That chin is still watching you
The Incredible Comics of Captain Purple
Captain Purple #1
"The Captain Purple Comic"
October 1995
Captain Purple #2
"The Adventures of Captain Purple"
November 1995
Captain Purple #3
"Let me show you some pictures from my album..."
December 1995
Captain Purple #4
"The Color of Chartreuse, The Color of Hate"
January 1996
Captain Purple #5
"Please Hang Up and Try Again..."
February 1996
Captain Purple #6
"Girl Trouble"
March 1996
Captain Purple #7
"The Heralder of Doom! or Why you should never lick a cold Mail Box!"
April 1996
Captain Purple #8
"A Pig Called Spawm! or How Eating Processed Meat Will Improve Your Sex Life!"
May 1996
Captain Purple #9
"The Battle Royale or How to Stop Telemarketers From Asking You to Switch Long Distance Carriers"
June 1996
Captain Purple #10
"To Tramp Or Chelsea! or Why Size Doesn't Matter!"
July 1996