Others who have used the name Captain Purple

To be fair, the name Captain Purple is not an altogether original name. And because of this, there are many out there who have used the moniker in one form or another. More than likely, they have all been independent of each other, but it is important to note who these other purple captains are, to prevent chaos and confusion in the cosmos.

What follows is surely an incomplete list. If you know of other Captain Purples, don't hesitate to inform the masses.

Donny Osmond as Captain Purple
Back in the 70's, Donny and Marie Osmond had a variety show together. And what happened to be one of the sketches on it?
The Female Captain Purple
A top-secret website meant to help people find roommates that are not the worst. But she is a superhero!
Captain Purple's Adventures in the Kitchen
Sarah Crosby's foray into the Captain Purple world, her character has become the star of a series of DVD's aimed at young children. And yes, you can buy them!
Barry Ober as Captain Purple
Yet another superhero with the name, though his superpower stems from audio equipment knowledge. He's also got a page about a Jeep. Heck, even his wife has made a page about how much she's in love with him!
DeviantArt as Captain Purple
An up-and-coming artist whose superpower comes from her eyes. Stare into them long enough, and you will be under her control. Is that a bad thing? Who knows.
Hockey as Captain Purple
To hear a stadium cheer his name...
Flicker as Captain Purple
A mysterious photostream full of cute pictures that would never be uploaded by the Internet's first superhero. Well, maybe not.
Nightmare as Captain Purple
Some guy on a Megaman message board. Seems Captain Purple is only a nickname...
Canada as Captain Purple