Newsgroups: From: (MachHedge) Date: 1998/07/20 Subject: Re: Sonic Fights Robotnik 4: Meet Dr. Quack (part 1) *Mach walks in* Mach: Hey, I'm back! Natasha: What movie did you get? Mach: They were all out of the good ones, I found this on the ground outside. *Natasha looks at the title* Natasha: Zis is a joke, right? Mach: Sorry, This is the best I could do. Natasha: Oh, well, put it it. *Mach pops the tape in the VCR* Mach: Here goes nothing... >LEGAL STUFF----------- >All characters like Sonic and stuff, fetured Mach: Don't they mean "buchered" in this >story are copyright of SEGA and Archie Comics. Other >copyrights like Beavis and Butthead and Mountain Due and >Greenday are copyrights of other companies. THe author Natasha: Ugh, more Furry Greenday? Mach: Oh, great. You'd think he'd learn. >of this story does not intend to imply ownership of >anything or anycharacters in the following story >End of LEGA STUFF---- Mach: He probably just cut and pasted this from some other story. >The epic series continues with another one of the >greatest sonic stories ever written Mach: Yeah, and I'm the pope. Natasha: Who's the pope? Mach: Beats me. >SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 4 >Meet Dr. Quack Mach: I know Dr. Quack, big deal. >It was another day in knothole city and like many days >it was a good day. Bunnie was fixing the sproket wheels >with rotor, Mach: Rotor was accually the one fixing them, Bunnie was just commenting on their color, shape, and the fact that some of the sprokets weren't even sprokets. > Sally was organizing the freedom fighter >picnic Mach: Picnic?Yeah, Sonic Fan, It's the middle of a war, I don't suppose they could go without their picnic. > and Sonic was jamming to Greenday in his hut. "Ah Mach: How very pathetic. Natasha: I have zis strange feeling that Sonic Fan likes Greenday. Mach: Hmmm, prehaps He just likes to annoy us. >yeas a fine day indeed" thought rotor as he acidentilly >dunked a sproket in coffee and bit it "Ow" he said. Mach: *mock laughter* A-HA, A-HA, That's FUNNY. So, he seemingly just dunked the sproket he was cleaning into is coffee and ATE it? Natasha: Prehaps this is from personal experence... ><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis Mach: Well, At least it's not New York. >A Wooden Shack >"Hmmm" said Roobotnik, Natasha: Roobotnik? Mach: Yeah, He's a bid fat guy that hops around and has a pouch. > "Well Robotropolis got blown >up so we have to stay here until we can repair the city" Mach: When did Robotropolis blow up? Natasha: Maybe between this and the last fic. Mach: Well, You'd think that he'd gice a little backstory. Natasha: Hey, you don't want to give Sonic Fan any constructive critisism, he just might get good at writing. Both: Nahhh... >Then Scratch pushed a button and *the TV turns off* Mach: Whoa, that was weird... *turns the TV on again* >"OOp heh hheh" went Scrotch Mach: I think We missed somthing... Natasha: No, That worked out perfectly. ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Sonic's Hut >Sonic and Tails are jamming to Greenday but Tails trips >over the CD player. Mach: (sonic) Hey! That was the CD player that The professor made out of coconuts! >"Argr" sasid Sonic "Now we have to fix it" Natasha: Start eating coconuts. >"I know said ails" Tails kicked the CD player "Work you Mach: Heh, I think that wasn't right... Natasha: Who's ails? >focking peice of junk!" said Tails Mach: I wonder if he really knows how to spell f*ck, or if His parents won't let him. >"You shouldn't say bad words" said Sonic ":::looks out Mach: (tails) Why? I've never sworn in my life. >the window::: hey what's that" >JUST THEN ROTOR JUMPS THROUGH THE WINDOW OF THE HUT!!!! Mach: Smashing into Sonic! Natasha: Landing on The CD player! Mach: Killing ails instantly! >"Sonic!!!!!!!!!" says Rotor "Look out a SWAT missle is >headed at us! ahh oh no oh no ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh!" Mach: Sheesh, how come every story there's a stupid Missle? Natasha: Low budget? >"No sweat rote I beat those all the time" sonic said Natasha: Yeah, Every single story. Mach: those things must have been made out of paper. >cooly "I'll just do thje sonic spin and bam bam jucie >time and the missle is dead" >JUST THEN A SWAT MISSLE FLYS IN THROUGH THE WINDOW!!!!! Mach: Smashing into Sonic! Natasha: Landing on The CD player! Mach: Killing ails instantly! >"YAAHHHHH!!!" said Rotor >Sonic ran atround but the SWAT missle chased him around. >SOnic jumped behind the couch. Natasha: Oh, yeah, SOME hero. > Tails hit the missle with >a guitar but that made it mad. Mach:Mad missle! RUN! Then it chased after >tails and Rotor threw coffee on it and the missle went >flying at the couch. Then sonic led the missle into the >closet and closed the door. After a few minutes Mach: To have a dirty thought, or not to have a dirty thought... Natasha: MACH! Sonic >let the confused missle out of the closet and it hit a >tree outside and blew up. Natasha: Golly, what did Sonic DO to it in there? >"Yo yo missle can't mess with the blue-hog" sadi Sonic Natasha: Blue Hog? Sounds like a company that makes bacon. >"But you know what thgis means" said Royor Mach: What does thgis mean? *Natasha flips thru a book* Natasha: It's not in a dictionary. >"No" said Sonic >"Robotnik is back!" said ROtor Mach: No, It's just Roobotnik. >"No focking way man!" said Sonic Mach: Fock you, Sonic. >"Yeah!" said Rotor >"Well you know what that means" said Sonic B2: Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1? B1: I think I am, B2. Both: It's PLAY TIME! B1: Hey B2? B2: Yeah, B1? B1: Why are we both named after Bombers? B2: I don't know, B1. >"Right" said Tailes Mach: Great, another fan-made character. First that Kung-fu guy, now Tailes. >"It's time to Mach: Pick up the kids from school? Natasha: Take the Cake out of the oven? Mach: Eat coconuts? Natasha: Dress up in skimpy little nazi costumes? Mach: have cybersex with Sally? *natasha glares at mach* Mach: I'm speaking as if I were Sonic, of corse, you know, It's a running gag? Natasha: Uh-huh. >FIGHT ROBOTNIK!!!!" Both: OHHHHHHHHH.... Mach: I'd have never guessed that. >They all said >So they went to tell Sally but meanwhile in >Robotropolis.... ><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Wooden Shack, Robotropolis >Robotnik is kicking bot butt! ***Robotnik kicks bot butt! >"You stupid bots" went a robotnik "You wasted our last >missle!" Mach: So, It wasn't THE robotnik, just one of his clones. >"Ow ow ow" goes Grounder "D'oh we not know" Mach: Why is he beating up grounder? I thought Scratch blew up the missle. >"Ah sir" said Snively >"SHUT UP SNIVELY!" said Robotnik >Robotnik kicks more bot butt! ***Robotnik kicks Bot butt! (banned) >Scratch gets kicked through the wall of the shack >"Yaddy yadda!" says Scratch >"Ah sir" said Snively >"I SAID SHUTUP!" Robotnik says >RObotnik kicks some Snivley butt! ***Robotnik kicks Snively >JUST THEN A SPACESHIP CRASHES RIGHT OUTSIDE THE SHACK! Mach: And they are killed in the explosion, equal to a small hydrogen bomb. >"Hmmmm did you hear that" said Robotnik Natasha: No, I did not hear the ship crash right outside the shack at terminal velocity! >They all went outside to look Mach: falling into the mile-deep crater. >The door on the spaceship opened >A man walked out >"Hello" said the man "My name is Dr. Quack. I come to >take over planets quack quack" Mach: (robotnik) Sorry, this is Mobius, not planet Quack quack. Natasha: So this is how Dr. Quack joined the Freedom Fighters. Mach: No, because this isn't a true story. Natasha: Yeah, the Mountain Bew kinda gave it away. >"Hello" said Robotnik "I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik and I am >ruler of this planet but the HEDGEHOG BLEW UP MY CITY!" Mach: Yes, and to think >"Hmmm" said Dr Quack "I seem to be stuck here but if we >work together we can take care of that hedgehog. But I >will require payment" Mach: Yeah, got any cheese? >"Want a deep fried hotdog on a stick?" said Grounder >"Hmmm yeah" said Quack >"Mmm I like these I want lots" said Quack Mach: Yeah, they feel GOOD! *Natasha WAPS Mach with a pillow* >"Good I will give you hotdog on a stick, but you have to >help me kill the hedgehog" Robotnik said >"Ok" said Quack "ATTENTION BOTS! FORWARD MARCH!!!" Mach: This is bad. Natasha: what? the situation the ferrdom fighters are in? Mach: No, this Hotdog on a stick. *Mach throws the hotdog away* >STOMP STOMP STOMP >Millions of bots walked out of the spaceship >"Bots are good" said Robotnik "But that hedgehog is >powerful, he can beat BILLIONS of bots!" Mach: Realisticly, Sonic would't stand a chance against 100 bots. >"Muhahahah" said Quack "But I have another weapon, the >MEGA-GEM!" Mach: Yeah! I'll point it at you, and it will... REFLECT LIGHT! >"HAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!" said Robotnik, >"Freedom fighters will pay AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!" Mach: (Robotnik) I'll show them what happens they hold out on rent for 11 years! ><<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Knotohoel Natasha: Where?? Mach: That's Kintobor's home town. natasha: WHO? Mach: Never mind. >"Sally!" said Sonic "Robotnik is back!" >"What oh no" said Sally "We have to fight him" Mach: She... is... a... GENIUS! >Sally gathered all of knothole's FF's together >"Attention" she said "Robotnik is back" >They all gasped >"We need to fight him again" she said >They all cheered Mach: And that's a good thing? Natasha: Yeah, they all like to die. >She sent Tails on a spy mission to Robotropolis Mach: SURE. Let the kid you almost NEVER let go on mission on a SOLO mission. ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >Knothole >Rotor is dunking donuts in the power ring pool >"Hey what are you doing" said Jackerey Prower "Your >donuts will get soggy" Mach: Who the heck is HE? >"No" said Rotor "I replaced the power crystal with >coffee crystals" Mach: Boy, Is he STUPID. Natasha: (rotor) Yeah, I thought I'd taint Knothole's only water sorce just so I could dip my donuts in cold, weak coffee. >"But what about power rings?" said Sonic >"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh >no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no *Mach kicks the record player* > I forgot" said Rotor >"Hey now what will I do power rings won't work with >coffee on them" said sonic Mach: No, but they DO taste good, yummy. >"It will be months before we can fix it" said Rotor >"FOCK!" said Sonic "Now I have to fight robotnik without >power rings! Fock you Rotor! Fock you!" Mach: (Rotor) Your place or mine? *Natasha THWAPS Mach with the pillow* ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >The cameraman's view is blocked but we hear... Mach: What a crummy cameraman! Natasha: He can't even shoot straight! >BAM! KABOOM! BANG! ZAP! KABAMO! >WHHOOOSH! BADOOOM! KAPOW! Mach: Someone tipped over a truck with a shipment of toon sounds. ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >"AAHHHHHH!!!" went tails Mach: He went where? >VROOOOMMMMMMMMMM KRRRAAAASSSHHHHHHHHHHH SHHPOOOWWWWWWWW >BOOOOOMMMMMMMMM >Tails ran into Antoinne Mach: (Antione) ARE YOU STARK RAVING NAKED? >Antoinne went "AYe AYe Mach: (Antione) Yes, Sir! AIEEEEEE NON NON WHA????" >"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" went Tails >"Calm down Tails!" said Sally Mach: Where the heck did she come from? Natasha: I thought he was in Robotroplis. >"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" said Tails "THERE WERE BOTS!!!" >"How many" said SOnic >"A BILLION MILLION!" Mach: And that's an accuate figure. Natasha: A billion millions? Mach: To have that many, that ship would have had to been the size of the PLANET. said Tails "And there were SWAT >bots and EVIL bots and MONKEY bots and SPIDER bots and >POWER bots!" Mach: (tails) and CHEESE bots, and FRYING PAN bots, and OLD GUY bots and TREE bots, and WOOD bots and TANK bots, and FANFIC bots. >"Oh no oh no oh no ho no" said Rotor *Mach kicks the record player again* >Sonic fights with Rotor! >"Cut that out" sally kicks them >"AHHH!" said "Tasuls and I was in ahuge fights with them Mach: ANOTHER stupid fan-character? >there was so much action you wouldn't belive!" >"Sacre Blue!" said Antoinne Mach: cheese. >"And there was a ship! and a guy named Dr Quack!" said >Tails >"Woah new Badnik?" said Sonic >"Sacre Blue!" said Antoinne Mach: cheese. >"No prob lil bro" said Sonic "I can beat a billion bots >standing behind my back" Natasha: He can stand behind his own back? >"wow cool sonic" said Tails Mach: (sonic) Yeah, I have fanfic luck. >Sally made a battle plan and showed it to the freedom >fighters "Ok, we go into Robotropolis and fight the bots >and blow up the ship" said Sally Mach: So precise. No way for it to fail. Natasha: (sally) After that, We'll TP The Death Egg and soap up all the windows in Robotroplis. >"It's Jammin' Penut butter Jive time!" said Sonic Mach: So they then went to the kitchen to eat some of Sonic's Jammin' peanut butter Jive. >They went to robotropolis ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >As soon as the freedom fighters got there an exciting >battle took place. Mach: the end. >Sonic fought some bots! Mach: Tails finger painted some bots! >Sally and Bunnie and Antoinne were shooting bots with >paint guns. Natasha: The paint simply spalttered on the bots, as they walked up to Them and killed them. Mach: Well, Sally was the one doing all the paint gun shooting, Bunnie was busy commenting on the Paint ball's shape and color, and the fact that some of the paint balls weren't even pant balls. >Tails Karatre kicked the bots! >haiiiiyyyayyayYYYYYASAAAAAAA!!!! >And Rotor dismantled a bot Mach: Rotor then proceeded to pour a cup of coffee out of the coffee maker he made out of the bot parts. >Sonic was killing bots but then a evil bot was going to >blade his head off! YAHAHHH!! Natsha: I think that Sonic Fan is getting a little too exited... Mach: How can you blade somthing? >Sally shot it with a rocket launcher! KABOOOMMM!!! Natasha: That's the rocket launcher that the professor made out of coconuts! >DROONNNNNEEEE!!! Mach: SUUUURRRRRRRGGGGEEEEE!!!!!! >More bots >said sonic Mach: What? What did he say? Natasha: I think he said "more bots" Mach: Oh. >Sonic zoomed and dashed and killed them >"Hey bots don't drone just fight" said Sonic Mach: Delayed reaction. >Then more bots apperead on the horizon >"Don't these dudes get tired" Sonic thought out loud >Bunnie threw the cybersuit to sonic. Sonic caught it Mach: AFTER Bunnie talked about the fact that the cyber suit isn't even a suit! >"ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!" >Sonic put on the suit >DUNN DUUN DUNNNNNN Mach: NOT THE ROBOTNIK SHOW!!! >CYBERSONIC! >SOnic was way past cool cyber style! Mach: So, he's saying "Sonic was style?" Natasha: I guess so... >Then he fought the bots with Cyberweapons Mach: Some hero. >WHEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEHEHGUDGUGIOOO!! DROONNNEEEE Mach: That was strange... >BANG! Mach: A shot rang out, a scream was heard. >KRAK!@ >BOOM! Mach: Crack!@Boom!? Natasha: It must be a E-mal address. >BARG! Mach: EEW, somone's gonna have to clean that up... >JHOT! Mach: I am Jhot, son of Terdan. >ADBN! Mach: That had no vowels. >EROROTIOROOOOOP! >The bots are dead but what's this? Mach: A pile of belly cheese? Natasha: the latest issue of woman's day? >WHAT'S THIS??? Mach: I_DON'T_KNOW!!! >WHAT THE FOCK IS THIS!!!!?!?!?!?! >Thought Sonic Mach: (Sonic) I have lost the ability to speak with quotes. >SNIVELY HAD A CYBERSUIT OF HIS OWN! Mach: BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! >But sonic cyber-punched Snivley first and Snivley went Mach: Sonic cybered Snively? Both: Eeeeeeewwwwwww. >flying up 500000 feet in the air Mach: So what's that, about 500 miles? >"YEeeeaahhhh" said sonic >After more bot blasting action all the robots were dead, >or were they? Natasha: I thought that the bots were already dead. >Dr Quack stepped out of the ship >"Quaak quaaak" he said "So Headgehog, quaaack, you seem >to have killed my bots waaak wakk quack. But I still >have the power of the MEGA-GEM!" Mach: Somone walked up and gave Dr. Quack the Heimlich maneuver. >"The what?" said Sonic Mach: The Heimlich maneuver, you know, when you grab somone by the stomace from behind and squeeze, yeah? >"THIS!! quaakk waakkk" said Quack Mach: oh. >Dr. qUACK used the power of the MEGA-GEM on sonic. >THE CYBERSUIT BLEW UP!!! Mach: YAAY! Natasha: No, that's bad. Mach: Oh, right. >Quack powered up the mEgA-GEM again!!!!!!!! >"WE GOTTA RUN!!!!" said Sonic >And the freedom fighters ran away back to Knathole Mach: Which is between Knothole and Knotohoel. >"QUAAKAKK QUAAACKK QUAAAAAAAACK HA HA QUACK!" said Dr. >Quack >"Whew," said Sonic "Well at least we killed all the >bots" >"No we didn't sonic I noticed that there were a lot more >bots we didn't fight" said Tails Mach: yeah, we only beat 1,545,454,673,445,453,295,350,424,742,556,233,452 of them. there's still 45,355,667,218,569.078,450,361,563,554,253,134,672,345 of them to beat. >"Oh well" said Sonic "I'm hungry I need a chilidog!" Mach: How can you think of food at a time like this??? ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >We'll be right back ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> Mach: That was pointless... >Hi there. We're back. The scene is Knothole villiage. >Sally is planning the next attack while Rotor and Sonic >are arguing >"Hey assmunch!" said Sonic "You were lazy all you did >was dismantle a bot while I was killing millions of >them!" Mach: (rotor) But I DID make this handy-dandy coffee machine! >"I was getting some chips out of it ok?" said Rotor >"Fock you rotor" said sonic "You're a chicken BOCK BOCK >BGAAAWK!" >"Go fock yourself" said Rotor >Sonic went back to his hut Mach: And focked himself. *Natasha HITS Mach with a pillow* >"Stupid Rotor" he said "Putting coffee in the power ring >pool" >Sonic grabbed his guitar and played the Rotor Sucks Song >You can sing along! (or not) Mach: Good choice. >ROtor Sucks! >Rotor Sucks! >He so stupid >He just sucks! >He's to fat! >Rotor Sucks! >Walrus face >Rotor sucks! Mach: how very out of character. >Then Tails walked into the hut "Hey sonic what are you >jamming to?" he said >"Just a song about how rotor sucks" said sonic >"Yeah but Rotors smart and he knows stuff" said Tails >"Yeah I guess you right" said sonic Mach: (Sonic)Yeah, I'm so wishy-washy, I change my mind because of one opinion without any real proof, exept this neato coffee machine. >Sonic made up with rotor and they gave hi-5's and were >freinds again. ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >Later.... >"So rotor" said Sonic "How can we beat the MEGA-GEM?" >"To beat the MEGA-GEM we need and ANTI-MEGA-GEM said >Rotor "But I don't know where to find one, >"Maybe my uncle, Rabbi Prower, knows" said Tails >"Who?" said Sonic >"The guy who owns the Knothole Kosher Deli" said Tails Mach: (Rotor) You mean the one in between the Wendy's and Wal-Mart? Natasha: (Sally) Yeah, that's the place. >"Woah that place must have always been there but I just >didn't know that it was there" sonic said Mach: Neither did I. >"Let's, er, juice n' jam, i think" said Rotor >"RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said >sonic ><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Knothole Kosher Deli >They walk into the Deli Mach: Only to find that Bob Prower filled Rabbi Prower with lead because he found out there was another plot-device, errr... uncle. >"Hiya Unc!" said Tails >"Hello, it is my nephew Tails, Mach: He said, proving he was not blind. > what do you want today?" >said Rabbi >"I was kind of wondering if you know anything about an >ANTI-MEGA-GEM" said Tails >"An anti mega gem?" said Rabbi "Well let's see you can >find the great crystal of Zgghgotoytin in the ice caves >up north" Mach: Yeah, It's between the crystal of ERRTUHIOKEDBADTWHESAROIGUIRWETHEADHER and MEWASTONUTEQUNBOIHLODEGGERTOPUNLIJUNKILMENSONICWANKEYDEOTORANTMUWQUASTO- NHZUXYOLOST. >"Wow thanks!" said Tails >"Now either buy something or get the fock out of my >deli" said Rabbi Mach: He sounds very Jewish indeed. Natasha: What does Jewish mean, anyway? Mach: I dunnow. ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >The robots are rebuilding the city >HI HO HI HO IT'S OFF TO WORK WE GO Mach: It's the dwarf bots. >DROONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE Natasha: The Drone bots. >HI HO >HI HO Mach: The friendly bots. ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Knothole >DUNN DUNUNUNUNUNJUN DUNN DUNNN!! >DUNN DUNN! >DUNUNUNUNUNUN DUNNN DUNNNN! >DUNNN DUNN!!!! >DUN NUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN! >DUUUNNNNNNNNN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! >DARRRNARRRRRR!!! WHEEEOOOOOOOOOO >DUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN!!!! >DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn >BOOM BOOM BOOM-BA-DOOM! Mach: NO!!! IT'S THE ROBOTNIK SHOW!!! >Sonic and the band were having one last jam session Mach: Oh, {whew} >before Sonic Tails Rotor and Antoinne left to get the >crystal. >Sally and Bunnie were preparing more rocket lunchers. >"Yo sal see ya ROUND!!!!!!!" said Sonic Mach: No, Accually Sally lost weight. Natasha: Unless there's somthing that Sonic Fan isn't telling us about... BUM BUM BUMMMMMMMM.... Both: Nahh. >BZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!! they zoomed off ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >A feild >"Doo doo doo" said ROtor "I'm walking >along...WWOOOOOAQAHHHHH!!!!" Natasha: My, he is so preseptive! >They all fell into a hole Mach: Gee, that was a stupid thing to do... >"Hey I can't see" said Tails Natasha: My, he is so preseptive... >Just then A VOICE SPOKE >----WARNING MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!------ Mach: OH, JOY!! *Natasha BEATS Mach with a pillow!!!* >"Hey , want some yiffy vixens?" said the voice Natasha: No. Mach: Well... *Natasha WACKS Mach with the pillow* >------OK KIds back to apporpiatre content! :)------ >"Huh huh that would be cool" said sonic >"Just go into that room" said the voice >A door lit up Mach: Door #1, Door #2, Door #3? >"heh heh that's right in there....*DRONE* i >mean..." said the voice Mach: Ummm... no? >"Hey WAIT!!!!" said Sonic "It's a robot! This is a >trap!" >"Nooo!" said the voice "You have to go into the room of >death!" Mach: Pay no attention to the Drone behind the curtain! >"Fat chance robo-brane!" said Tails >JUST THEN THE LIGHTS WENT ON >And they saw... Mach: YESSS??? >ROBO-PROWER! >"Ha ha ha FIGHT TIME!" said ROBO-Prower B1: No, Play time. Robo-prower: Oh, sorry. >BANG BANG FRAHFHS ROOOOOO >HA DOOO KEN!!!!! >BANG HOOOIIII Mach: Ben Kenobi! >THE lights went off >CRRRUUNNNCCHHHHHHH SCREEEEEEEEEEEECCHHHHHH KAAAABLAM!! >KABLOMO! GLOOP! SPLOSH! SPAKKK!!! WAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEE! >ORP! >FYIE! OOOORRRRGHHHH!!! >GRAKKAA GRKKA! >CREAK CRAK CRAK!!! >SNAP! >CRACKLE! >hey where's pop >POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!! Mach: snap crackle poop? >!!!!!!!! >tHEN tHE liGHtS WeRe BACk On >"Wow what an exciting battle!" said Rotor >"Oui!" said Antoinne Mach: Yes, so detailed, it's like we were really there! ><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> >The Ice Caves >"Well let's go in" said Sonic >They went in and slipped and slided through an ice maze >WHEEEE said Tails as he slid down a steep hill >Tails fell into a pit but since he could fly it didn't >matter Mach: Yeah, he just got killed by big icicles. >Rotor fell in the pit too but antoinne helped him out >After much struggle they reached the crystal >Sonic grabbed it >BUT THEN THE CAVE STARTED TO COLLAPSE AND A GIANT ICICLE >WAS SLIDING AFTER THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS! Mach: Luckily, Indiana Jones came and saved them. Natasha: Who is he? >"ahhhh" said Rotor >They all jumped on sonic and sonic ran and ran and >SLIPPED ON SLIPPERY ICE!!! >WahahhhhhH!!! Will we make it!?!? >Sonic escaped just in the nick of time! >A resounding phew echoed from the group >CLIK >But then thousands of bots pointed their lasers at the >freedom fighters Mach: an incredible feat assuming that Robotnik didn't know where they were. >"UH OH!!! >" said sonic ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >They're in big trouble now! >"HHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!" said RObotnik "Hedgehog on ice I like >it HAHHAHAHAHHAAHHHA" >"QUAAKK QUAAAAAK" said Quack "ME TOO!!! >HAHHAHHAWUAKHAHAHHAH QUAK HAHHAHAHA WAAAAAKKKKK!!!!" >"Give me the crystal!" said Quack! "Now!" >"No no no!" said Sonic >"SONIC!" whispered Rooter Mach:(rooter) Sonic, Sonic. he's out man, If he can't do it, no-one can! >"I have a plan" said sonic "You guys run NOW!" >They ran. Then the bots looked at them and Sonic jumped >on his snowboard Mach: The snowboard that Sonic pulled out of nothingness. >The bots looked at sonic giving the other freedom >fighters time to hide! >"DAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!" said Ropotnik "GET THAT Natasha: Ropotnik? Mach: I don't know who he is. >HEDGEHOG!!!!!" >The SWAT bots chased sonic, they had hover-skis, hover- >snowmobiles and hover-tobbogains Mach: What's a tobbogain? Natasha: It's a typo. Mach: Yeah, It's suppost to be Tubbo-gain. It's what keeps Robotnik so fat. >Sonic was snowbaording down a cliff and he hit a jump. >2 SWAT bots on snowmobiles hit the jump too and crashed >into each other in mid-air! Mach: Golly, such expert driving >Sonic went around trees and the tobbogain swats ran into >them >Fire and bot parts were a-flyin' >"Wonky juicin jam time!" said sonic as he did a flip in Mach: No coment. >the air >Some bots tried to do this on their skis but they landed >on their heads >The snowmobile bots were shooting at sonic but they >missed Mach: My, what expert marksmanship. >Robotnik and Quack were in the helicopter shooting at >sonic but they missed too Natasha: My, what expert marksmanship. >"He is fast!" said Quack >Grounder and Scratch were chasing sonic on their zamboni Mach: Yeah, going three miles per hour. >"Huhuhuhuhuhu!" said Grounder "Eat lead!" >Grounder shot the zamboni's machine gun at sonic, just Mach: My, what an interestind feature. Natasha: Origonally for shooting anyone that tried to get on the ice while the guy was cleaning it. >barely missing him >"Hhehehehehehheh" said Scratch "You suck Grounder!" Mach: Who sucks grounder? >"Shutup Dillhole!" said Grounder >Scratch kicked Grounder in the nads Mach: Surprising, since Grounder Has no nads. >Then the zamboni fell off a cliff >KABOOOOOMMMM!!! Mach: and there was much rejocing. Both: (dully) Yaaaay. >Sonic went over another jump and slammed a Mountain Dew! Mach; The mountan dew Exploded from the slam! >"Grr" said Robotnik "Send the TANKbot after him!" >BUMM BUMM BUMMMMM Mach: (robotnik) Not the bums, the tank bot. >TANKbot mark III >The TANKbot was made for Snow travel and it quickly >caught up to sonic and fired missles at him. Mach: Wow, the bot was made for snow travel AS he attacked Sonic? >"Woah woah WOOOOOHHHH!!!" said Sonic >Then Sonic was headed straight for a cliff! >TANKbot stopped but sonic kept going and went right off >the cliff! Natasha: Lnding right next to Wile E. Coyote. >All the bots stopped to look off the cliff >THen Dulcy flew up. Sonic had landed on her wing. Sally >and Bunnie were on Dulcy too, and they blew all the bots >away with their rocket launchers. Mach: Then James Bond demanded them back. >"Hey Sal," said Sonic "How did you know I would be >here?" >"Oh I just did" smiled Sally Mach: Did I ever tell you I was psychic? >They picked up Antoinne Tails and Rotor and escaped back >to Knothole ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> >Knothole >Sonic was eating 500 chili dogs >"All that action makes hedgehog hungry" said Sonic >MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH >"Well time to go fight robotnik" said Sally >"Yep" said Sonic >"All right" said Tails Mach: Sonic tryed to move, but he was so fat he couldn't. >. >. >"JAM JAM WHAM BAM JUICY JAM ZAM!" went sonic's battle >cry >ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >!! ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >An explosive battle took place, Sonic fighting without >his cybersuit, but the rockey launchers made up for Natasha: They shot movies about boxers. >that. >Bots got killed, but the EVIL bots were harder to kill >than SWAT bots and the MONKEY bots were agile What about the spider bots? and the others? HUH??? >"Boy I hate new bots" said sonic, while running fastly Natasha: That's not a word. >After the battle the bots were dead and the freedom Mach: Bots were never alive. >fighters were in the Death Egg. Mach: They faced the awful wrath of... THE DEATH CHICKEN! (Read Part two) Mach H. Hedgehog, Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time: "Are you stark raving Naked!?!" -Antione >"Face the wrath of my MEGA-GEM!" said Dr. Quack >Sonic used the crystal on Dr. Quack and the MEGA-GEM was >destroyed and Dr. Quack was frozen. Mach: When Winter Fresh gum goes too far. >Then Bunnie kicked robotnik in the head and pounded on >his skull with her metal arm Natasha: commenting on the size and shape of the bruses on robotnik's head, and the fact that some of the bruses weren't even bruses. >"Ow ow ow ow cut that out" went Robotnik Mach: right before his head caved in. >Just then Robotnik pushed the emergency aLarm and more >bots came running out to his aid. Mach; I_THOUGHT_ALL_THE_BOTS_WERE_DEAD! >The bots grabbed Bunnie and threw her at the freedom >fighter's they get knocked down! >Tails walks over to the audio control terminal, puts in >a CD and blasts Greenday music. Natasha: all the bots explode. >Then sonic and sally and tails and rotor and antoinne >fought will all their might and killed the bots but >robotnik had escaped, but Bunnie was injured >"no" said rotor Mach: He dissagrees with what the fic says. Great. Natasha; He says it with such passion. >"We have to get back to Knothole NOW" said Sally >So back they went Mach: Exept for Bunnie, because he was hurt. ><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Knothole >Bunnie said "Ow y'all I ahm seein stars, y'know some of >em are blue and some of em are yella and some of em are >green and some of em are purple and some of em are cyan >heck y'all all some of em aren't even stars at all!" Mach: She then continued to comment on the colors and shapes of the freedom fighters, the trees outside, etc. >"Are you alright Bunnie" said Doctor Prower Mach: Geez, I thought Tails was an orphan... >"Yeh heck y'all" said Bunnie Natasha: Yeah, fock you. >"Well we beat robotnik again but he will attack again" >said Sonic Natasha: Did that make any sence? Mach: Not in the least. >"That I can agree with" said Rotor >"Hey Rote how are the power rings" said Sonic >"They work now but they taste like coffee" said Rotor >"Don't worry I won't eat them!" said Sonic Mach: (rotor) Well, you're missing out, they taste good. >Everybody laughed ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >"Huh hhuh huh" said Grounder "That sucked" Mach: He said, pointing to the Vaccum Cleaner in the corner. >"You stupid bots!" said Robotnik "This was all your >fault!" >", no it wasn't" said Grounder >"Heh heh heh YEAH! heh heh" said Scratch >"Your right, I guess it was....Dr. Quacks fault" said >Robotnik >"He is cryo frozen" said Robotnik "But I don't think I >will be unthawing that imbicile any time soon. Speaking >of idiots, where's Snivley?" ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >Knothole >It is Christmastime at knothole villiage. All the Mach: Ummm, what's christmas? Natasha: I don't know, most likely just somthing else that he imported. >animals are sitting down to the Christmas Dinner. Uncle >chuck is just about to carve the turkey when..... >SNIVELY'S DEAD BODY FALLS THROUGH THE ROOF AND LANDS ON >THE TABLE! >"Oh no Christmas is runined!" said Sally >"YOU FOCKING BASTARDS!!!!" said Tails Mach: Who is this directed at? >Sally kicked Tails in the head "Don't say that!" ***Sally kicks Tails_in_the_head (Don't say that!) >Sonic sighed "Juicy jam peanut butter no more" Mach: Ummm, no? ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >"This time *I* had the last laugh!" said Robotnik >"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!" ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >THE END >If you want to read more good storys like this one, read Mach: Good... storys? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... >the other Sonic Fights Robotnik storys >Sonic Fights Robotnik >Sonic Fights Robotnik 2: The next Battle >Sonic Fights Robotnik 3: Too Fast for the Naked Eye >Look for them on your favorite sonic website Natasha: Yeah, If anyone's stupid or desprate enough to post them and use up good space. > if you >can't find them just go to and search >for "sonic fights robotnik" >Any questions comments flames or requests for reposts of >previus storys or stuff just email > Mach: With a name with that, you know he has ho be about... six. ><<<<<<>>>>>>>> >The Next Chapter in the SFR series! >Sonic Fights Robotnik 5: The Good Snivley Mach: I thought he was dead! Natasha: Well, It's over. Mach: Maybe I should put this back where I found it... Natasha: And risk somone else finds it? *mach ejects the tape* Mach: This'll work. *Mach pulls out his pistol and proceeds to shoot the tape.* Mach: The world is save again. Natasha: Untill #5 comes out... <<>> MiST: Sonic Fights Robotnik 5: The Good Snivley THE END Mach H. Hedgehog, Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time: "Are you stark raving Naked!?!" -Antione