah know it was ya >who saved us from those 'bots. It had ta be. Well, Ah will work on ya, >little one. Robotnik ain't around to hurt ya. Ya don't have ta cover up yer true >nature anymore. 'Cause yer true nature is good, and no one around here's gonna punish >ya for bein' good an' kind. Don't ya worry. > Ya'll realize how true my statement is. Life is precious. An' finally, ya'll get >ta live it.+AH4Afg- SERVO: I don't like this fanfic anymore. MIKE: Hush, Servo, it's almost over. SERVO: It is? MIKE: No, I just said that to make you feel better. SERVO: Whaaaaaaaah! > > > > > > Um...yes. This is the end (Is it sappy or is that just me?). MIKE: Oh. >My story was kind of the 'pilot episode' for the third season. So anyone can make stories >after this one. CROW: Let's just pray no one will. >Nagus is in charge, Robotnik's his lackey, the freedom fighters are going strong, >complete with their king, and the Sniveler is going to be judged (and made a Freedom >Fighter) yes, surprise surprise! ALL[singing]: Happy birthday to you... > > Anyway, send me comments, or I'll have Nagus send electricity through your phone, >completely frying your modem! BWWAAHHHAA...hack...cough...wheeze.... > >--------------5217F5C0B19C91E5DB46EA14-- > MIKE: Oh, wasn't that a nice taste of evil for ya? SERVO: Good night, everybody! [All leave the theater.] 1...2...3...4...5...6... [SOL int.] Mike and the bots are talking. MIKE: You know, for a Sonic fanfic, we really didn't see much of Sonic. CROW: Yeah. All he did was get stuck in megamuck and get out of it somehow. -mads sign- MIKE: So, Pearl, what do you think? Crow's all better, and we're still enjoying ourselves! [CASTLE FORRESTER] Pearl and Observer are looking(through the viewer) at Mike and the bots. PEARL: So, you're still happy and sane, huh? Well, we'll just see about that! Brain Guy! OBSERVER: Yes, madam? PEARL: I want them gone. Forever! OBSERVER: Don't you think that's rather harsh? [Pearl whips out a gun and points it at Observer's brain.] PEARL: Do it! OBSERVER: Yes, ma'am. [Oberver points the ray gun at the ceiling and fires. Pearl laughs evily.] [SOL int.] Mike and the bots are panicked. Gypsy rushes in. GYPSY: Guys! We're in trouble! Brain Guy has us frozen in space so we can't avoid the lazer fire! MIKE: Guys, I know I've said this before, but this time I really mean it... I love you guys! SERVO: I love you too, Mike! CROW: Me, too! GYPSY: This isn't the time nor the place for that, guys! Aaaaaaaaggghhhhhhh! [Gypsy starts screaming and running around the bridge.] [CF] PEARL: Hahahahahahahaha! Enjoy the afterlife, Nelson! [SOL ext.] We see Earth, with the SOL above it. Suddenly a huge ball of energy hurtles from the Earth and hits the SOL. [SOL int.] The satelite begins to shake. Mike and the 'Bots are hurtled back and forth. The lights go out. ALL: Auggh!!!! [SOL ext.] The satelite skimms the atmosphere, glowing red. It clears the upper layers and flies down to Earth, over the Pacific Ocean. [SOL int.] Mike and the 'Bots are bracing onto whatever they can. MIKE: We're gonna hit the water! [SOL ext.] The Satelite hits the surface of the ocean with a huge splash. [Another view-underwater, just below surface. The SOL slowly sinks into the murky depths.] [SOL int.] The lights grow dim, and we can hear the water pressure against the hull. MIKE: Great, now we're underwater! [Gypsy rushes back in. Suddenly the sound of a submarine radar can be heard.] GYPSY: Switching to submarine mode! All hands on deck! MIKE: This thing has a submarine mode? GYPSY: Cambot! Get me rocket number nine! [SOL ext.] A propeller protrudes from the rear section and starts spinning, moving the SOL forward, stopping it from sinking further. [SOL int.] CROW: Mike! We're back on Earth! We can escape! MIKE: You're right! [Mike pulls his helmet from episodes 902 and 904 out from under the counter and puts it on.] SERVO: Wait, Mike! What about us? GYPSY: Yeah! You can't just ditch us! MIKE: Listen, guys. Ever since I got up here...or I guess now it would be down here... but, I've wanted to get back to Earth, meet up with my family, and...well...I really want you guys to come with me, but...[starts crying] CROW: Oh, Mike, we'll miss you! But, you will come back for us, right? MIKE: Of course. Come on, group hug. [The 'Bots hug Mike, except their arms don't work.] MIKE: Goodbye, guys. I'll be back soon! [Mike heads offscreen. He opens the airlock and leaves.] CROW: Now what do we do? SERVO: First Joel, and now Mike! What are we, loosers? GYPSY: Don't worry! We can always get someone else! CROW: Like who? GYPSY: I don't know. [The 'Bots are silent.] CROW: So... panic in a tightly packed group again? SERVO: Why not? [All scream and run around a la episode 512.] [CASTLE FORRESTER] Pearl is so mad, she could explode. PEARL: BRAIN GUY! I WANTED THEM TO DIE, NOT ESCAPE!!!!!!!! OBSERVER: I'm sorry, madam, but- PEARL: NOW WHO WILL WE SEND STUPID FANFICS AND STORIES?!? [A teenage pizza man enters. He holds up two pizza boxes.] PIZZA GUY: Someone here order two large anchovy pizzas? [Bobo enters.] BOBO: Oh, that's me! Gimme! [He takes the pizzas and leaves.] PIZZA GUY[to Pearl and Observer]: You gonna pay for 'em? [Pearl looks at Observer and both break into a fit of evil laughter. The Pizza Guy is confused.] PEARL[putting arm around pizza guy]: So, you deliver pizzas, do you? P.G.: Yes... PEARL: What's your name? P.G.: Uh...Jim... PEARL: Ah, I see... Hit the switch, Bleachy. OBSERVER: Yes, ma'am. [fade to black] JIM: Uh, that'll be $6.50. [love theme] written by: Jim Whaley original fanfic by: Allison M. Fleury featuring: Mike Nelson: Michael J. Nelson Tom Servo: Kevin Murphy Crow: Bill Corbett Gypsy: Patrick Brantseg also featuring: Pearl Forrester: Mary Jo Pehl Observer: Bill Corbett Bobo: Kevin Murphy with: voice of Pentagon Official: Mike Nelson voice of Larry: Kevin Murphy Magic Voice: Beez McKeever voice of Cambot: Patrick Brantseg Bill: Paul Chaplin and presenting: Jim Whaley: James A. Whaley Mystery Science Theater 3000 and characters and situations are trademarks of Best Brains Inc. Sonic the Hedgehog and characters are trademarks of SEGA and/or DIC No insults are intended to anyone. MST3K created by Joel Hodgson Fanfic used without permission from author. thanks to: Allison M. Fleury The staff of MST3K All you guys who love to laugh c1998, 1999 by Jim Whaley tjats@aol.com [stinger] > "You may call me Max, if you wish." ----------------- other episodes of Science Fiction Theater 1,000,000,000: 101: The Cartoons Combined 102: Off-Road Brawl 103: The Odyssey 104: The New Season 201: Total Turbulence 202: The Ultimate Celebrity Deathmatch 203: Are You Ready to Get $40,000 in 6 Weeks with Only 8 Bucks???!! 204: Sonic Fights Robotnik 6: The Final Battle! 205: The Seminar 206: Inside the Void: King Acorn's Plight 207: The Neelix Claus Series part 1: The Neelix Claus 208: The Neelix Claus Series part 2: Merry Christmas Mr. Chakotay All can be found easily on Web Site Number Nine, located at http://pinky.wtower.com/mst3k !