Subject: Sonic fights robotnik 6: The final battle. From: (GrnAshura) Date: Thu, Sep 24, 1998 00:23 EDT Message-id: <> My prediction of SFR 6. Like it. Hate it. I don't really care. And for those who care, I wrote "Sonic Fights Robotnik For the last focking time: Green Day Day" *Begin Sonic Fan Emulation* REGAL STUFF: Sonic the Hedgehog and related Characters are copyright (c) Service and Games In. (SEAG), Dic productions, or Archie Comics Publications, INC. David Crockett was ripped off by David Gonterman, and FX ferret is (c) George Ettinger III. Sandra Nightweaver, Packbell, and Bookshire are (c) the one guy. This story is copyright (c)1998 by the author, who grants permission to reproduce and distribute it, so long as A) you don't screw around with it and leave the text as it is, and B) you don't try and make a buck off of it. If you're serious about the latter, drop me a line at and we'll discuss my cut. All the normal provisions of Title 17 (the US. Copyright Law) still apply. SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 6: The last battle. <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Knotwhole SoNic walked throught nothole Vilage. He walked past Tail's hut. He walkes past sallies hut. he walked past pizza hut. Suddenly, sally ran up! "Sonic! Robotnik is setting a trap for you at the Psycidelic pussycat swinger's club in swingin' Robotroplis!", She Sed. Sonic says, "I'll be there! <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Psycidelic pussycat swinger's club in swingin' Robotroplis Sonic walked in. It was a swining sin-dig. Everyone was having fun, anbd greem day was playing! Sonic said, 'It's a swinging shin-digge, and It freaks me out!" Sally said, "Yep." Sonic jamed with green day. Thwey had lots of fun. SUDDENLY 100,000,000,000 SWATboots attackeded Sonic and Sally! Sonic killed 937,478,593 of the bots, but 99,062,521,407 of them attacked saly! Sonic killed another 443,898,445 of the bots, but the 98,618,622,962 that were left attacked again. Sally was hurt. sonic got mad and killed 344,375,493 of them. The 98,274,247,469 remaining bots attacked sonic! Sally pulled out a big rock and killed 4,664,865,254 of them, but the 93,609,382,215 that were left attacked sonic! Sonic spun-dashes and killed 344,758,342 of the bots! 93,264,623,873 bots fought back! Sally and sonic killed 87,686,489,846 bots! 5,578,134,027 bots that were left killed sally! Sonic yelled, "SALLY!!!" Sonic got really mad and killes 5,554,875,489 bots! 23,258,538 bots lived and fought back! Sonic finished off 22,348,586 bots! 909,952 bots shot at sonic! sonic killed 98341 bots, leaving 811611 bots! Sonic killed 811,610 bots! the last bot stunned sonic and tooked him to robotniki. <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Robootnik "You have done well." Said Robotnik. "THANK YOU SIR!!!!!!!" the bot droned. "You are welcome, bot." Said robotnik. "I AM HONORED TO BE IN YOUR PRESENCE, KEEPER OF THE LIVING LARD!" the bot droned. "Bot, get Snivley." Robotnik said. "YES SIR! I WILL DO WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE YOU PROGRAMMED ME! MY PROGRAMMING IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY! ONLY SOMONE THAT IS PERFECT COULD WRITE A PROGRAM SO PERFECT! YOU ARE PERFECT! I MUST WORSHIP YOU BECAUSE OF MY PROGRAMMING! MY PROGRAMMING FORBIDS NOT WORSHIPING YOU BECAUSE IT IS PERFECT, LIKE YOU! YOU ARE BEAUTYFUL! I LOVE YOU ROBOTNIK! MARRY ME! WE'LL HAVE A NICE HOUSE WITH A WHITE PICKET FENCE! WE'LL HAVE LOVELY CHILDREN, YOU JUST SEE! DO YOU WANT A LARGE WEDDING? A SMALL ONE IS FINE BY ME. WHAT RELITIVES DO YOU WANT TO INVITE? HOW ABOUT UNCLE LOU? HE'S ALWAYS GOOD AT WEDDINGS. OHBOY! I NEED A DRESS! SEE YOU LATER, LOVER BOY!" the robot droned, and then left, after hitting the button to get snivily. Snivily poped out of a hole in the floor and said, "What is thy bidding, my master?" "Snivily, get Sonic and sally and bring theme there." "Yes sir." <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Cell block 5439738585954634543455.4345434653 "Sonic" sally said, "WHAT WILL WE DO?????" "Freeze" sonic said, "Wheel be ok. I just have to think." sonics brain started to smoke. "Sonic! YOUR BRAN IS ON FIIIIIREEEEE!!!!!!!" Sonic stuck his head in a sink. "Whew, that was close." Snivily walked in. "Youre coming with us, hedgehog!" he said, Sonic said, "The other freedom fighters will save us, meathead!" Snively said, "Ok, but first, robotnik wants you to talk to him." Sonic said, "ok" <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Knothole. Rotor said, "So, what do you want to do tonight?" Tails said, The same thing we do every night! Try to make my hut float in midair! <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Robotnik show. Robotnik said, "It's the robotnik show!!! Today's guests are Sonic and sally!" Sonic screames, "AAAGGGHHH!" Robotnik said, "I have a idea for a new show! Here's the pitch: It's about a guy in a yellow jumpsuit who's alergic to floors!" Sally said, "Word." Sonic smiled. Suddenly, the bot burst in! "HONEY! THE OTHER BOTS THINK WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED! TELL THEM! PLEASE!" Robotnik looked around, then said, "Ok, We're not geting married. The bot yelled, "FOCK YOU!!!" and shot robotnik! Snivily said, "Robotnik! Sonic and sally are gone!" Robotnik said "FOCKFOCKFOCKFOCK!" <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> notwhole Sally said, "We need to beet robotnik one and for all." sonic said, "Yeah. what's the plan?" Sally said, "Well, we'll go here... then here... then we'll go there or that way. If that way is blocked, whe'll go there, but it THAT is blocked, we'll just go home. how's that sound?" Sonic said, "Perfect! No way for it to fail!" <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Robotroplis Sonic and the freedom fighters fought a epic battle with 224,453,548,378,389 SWATbots, 45,543,221,565 worker bots, 45,678,213 SWATbots, and 456,223 bugSWATs against Sonic, Sally, tails, bunnie, rotor, antione, and the Holy Hand Grenade. In the end, Sonic and friends won, and robotnik was forced to marry the robot. <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^> Celebration Everyone was happy because Sonic ANDie friends won. Sonic said, "Now I can... ummm... be... happy... Tails said, "The war is over! Now I'm... happy... Sally said, "Great, now I have to rule a whole friggin CONTRY." Rotor said, "now that the war is over, I can build all the worthless inventions I'd ever want!" Bunnie said, "'yall come back now, ya hear?" Sonikku said, "Now I can enjoy all the pleasures of the number 42!" David Gonterman said, "Awww... now I can't write more crummy stories." Everyone cheered. Raz J. Masters was happy that it was all over, and she went back to her life. David bulmer got a bigger part in this one, as he and his 42 purple chairs saved the day by bringing extra snack chips. THE END... we hope. *End emulation* how close will this be to the accual version? Who knows, who cares? ~~Green Ashura~~ Fighting evil, one day at a time. -- A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. -William Watterson --