>"That's it. I'm not taking anymore of this!" A girl not much older that Andrea stormed into the room. "I'm setting you up for the night, You can change it later." "HEIGHT," The girl looked at Andrea. "5'4''." "WEIGHT," "You like a soft bed?" the girl asked Andrea. TOM(Andrea): I do NOT think you're fat! >"Yes but-" "200 pounds." "Hey, I don't weight 200-" Andrea was stopped by a hand in the face. "COLOR." "Blue rug, white walls." CROW:... MIKE: She's talking about the room, Crow. (beat) I hope... >"SIZE." "Normal." TOM: Not in this fanfic. >"DECORATION." "None." "LOADING." A large bed appeared against a newly created wall and blue carpet was created under her feet. "Next time please don't take an hour for something that you can do in 5 seconds. My name is Crystal. If you feel the need to mess with the set-up system, don't." She stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Andrea, not in the mood to argue, flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. CROW: She must have been reading one of these fanfics. >Chapter 2 Dodongo disturbances, take off time, BOTS: o/~It's take off time! At Eureeka's Castle!o/~ >and an accidental capture The Next morning the smell of eggs and bacon woke up Dodongo. The massive spider walked to Chris and Zoe's room and let out a mighty shriek waking up the two. MIKE: I do not...want...to be...woken up by...a massive spider. Ever! >Chris sleepily stumbled towards the shimming door. He quickly opened the door. "My god Dodongo. TOM: My god is Thor. MIKE: I go with Ra. CROW: My goddess Lo-Rah! MIKE: Who?! CROW: Ahh, it's a long story... >It's 7:30 in the morning what do you want?" The spider shifted from leg to leg in hunger and desperation. MIKE: Spideys...I hate spideys... >Chris sniffed the air and followed the scent, Dodongo following Chris whimpering. Chris followed the sweet smell to Andrea's room. Chris knocked on the door. "Come in," said a cheerful reply. Chris entered with Dodongo waiting outside to see a luxurious penthouse suite. Chris looks around with disbelief. "Did you do this?" "Yeah, of course. Who else would?" "How-" "Did I do it without waking anyone up? I took my laptop and hooked it up to the support outlet. Separate systems," she said. She picked up a pan with freshly cooked bacon in it. "Bacon?" CROW(John Travolta): Pork is good. Bacon is good. >"Oh, yeah please." Chris takes 2 strips off the pan and throws one to Dodongo. He eats it in one gulp. "We'll good. I'm glad to see you've woken up and taken to your surroundings. But for Dodongo's sake don't cook till 9. Until we're up." "Oh. Okay. Sorry." "Departure in 4 hours." Four hours later, everyone is up and ready for departure. "Okay everyone onto the ship." Zoe groggily stumbles onto the giant airship. "I feel like crap!" she screams. TOM: She's having a premonition of this guy saying "Oh, the humanity!"... >"It's okay. I'll stay with you," replies Chris. "Good morning all. Hope you slept well." "Shut up Symon. I couldn't get to sleep with the set-up program on all night," yells a sleepy Crystal. Andrea sinks into her seat. "Okay everyone's here good. Let's be on our way," says a cheery guy in the cockpit. The doors of the airship close and everyone straps in. Chris puts his arm around Zoe. "You can stay in the ship if you want. You don't have to go," says Chris softly. "I think that would be best." A large metal door opens in the ceiling and nitro-boosters from under the airship fire. The airship starts to rise and blast into the far reaches of the sky. The cheery guy from the cockpit comes back into the main room. "You can move around now." "Okay. I'm going to the bathroom. Jerald look after Zoe for me." "If you go in that damn bathroom, your dumping the waste," said Jerald. MIKE:... >Chris waved it off and proceeded to the back of the ship as Zoe fell asleep. Jerald used the screen and started play a video game. TOM: Time for start play video game! >The ship's autopilot ran silently and soon everyone fell asleep. The first to awake was Monica of X team. CROW: She had trouble adjusting to the Lincoln bedroom... >She checked the cockpit and saw that they were no more that fifteen minutes away of landing. She moved towards Symon. "Symon. Wake up. We're here," she said quietly. Symon woke and wiped the drool off his chin. MIKE: Our author, ladies and gentlemen! >He woke up Chris and Pam and the four went towards the back of the ship and into the large cargo hold. Chris activated a screen that monitored the vehicles. "Everything's in check here, Pam go wake up the others. Be sure not to wake up Zoe okay?" "Okay." "I call Hawkeye," said Chris. MIKE: I call Radar! TOM: I call Klinger! CROW: I call Hot Lips! >"Fine I got Digger," said Monica. "Okay. I got mech suit 1," "The rest have the doubles," said Symon. The three move back into the room where the sleepy people are stretching. Okay due to the language barrier you all have to were you decoders. MIKE: Remember to drink your Ovaltine! >They should be okay for this planet." "Check," they all said. With a crash the airship landed. "Let's move." "I'm going with you Chris." Chris and Monica jumped in a sleek jet with three long wings. Symon jumped into a half a mech suit and shut the other side. The floor of the cargo hold fell out and the suit and the jet were dropped. With a blast the jet flew off towards a huge forest. Another Jet blasted off the other direction with two all terrain vehicles following and a huge mech-warrior slowly trailing. CROW: Hey all you huge mech-warriors, come out and plaaaa-aaaaay! >Deep in the heart of Robotropilous, Dr. Robotnik investigates a strange tremor pulsing throughout the city. "Snifly, what was that?" asked Dr. Robotnik. "I don't know sir, a mal disturbance in the great forest." TOM: Mal?! >"Could it be the Freedom fighters?" asked doc botnik wondering. MIKE: I can actually feel Symon's brain cells dying... >"I don't think so sir, It's too big to be anything from the freedom fighters." "Well I want answers, send out a search party and find out what that was." "Yes sir, Doctor Robotnik TOM: o/~Domo arigotnik, Dr. Robotnik...o/~ >I'll get right on it." The alarms sound as Snifly sends out the search party. "Approaching vehicles sir, should I relay a defense post." "Yes Snifly. I want to see what these newcomers are made out of." CROW: Blood, and this stuff that tastes kinda like chicken... >"Very well sir." "Mech Warrior to Ground 2 what's it look like down there?" "All seems to be quiet so far. Either they saw us and their afraid or they don't care." Dural and Pam are walking inside the giant Mech Warrior, Dural is riding in the 4X4, and Andrea and Rachel are riding in the truck. Symon is flying in the mech suit. "So were good. Correct?" asked Rachel over her head set. "So far," replied Symon. Rachel kept driving. "So, tell me about yourse-" "What a minute. Symon we have incoming. 3 alien hovercraft, I'm gonna run the weapons monitor," she looked at Andrea, "You better get to the cannon." TOM: In October 1994, three student fanfic writers went into the Mobius woods to write a fanfic about a legendary hedgehog. A year later, their footage was found. >Andrea worked her way back to the end of the truck. A took a seat next to the Cryo cannon control on top of the truck and put on her head set. "Cryo cannon is armed and ready," said Andrea. "Hold your fire, they could be friendly." Closing in on the five 3 hoverbots arranged into attacking position." CROW(British accent): Three, sir! TOM: Huh?! Is that supposed to mean 53 hoverbots, or 15 hoverbots, or...(starts to vibrate) MIKE: Uh-oh... >"Oh yeah. These guys are definitely packin," said Rachel "I don't like this, they weaving," yelled Pam. "Easy Pam. Keep your head." The hoverbots surrounded the four vehicles and began to fire. "OPEN FIRE, OPEN FIRE!" Yelled Symon. "Cryo Cannon charging," yelled Andrea. The cannon began to shake as Andrea took aim at one of the hoverbots. Andrea hit the firing button and a mighty techno-color blast shot out of the cylinder shaft, TOM: I hear this cylinder shaft is a bad mother... MIKE & CROW: SHUT YO' MOUTH! >instantly destroying the hoverbot. Andrea swung the controls in the other direction and took out another with the same shot. In the mech-warrior, Dural took control of the arm and swung it at the last remaining hoverbot, shattering it into thousands of pieces. A spy bot transported the video of Robotnik's attack to Mobitropolous. Dural made a fist with the giant arm and smashed the spy bot on the ground. "There's that," said Symon. "Wait, 5 more coming in, these guys are cold," said Rachel. The 5 hoverbots flew past the group into a blur. TOM: So did they destroy 48 hoverbots, or... MIKE: Tom, no! >"Um, I don't think we should advance anymore until we regroup," said Andrea over the head set. "I agree," replied Rachel. "No argument from me," said Symon. "Return to the ship." ·············································································· "Chris what's going on? Were drifting away from the site," said Pam. "I'm checking something. Attention all vehicles prepare to halt in the next clearing." "Got it," said Jerald. The four vehicles stopped in a small clearing and started on foot. "So Chris, why are we going on foot again?" asked Crystal. "I'm testing a theory." A rustle in the bushes caught Chris's eye. A small red light reached from Chris's eye towards the bush 40 feet away. "Shh, we're being watched." CROW: Oh great, Ewoks!