>duplicate of Zoe, weapons and all. "Hi," she said as she took another swing at Chris with her metal staff. Chris dodged the hit and rallied himself. TOM: Meanwhile, in a Joel Schumacher film... >"But we can be duplicated." TOM(David Bowie): o/~We can be duplicated...just for one night!o/~ >Chris took out his Meso Guns and started firing away her only to have the bullets dent her chrome cover. He ran over to her and attempted to punch her in her face only to stopped and thrown across the room. MIKE(Zoe): That's sexual harassment and I'm not going to take it! >Sonic picked up and big piece of steel pipe that fell from the ceiling. He smacked it across her face knocking her to the floor under the roboticizer. CROW: I didn't know he was such a Prodigy fan! >Chris got up and dropped the glass cylinder on the robot stunning it. TOM: Set...phasers...on...stun! >Zoe got up and started looking for her real Meso staff. Metal Zoe grabbed the metal staff and took aim at Sonic. Chris grabbed a piece of bent shrapnel a hurled it at the robot's head, lodging it into her dome, which altered the aim of the blast. Sonic began to run around Metal Zoe and created a Sonic Tornado. Zoe got up and found her Meso Staff under a now broken computer. She took aim and screamed at the metallic monstrosity. She fired and the blast sent Zoe's metal counterpart hurling towards the Chip factory. "DETONATE, DETONATE NOW!" Chris yelled over his head set. Symon, still driving the Jeep back to the forest, TOM: You too can own one of these legendary adventure vehicles... >detonated the explosive and the Chip factory went up in a ball of fire with Metal Zoe melting inside. MIKE: What a world, what a world... >"Yes!" "No, look" yelled Sonic. The fire started to spread and the air whipped it CROW: So it's an S&M fic all of a sudden? >along side of the tower. "Crap, we gotta get outta here. NOW!" Chris looked for a way out. "Through her. It leads to the subterranean system." Sonic opened a large vent, "Sally must have gotten everyone out by now." The 3 all jumped into the vent and fell until they came to the main tunnel. "Look!" yelled Zoe. Fire was coming down from every tunnel and shooting through the main tunnel. "MOVE!!" Chris scooped Zoe in his arms and flew through the tunnel with Sonic leading the pace at a supersonic speed. He reached in his pack and pulled out a power ring. MIKE: Now Green Lantern's in this! >"Warp Factor 7!!!" TOM: Enough with the crossing over... >Sonic yelled as the two gained an assemblage of speed and ripped through the tunnel. "I SEE THE END!" M & TB: YAAAAY!!! >yelled Chris as the fire began to gain on them. The 3 shot out of Tunnel and landed in the polluted side of the great ocean. The fire ripped out of the tunnel just above them. The 3 swam out to shore where Rachel and Andrea were waiting in the truck. "Are you all right!?!" yelled Andrea. "No, no were not," said Chris as the 3 waded out of the water. They got in the truck and looked back at the main building. "The chip factory went up in smoke and the main building got away. I'm just sorry 'ole bot's got away. Dural saw him escape. What the hell happened up there?" asked Andrea. "Long story. I need to eat. Very much right now." CROW: I'm an excellent driver. Kmart sucks! >"Yeah I'm in the mood for a Chile dog," said Sonic. "Sounds good." MIKE: I'd rather have an Argentina dog myself. >Chapter 4 Anion ending for an anion tittle M & TB:... >A few later, Dural and Jerald have repaired the MesoShip and are ready to burn. CROW: Good! They must pay for what they've done to us! >The X and X-2 brings their vehicles back to the ship as Sonic joins Chris on his way back. "So you're just leaving?" asked Sonic. "That's the plan. The sooner we get back. The sooner we can finish fixing this damn thing," replied Chris. A long anion silence crosses them both as they arrive at the ship. "Well Sonic, it's been a pleasure working with you." "Ya, you too." "Tell the others I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye." "Yeah. I'll do that." "Well, I'll be seein' ya." Chris walked into the ship as the engines started to fire. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! MIKE: We still haven't found the question marks! >GET IN YOUR SEAT!" screamed Jerald as they broke escape velocity. The ship tore off into space with a blur. "Say, Monica? Do you have any Musical stalkers left?" asked Andrea. "No we used them all on the raid." "ALL OF THEM! I only told you to use 45 off them, you used all hundred?" "Hey, back up off me. I only did what I was told to do. Just back up off me." TOM: I'm speechless... >Another X team story and anion ending and tittle provided by MesoSymon. MIKE: So that was the end?! CROW: We're all glad it's over, but what WAS that?! (Castle Forrester) BOBO: I'd like you all to meet our metro columnist, Bob Smith! (BOB SMITH, a rather generic middle-aged white-collar type, enters the scene) SMITH: Hi, folks! My job is to comment on the events in and around...um...uh... MIKE: Say, where _is_ that castle? Even this guy doesn't seem to know! PEARL: Quiet, Nelson! Don't make me send you "Savage Vengeance"! (Cut back to SOL for quick take of Mike and the 'Bots with confused expressions) (Castle Forrester, again) PEARL:(whispers something in SMITH's ear) Go on, Bob! SMITH: You know, if there's one thing the American suburbs stand for, it's peace of mind. But golly, these days there's more and more crimes committed by young people. More and more and more and more and they're getting younger and younger and younger and younger... PEARL: Get on with it! Jeez! SMITH: These kids today...they grow up so fast and they know so much...They're so precocious! In my day we weren't precocious! We were 12 years old and we still believed in Santa Claus and and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and... TOM: So Mr. Smith, you're saying ignorance is the cure for society's ills? SMITH: No, ignorant is these kids today who wear baggy pants and backwards baseball caps and use broken English! Gosh, it's chilling that they know so little! MIKE: Um, yeah. OK... SMITH: You're about to say "whatever", aren't you? That gosh-darned MTV generation! I'm gonna come up there and... (OBSERVER tries to restrain SMITH) SMITH: Gosh darn it, in my day we did wholesome, innocent stuff like drop acid and fondle anythin that moved... (SMITH is suddenly hit by a tranquilizer dart and collapses. BOBO walks in holding the gun.) BOBO: So now I know why humans like to do that so much... MiSTed by Joe Green (TVsGrady@aol.com) Mystery Science Theater 3000 is copyright Best Brains, Inc., Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are copyright Sega, and all original characters in this fanfic are owned by MesoSymon. Meso, if you're reading this, don't take it too personally. I actually think you had some pretty imaginative ideas, but it wouldn't hurt to depend less on internal references. Or pay attention in English class, for that matter. >"Out," says Rachel. >"But I-" >"OUT!" yells Rachel. Andrea runs out of the room.