Subject: Sonic Fights Robotnik 643: The next last battle From: Mark Palenik Date: Sat, Jul 18, 1998 00:30 EDT Message-id: <> Just so everyone knows, this is a PARODY. I'm not increadibly stupid enough to write this because I think it's good. First of all, this will be the best story you've ever read, so no bad comments. Thanx ahead 'cause I know I'm the best writer in the world. So, without further adeiu (doh, I mean ado, what do all these big words mean, anyway) SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 643: THE NEXT LAST BATLE or The Battle AFTER the Last Battle after the last battle. Rotor was cleaning the Spacely Sprockets, while Tails was saying "FOCK FOCK FOCK". Sally said stop tails "," "Sonic," said tails, "Robotnik is trying to kill you," said Tails. "Woah li'l bro'" Sonic ran, and an action packed fight sequence occured with 500 lbs. of angry pot roast. "I'll save you said taills," and he defied the laws of physics to save Sonic. "Thanks said," Sonic. "Any time," said "Tails". "Woah, I need you're help again," said Sonic. sure said "Tails". Just then, tails ran home and called Sonic to see what the problem was, and Sonic told him that his CD player was broken. Just then, Antione came by to fix it. After that, he jammed, but couldn't, so Sonic helped him, and couldn't, so Tails helped them. "Robotnik is doing some bad things," said Sally. "We have to stop him," said Sonic. So, Sonic went to robotropolis, but Robotnik said "HAHAHA" and sent out 10 SWATbots. Sonic finished them off with a little garlic on the side, and continued. When he got to Robotnik, there was an increadible amount of action, and Robotnik died, but Sonic realised that Robotnik hadn't really died, so he went home. "Things will be great without Robotnik," said Sonic, because he had forgotten that Robotnik wasn't dead. "Yeah," said Sally. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[][][][][][]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <--pretty pattern which was posted for no aPParen't reason (yes, apparent is a compound word). Robotnik climbed out of a dumpster (don't ask me how he got in there). "Good thing I'm wasn't killed, because then, I wouldn't be alive," Said said said Robotnik gently down the stream. "But,"he said,"I will now try, and not succede to say something impressive. Tommorow is another day, and tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! The End Stay tuned for Sonic Fights Robotnik 644: The next next last battle