Newsgroups: From: (MachHedge) Date: 1998/06/30 Subject: [(another) MSTed] Sonic Fights Robotnik 2: The Next Battle Because you liked the first one I've made A sequel!!! here's... The MST. {Mach and James enter and sit down} Mach: I can't beleve Natasha didn't want to come. James: Well, you have me. Mach: I needed somone to use the other ticket. >***WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS A LITTLE BIT OF BAD >WORDS. READER DISCRESON IS ADVISED*** James: One can only hope. Mach: If it's anything like the last one... James: Fock you, Mach. >Since you liked the first one I made a sequel! James: I wouldn't go as far as to say that... >Here's.... Mach: Yes??? >SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 2 >The Next Battle >By SONIC FAN James: I wonder... Do you think this guy likes Sonic? Mach: I don't know... >It was quiet day in Knothole forest seing how Robotnik >was dead and all. Mach: Wait... I thought he came back in those cristal mines... James: Shhhh... you're ruining the Fic! Mach: Sorry. > Everyone was busy rotor was washing >the machines and tails was practicing kung-fu with >Bunnie. James: You're sure that's what they were doing? Mach: James... >(((((((((())))))))))))) Mach: Don't you dare start that again!! James: (((((((((())))))))))))) Mach:JAMES!!! >Robotropolis Mach: Thanks for clearing that up. >Grounder and Scratch were watching Furry Beavis and >Butthead. Mach: That doesn't surprise me. James: Why me? {James gets up to leave} Mach: James, buddy! You're an agent of the MSS. You've fought Terrorists! You can handle one bad Fic. James: Fine. But at the first sign of trouble I'm out of here. Mach: What a friend. >"Huh huh huh Butthead is cool" said grounder James: THAT'S debatible. >"Heh heh heh i like show" scratch said Mach: Is this the author's way of calling for help? >Robotnik said loudly "HEY YOU STUPID BOTS LET'S GET >GOING EH!" James: Don't want to miss the Hockey Game, eh? Mach: It is a little known fact that Robotroplis is really in Canada. >Groundeer says "Huh huh huh we stupid or something hu >huh huh" >Packbell kicks there butts! Mach: Where Butts? James: There butts. Mach: Oh, ok. >"Scratch says "heh heh butt heh heh" >Robotnik thinks ***this is my best plan yet and it will >surely work!*** James: What? Saying Butt? Mach: Must be. >(((((((((((())))))))))))))) Mach: (((((((((((())))))))))))))) James: What? Mach: Beat you to it that time. >Over Knothole Forresst >Rotor is flying in the freedom fighter plane and >sees.... Mach: since when do the freedom fighters have a plane? James: They have that big smiley one... Mach: Oh yeah. The smiley Plane. >(((((((((())))))))))))) >Sonic was in his hut jamming by himself. Mach: I feel sorry for him. Then Tails and >Antoinne came in to help him out. Mach: They came to help sonic Jam? They got there band >going and played some greenday songs. Then Bunnie and >Chris Petrucci James: Furry Chris petrucci? Mach: Nah. came in Bunny played the banjo and Chris >played his wristwatch. Mach: James Bond's gonna want that back. the band sounded real wonky so >they rocked on. Mach: Willy Wonky and the chocolate factory? James: Nah. >Then they played the Sonic song! Mach: Oh, joy... James: O/~ Sonic The Hedgehog, He's as fast as fast can be, Sonic the Hedgehog, He's gonna set Mobius Free, Teenage Fugitive on the run, He eats Chilidogs By the ton- Mach: JAMES!!! >I'm sonic the hedgehog and i'm so cool >i run real fast >you goony fool Mach: This song most likely took Sonic Fan 3 hours to make. >ya ya ya >the bots can't catch me >cause i run mach 62 Mach: Huh, surprising... James: What's that... 45,942 Mph? >i am a hedgehog and I rule >RULE RULE RULE!! >rule rule rule Mach: I am hedgehog: hear me RULE! >Just then rotor's plane crashes through the wall of the >hut! >CRASH!!!!!!!!!! Mach: See plane crash. crash, plane, crash. >Sonic says "Woah you are playing the drums too loud >Antoinne. Oh that's a plane crashing through the wall. Mach: Gee... that's funny... James: Yes, I'm laughing so hard... >Yo what up Rote?" Mach: (Rotor) Not me, anymore. James: I just thought I'd drop in. Mach: Sonic seemingly forgets about the hole in the hut, and doesn't care for the welfare of his friend. >Rotor said "Sonic you gotta come quick a whole army of >bots is invading and there gonna kill us oh no oh no oh >no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no" Mach: He says it with such passion. James: You almost think that the bots really ARE going to attack. >Sonic said "Calm down Rote I'll just give them the Sonic >Spin and they'll learn a thing or too about not being >dead" Mach: They'd... what? James: I don't know... that didn't make any sence. >So sonic ran to the bots and everbody ran after him but >not as fast. Sally and some other freedom fighters >brought water balloons Mach: Well, It's the summer. James: Yeah! Pool party! to fight the bots but sonic had >the best weapon the cybersuit. Mach: Mighty morphin Furry rangers? James: I REALLY hope not. >"Ha ha ha. Look what we have here a headgehog in a suit. >What is this national suit day. Mach: One massive whitisism after another... James: Does a Fur coat count? Too bad i left my tux at >home or i wouldnt have to wear this cape and belt >ensamle it makes me look fat, no?" Mach: It's good to use periods it helps to make your fics look better and more readable, no? said Robotnik >"Why don't you just stop flabbering Mr. Chubbs" said >sonic Mach: Horror! Mr. Chubbs? Get real. >"ooh now you made me mad. GET THEM!!!" said robotnik Mach; It could be worse. James: Yeah, He could attack by ysing Ninja kung-fu. >And the robots attacked Mach: And there was much rejoycing. James: (Dully) Yaaay. >Sonic was fighting off a fet thousand SWAT bots and >another few thousan EVIL bots. Mach: What about the NASTY bots and the MEANIE bots? James: They come later. Sally threw balloons at >the buzz bombers and Tails was fighting Packbell and >Snively with ninja kung fu. Mach: You were saying? James: It's worse. >Bunny stomped on grounder and scratch. SOnic cyber >attacked the bots Both: EEeeeewwwww..... until they got killed. Well thats some >of them fdead but not all. Mach: You can fdead? >Just then Vision LORD OF PEZ showed up to help the >freedom fighters. His powers were of great use in >killing the bots. Mach: Yeah, he pushed their heads back and pulled the candy out. >Tails fought Snively and Cmdr. Packbell. HAI YA! WEE >AAH! KICK! SHPACK! HYROUKEN! >"Ow" went the Snively. Mach: The snively? James: He's not A snively, he's THE Snively. >SHOYROUKEN! >Kapow goes Snively he's a bloody polp. Mach: Eeew. James: That's a little much... >Packbell grabs tails by his Tails. Mach: Enie Mene Miney Mo, catch Tails by the Tails? James: No, That doesn't work. >"Hey what the heck" says Tails >Packbell repetedly slams Tails against a rock. Mach: Yes! >"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" goes Tails James: That had to hurt. >Sonic kills abot with his laser. Mach: I liked Abot James: Abot and Costello? Mach: Yeah. He was funny. "Oh no Tails is a >trouble" SOnic slices Packbell in half >"oog" goes Packbell Mach: That's all he had to say? James: I guess so. >"Gee thanks sonic but my head hurts ha ha ha" Tails said *Mach Mock-laughs* >Sonic does the megasonicspinattack and kills the rest of >the bots. >"Well robotnik it looks like those bots didn't "get me" >a-ha ha ha." said sonic Mach: He's so preseptive. >But Sonic didn't know that one bot was still there. It >shot Sally. Mach: And there was much rejoycing. James: *Dully* Yaay. >"Hey that's a good idea!" says Ken Penders >SHUT UP KEN!!!!! Mach: Barbie too. James: That IS a good Idea. >"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sonic yeld Mach: ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!!! >"Hee hee" said Robotnik "I killed the princess what do i >win hehehehe" Mach: A brand new car!!! Robotnik: Really? Mach: No, not really. >"ROBOTNIK YOU MOTHERFOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" > sonic scremed. Mach: Fock you Robotnik!!!!! James: You MotherFocker!!! >Robotnik got in his hover and drove away to where? they >didn't see because sonic was taking sally back to >nothole Mach: I'll bet it wasn't Whole after that. >((((((((((())))))))))))))) James: Yep. That's a ((((((((((())))))))))))))). >"Oh no Sal's dead" sponic Moaned. >"No she's not dead" said bookshire "She's just >unconginous" James: Is that bad? Mach: I think that means she doesn't have a spell checker. >Sonic was sad. Chris Petrucci sang Metallica songs and >Bookshire was heartfelt atr the songs >*sniff* Mach: Can one be touched by a Metallica song? James: Yes, but not in the was one would normally think of. >Vision said "Hey sonic man i know how you feel" Mach: Yes... furry... and spiney. >"Hey why don't you just fock off pez-brane" sonic >angerly said. Mach: Is the author accually spelling it Fock for a reason? James: Maybe he thinks that's how it's spelled. Mach: Fock off, James. >"What did you call me you want to fight me blueboy >wimphog" Vision agrly said back Mach: Horror! Such language! >"Grr" said sonic then He kicked Vision and vision Mach: Sat down to have a cup of tea. foungt >back. THey punched eachother in the head and blood >was all over the place then sonic threw vision in the pond. Vision accidendetily swallowed a power ring and >vaporized. Mach: Wow, a whole power ring? James: That must of hurt. >"Y'all sour hog y'all killed vision what d'y'all think >yer a d'oin why don't t'y'all just get the hep hop outta >here y'mean ole blue BUG!" Bunny said. Mach: Could you read that? James: No. Not in the least. >Just then a letter dropped from the sky >AIRMAIL!!! Mach: HEY! That's my line! >TO SONIC >it said >YOU ARE INVITED TO THE ROBOTNIK'S ROYALE WRESTLING >CHAMPIONSHIP >The winner will be declared the champion of mobius. >At the underground city >Be there or be dead.. Mach: That sounds fun. >Sonic said "i'm goin'!" >"Me too!!!!" said Tails >"Me three!" said the little penguin. >"Right on let's penut butter and jam!" Sonic said Both: WHAT??? James: Peanut butter... Mach: Jam? >VRRRROOOOOOOOMMM!!!! >((((((((((((())))))))))))))) Mach: That's really annoying. >Underground City 11:59 PM >Sonic steps into the ring >"Ladies and Gentlebots" Mach Since when are bots gentle? said announcer Snvely "In this >corner we have the tag team Sonic and Tails!!!" >BOOOO!! said the SWATbots >"And in this corner Grounder and Scratch" Snively >announces >"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLETS GET READY TO >RUMBOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" >Sonic is in the ring fighting gounder >"huh huh what goes grounder" >KA-POWIE >A fist in his face! Mach: Who's face? >BOOM BOOM BOOM he's down! James: Who? >Scratch steps in and kicks sonic in the eye! >"AARRRRGGGGGG!!! TAILS!!!!" >Tails jumps in flys around and kung-fus there butts Mach: Where butts? >BOOM SHAKA BOOM BANG! Mach: That's catchy. >Sonic gets up again! >SOnic spin dashes grounder while tails throws a fireball >at Scratch! James: Wow, that's what happens when the power of chili gets out of control. >They're down 1 2 3 >Sonic and Tails win!!!!!!!!!! Mach: And there was much rejoycing. James: *Dully* Yaay. >Heh heh heh now for my secret plane, thinks Robotnik Mach:(Robotnik) Yes, my plan is now clear. My bots are defeated and I go to my secret plane. Muhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahahaahahahahaahahah aahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha!! James: Seesh, mach. Calm down. >((((((((((((()))))))))))) >"We won we won WOOHOO" says Sonic! Mach: (Sonic) Yes. Gee. I'm so happy. Who cares about Sally. >"Just a second you have to fight our next contender!" >Snively says >A huge bot steps into the ring >Snively says "It's STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN BOT!" Mach: And there was-- James: Mach? Mach: sorry. >"earf" says Tails >"I'm going to mutalate you" says stone cold bot >"b-b-b-b-b-but why??" stutters a nervous tails >"You wanna know why?" >"You REALLY wanna know why?" >"BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!" >"And that's" >"The bottom line!!!" Mach: It's strange Mach: The Way Mach: That was Mach: Worded, James. James: Yes, Mach, James: It was James: Indeed different. >DING! Mach: Next, please. >The bot gives Sonic the stone cold stunner! Mach: Sonic thanks the bot and puts the stunner somplace safe. >Tails does a spine breaking kick to the bot! James: He does. >No use the bot hammers tails in the head he's down! Mach: He used the stone cold Hammer. >Pile driver on the bot by sonic! >Tails bounces off the ropes! >Sonic beats on the bot the bots kicks sonic in the nose! James: STONE COLD NOSE KICK! >OOOOWWWWW!!! Mach: You can say that again. >OOOOWWWWW!!! Mach: Ok. Thanks. >OOOOWWWWW!!! Mach: Stop. >OOOOWWWWW!!! Mach: STOP DANGIT! >Sorry. Mach: Yeesh. >Tails does a HYROUKEN! HYROUKEN! >"Ow i'm on fire! Someone help stone cold!" James: Stone cold Fire!!! >"Stunner this!" says tails smashing his hand through the >bots head >Sonic powers up his spin dash and slices the bot 5 >times! Mach: Oh. gee. Sonic won. He always wins. James: He's the hero. Mach: So? James: Heros always win. Mach: Not always. >The bot falls apart >Then.... Both: Yes? >KLICKETY KLACK James: A train goes by. BAAAAANNNG!!! >THE BOT EXPLODES!!! >"Well" said Robotnik "Good show but I just dropped 7 >nukes on the great forest they're all dead Mach: That's what he should have done years ago. >HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" >"What???" said Sonic "WHAAAT???" >"Robotnik you will pay!" sonic said. Robotnik: Should $15 cover it? Sonic: Ok. *Robotnik gives Sonic $15* >The bots hustled sonic and tails into a space ship James; With no resistance, of corse. Mach: Of corse. >"We're going to Spacetropolis!" Robotnik giddily said. James: How original. >((((((((((())))))))))) >SPaCe..... >"Hey lookit the stars" tails awed. >"Yeah" said Sonic "Theres as many stars as there are >mobians but now a bunch of them are dead and its all >my fault Mach; Yeah, Sonic. thanks a lot. >"SOnic you did what you had to do" said tails. Mach: No, he should have just not have gone to the stupid fight. >"Yeah but i guess space is alot like mobius some times" >sonic said Mach: What? How the heck is space like mobius? James: the rocks? Mach: Well, space DOES have rocks... James: There you go. >"Yeah i guess it is" Tails replied >"Hahahahaha you will be roboticized hahahahahaha" >Robotnik chortled Mach: Hey, whach where you're chortling. >"Not funny Lardnik!" said sonic >"Huhuhuhu LARD BUTT!" said grounder Mach: huhuhuhuhuhuh.... Dumb. >((((((((((())))))))))))) >Spacetropolis Robotocizer room >Sonic is in the roboticezr Mach: It's a good thing he's not in the roboticizor. >The green ray is going to robotocize him. James: It's a good thing it's not gonna Roboticize him. >"Well this is the end i guess i'll say a few words. I >love you Sal!" said sonic Sally: You're not getting my bud light. Sonic: D'oh. >"Hee hee your going to a robot a robot a rooobot" went >Packbell Mach: he's gonna be a rooobot? James: That's what the robot said. >Suddenly vision bursts into the room! >"HUH??? WHAT THE??? UHHH?? YOOOUUU????" Robotnick >confuseldy said >"Yeah you are apsiposlitivediddly right Crazy Ivo" said Mach: apsiposlitivediddly??? James: Supercalifraglisticexpialidosius? >Vision Mach: Vision? Why Vision? Why not smell? James: Smell LORD OF PEZ? Mach: Ok, not smell. Touch? James: Touch LORD OF PEZ? Both: Naah. >"Now drop that hedgehog!" Mach: Drop him? Since when was Sonic in the air? James: Since now, I suppose. >Sonic makes a daring escape and frees Tails! They flee >the room! >An action-packed battle takes place on the space >station. Sonic and friends are victorious. Mach: Gee, It's so detailed. James: It's like I'm accually there. >(((((((((((((()))))))))))))) >Spacetropolis control room >"Nothing left to do now but blow up the planet" said Mach: Now that's just plain stupid. Robotnik would then reign for thousands of years on mobius, but he just blows it up. >Robotnik >He pushed the button >3 >2 >1 >KKKKKKKAAAAAAAABBBBBLLLLLAAAAAAMMMMMOOOOOO!!!! James: There, happy? The Hero lost. Mach: I guess so. >Mobius is gone! Mach: And there was much rejoycing. James: (Dully) Yaay. >Sonic sees the glint of a crystal! James: GASP! >From the mine he must still have some! Mach: It's the crystal that's not really a crystal! James: Gasp! >Sonic picks up the crystal and Robotnik sees him. >Sonic shoots robotnik with thje crysatl's energy and he Mach: Since when did Sonic have a crysatl? James: I don't know. >gets knocked down! Robnik pushes the button Mach: It's Robotnik's Uncle Robnik! >"hahaha my bots are gone but i'm gonna blow this up and >take you with me blue freak hahahahahahahhahahahhaa!!!!" >SELF DESTRUCT IN 10 SECONDS >"Run!! said sonic! >"AHHHH nooo!" said Tails! Mach: AHHH, yes. James: Vision seemingly went into standby mode. >9 >8 >7 >6 >5 >"Hurry we gotta go faster!!" >4 >3 >2 >"ON NO!!!!" Mach: On WHERE??? >1 >. >GAAAABLLLLOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!! Mach: That sounded like a Bad Fart. James: Gee, Mach... You're right. Mach: The Space Station... farted? >there goes the neighborhood. Mach: It's a beautyful day in the Neighborhood, won't you be mine? Won't you be Mine? Won't you be mine? Won't you be my Neighbor? James: Bye-bye, Neiborhood. >But at the last second sonic used the glowing cystal >energy and was in a time poral. >But Robotnik was there too! Mach: Yes, of corse. >They battled using chaos crystal power sonic zapped >robotnik and he was gone! Sonic jumped into a portal and >WAS..... Mach: Again, detailed. >((((((())))))) >Back on mobius! >"Hey wait" said sonic "Robotropolis is here! We blew up >the death egg! CaN THIS be happening!!??!" Mach: Did that make sence? James: as much sence as a Yen. >Sonic ran back to knothole >Sally and vision were there >"sal Are you ok??" sonic asked >"Yes" said sally >"I used my healing powers she will be fine now sonic" >said Vision Mach: She was only unconginous. She should have been fine. >"You the man pez-bro" said Sonic Mach: Pez will never be my Brother. James: You're tellin me? >"But Robotropolis is still here" he thought Mach: So? It's a city. Robotnik's gone. Big deal. >And the battle begins again..... >THE END Mach: Well, It was better than before, but still stupid. James: It was almost hard to make fun of it. Mach: I... Nearly liked it. James: ARE YOU MAD????? Mach: No. I'm Happy. James: Oh. {Mach and James get up and leave} THE END (I hope) Mach H. Hedgehog, Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time: "You DID enjoy messing your pants?" -Andrew Lenell