Newsgroups: From: (Zuckuss199) Date: 1998/07/20 Subject: [Cheaply MSTed]FANFIC: Sonic Fights Robotnik 4: Meet Dr. Quack >LEGAL STUFF----------- >All characters like Sonic and stuff, fetured in this >story are copyright of SEGA and Archie Comics. Other >copyrights like Beavis and Butthead and Mountain Due and >Greenday are copyrights of other companies. David: Oh great..Greenday have no idea how sick of them I am.. >THe author >of this story does not intend to imply ownership of >anything or anycharacters in the following story >End of LEGA STUFF---- Austin: yay >The epic series continues with another one of the >greatest sonic stories ever written David:Hey, why didnt Scott come Jamie: He's still sore no one told hm what happened a few weeks ago.. Austin: Didnt it also happen last night? Jamie: Austin, quiet!! >SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 4 >Meet Dr. Quack Austin: But I just came back from a proct- David: Dont start with me... >It was another day in knothole city and like many days >it was a good day. David: Knothole Village. VILLAGE Austin: The day was good becasue they had barbeued Dr.Quack >Bunnie was fixing the sproket wheels Jamie: Ditz >with rotor, Sally was organizing the freedom fighter >picnic David: Well, at least she's ORGANIZING rather than "Orgazining" >and Sonic was jamming to Greenday in his hut. David: I swear i hear 1 more Greenday reference I'm gonna kill him > "Ah >yeas a fine day indeed" thought rotor as he acidentilly >dunked a sproket in coffee and bit it "Ow" he said. Jamie: Ditz.Wait..That was rotor not bunnie.. Austin:><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> David: hey, a new look >Robotropolis >A Wooden Shack Austin: Budget cuts. They need some cheap thrills David:.... >"Hmmm" said Roobotnik, "Well Robotropolis got blown up >so we have to stay here until we can repair the city" Jamie: Juts how do you "reapir" a city that blew up? >Then Scratch pushed a button and it launched a SWAT >missle. >"You blithirig ditiot!" said Robotnik "That was our last >missile!" >"OOp heh hheh" went Scrotch Austin: Scrotch... Jamie: I'm getting annoyed by all these Beavis and Butthead references..doesn't he realized BandBH sucks? Austin:><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Sonic's Hut Scott: Hey guys, did I miss anything..hey, Sonic has a pet Hutt! >Sonic and Tails are jamming to Greenday but Tails trips >over the CD player. David finds and kills SonicFan >"Argr" sasid Sonic Austin I have a cousin named Arger Sasid > "Now we have to fix it" Jamie:Well isn't that just DUCKY?! >"I know said ails" David: This reminds me of that SonicFan parody.. > Tails kicked the CD player "Work you >focking peice of junk!" said Tails >"You shouldn't say bad words" David: (Tails) I can say whatever the fock I focking want to because I dont have to focking listen to your focking suggestions, you...fock! > said Sonic ":::looks out >the window::: hey what's that" Jamie: Sonic thinks his simming >JUST THEN ROTOR JUMPS THROUGH THE WINDOW OF THE HUT!!!! David: (Rotor) Hey, I was just practicing my butt slam. Sorry Austin: (Sonniku as Sonic as Rotor) Oh Hang, thats ok, go ahead >"Sonic!!!!!!!!!" says Rotor "Look out a SWAT missle is >headed at us! ahh oh no oh no ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh!" Scott: Hot coals will ahev that effect on you. Especially when they are 105 degrees feirenhiet >"No sweat rote I beat those all the time" sonic said >cooly Scott: My dictionary doesn't say Cooly. > "I'll just do thje sonic spin and bam bam jucie >time and the missle is dead" Austin: Juicy Juice? HOORAY!! >JUST THEN A SWAT MISSLE FLYS IN THROUGH THE WINDOW!!!!! Jamie: Convenient how Robotnik seemingly aims all missles at Knothole but still cant find them >"YAAHHHHH!!!" said Rotor >Sonic ran atround but the SWAT missle chased him around. Scott: Let's see, Sonic goes at say 60MPH, and the average missile goes about 100 or so MPH, so It should ahve blown him to bits by now >SOnic jumped behind the couch. David: Sonic's evil CLone-SOnic!!! >Tails hit the missle with >a guitar but that made it mad. Scott: Missiles have emotions? >Then it chased after >tails and Rotor threw coffee on it and the missle went >flying at the couch. Then sonic led the missle into the >closet and closed the door David: (Sonic) Iknow! Let's lead it to the closet, where it'll blow lot's a by then shredded metal and plastic in evrywhich way causing our very own destruction! >After a few minutes Sonic >let the confused missle out of the closet and it hit a >tree outside and blew up. Austin: that missile's gay >"Yo yo missle can't mess with the blue-hog" sadi Sonic Austin: Sadi? That's my friend's name >"But you know what thgis means" Scott: No, I dont know what thgis means. Darn dictionary! >said Royor >"No" said Sonic >"Robotnik is back!" said ROtor David: Rotor's evil CLone-ROtor >"No focking way man!" said Sonic Scott: WALRUS!! >"Yeah!" said Rotor >"Well you know what that means" said Sonic >"Right" said Tailes Austin: We go for a round of toilet paper tag David: Austin, no Austin:>"It's time to >FIGHT ROBOTNIK!!!!" >They all said >So they went to tell Sally but meanwhile in >Robotropolis.... ><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David: Whoa... Austin have you been eating those muffins again? Austin:>Wooden Shack, Robotropolis >Yes, I have been eating muffins. >Robotnik is kicking bot butt! Scott: Prove it >"You stupid bots" went a robotnik David: A robotnik. He's CLoned himself.. Scott: Episode 2: The Clone Wars!! David: What? Scott; Star Wars reference >"You wasted our last >missle!" >"Ow ow ow" goes Grounder "D'oh we not know" >"Ah sir" said Snively >"SHUT UP SNIVELY!" said Robotnik >Robotnik kicks more bot butt! >Scratch gets kicked through the wall of the shack David: Robotnik: No, That was the main wall!! >"Yaddy yadda!" says Scratch >"Ah sir" said Snively >"I SAID SHUTUP!" Robotnik says >RObotnik kicks some Snivley butt! >JUST THEN A SPACESHIP CRASHES RIGHT OUTSIDE THE SHACK! Scott; AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET RID OF CAPS >"Hmmmm did you hear that" said Robotnik Snively: No, sir. That wall right Grounder made seems to prevent me from hearing things. >They all went outside to look David: For God's sake THERES A HOLE IN THE WALL!! USE IT AS A WINDOW!!!! >The door on the spaceship opened >A man walked out >"Hello" said the man "My name is Dr. Quack. I come to >take over planets quack quack" Austin: Howard the Duck Scott: Another George Lucas movie Austin: No, Lucas makes my tummy ache. >"Hello" said Robotnik "I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik and I am >ruler of this planet but the HEDGEHOG BLEW UP MY CITY!" >"Hmmm" said Dr Quack > "I seem to be stuck here but if we >work together we can take care of that hedgehog. But I >will require payment" Scott: 10,000. All in advance. David: 10,000? We can almost buy our own ship for that!! >"Want a deep fried hotdog on a stick?" said Grounder >"Hmmm yeah" said Quack >"Mmm I like these I want lots" said Jamie: but you dont even have one >Quack >"Good I will give you hotdog on a stick, but you have to >help me kill the hedgehog" Robotnik said Scott: (Robotnik) hmmm..Hotdogs on sticks must be money on their planet...If I were there, I'd be filthy rich!! >"Ok" said Quack "ATTENTION BOTS! FORWARD MARCH!!!" >STOMP STOMP STOMP >Millions of bots walked out of the spaceship >"Bots are good" said Robotnik "But that hedgehog is >powerful, he can beat BILLIONS of bots!" >"Muhahahah" said Quack "But I have another weapon, Austin: My a David: Dammit Austin!!! David beats the crap out of Austin Austin: Ow OW Dammit OW AAH!! Austin:>the >MEGA-GEM!" >"HAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!" said Robotnik, >"Freedom fighters will pay AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!" ><<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David: Maybe I kicked the crap out of Austin too hard... >Knotohoel >"Sally!" said Sonic "Robotnik is back!" >"What oh no" said Sally "We have to fight him" >Sally gathered all of knothole's FF's together Austin: And they all ahd a mass org- hey David... aren't you going to stop me? David: No. I warn you then kick your ass and you just keep doing it. Im wasting my time >"Attention" she said "Robotnik is back" >They all gasped Jamie; Yes, they thoguht he was too fat in hawaii. >"We need to fight him again" she said >They all cheered All: YAY >She sent Tails on a spy mission to Robotropolis ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> Jamie: Dien't Sally (whore) usually say he's too young? >Knothole >Rotor is dunking donuts in the power ring pool All; what? >"Hey what are you doing" said Jackerey Prower David: Nice name Terminator: Uncle Bob? >"Your >donuts will get soggy" David: (Rotor) WHAT THE FOCK DO YOU CARE YOU FOCKING KNOCKOFF?! >"No" said Rotor "I replaced the power crystal with >coffee crystals" >"But what about power rings?" said Sonic >"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh >no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I forgot" said Rotor Jamie: Coffee rings are good..unless you miss one one day and you cant do anything without demanding your coffee!! >"Hey now what will I do power rings won't work with >coffee on them" said sonic >"It will be months before we can fix it" said Rotor David:(Tails) Hey, let's waist another eyar looking for Uncle Bob! Terminator: Uncle Bob? >"FOCK!" said Sonic "Now I have to fight robotnik without >power rings! Fock you Rotor! Fock you!" David: (Rotor) You're focking welcome Austin: (Rotor) just let me suck your Jamie snickers><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >The cameraman's view is blocked but we hear... >BAM! KABOOM! BANG! ZAP! KABAMO! >WHHOOOSH! BADOOOM! KAPOW! David: Blocked by what? Did he fall into a plot hole? ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >"AAHHHHHH!!!" went tails >VROOOOMMMMMMMMMM KRRRAAAASSSHHHHHHHHHHH SHHPOOOWWWWWWWW >BOOOOOMMMMMMMMM Jamie: This rmeinds me of Scott: LAST NIGHT!! TELL ME NOW!! Jamie:... >Tails ran into Antoinne >Antoinne went "AYe AYe AIEEEEEE NON NON WHA????" >"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" went Tails >"Calm down Tails!" said Sally >"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" said Tails "THERE WERE BOTS!!!" >"How many" said SOnic >"A BILLION MILLION!" said Tails "And there were SWAT >bots and EVIL bots and MONKEY bots and SPIDER bots and >POWER bots!" >"Oh no oh no oh no ho no" said Rotor >Sonic fights with Rotor! >"Cut that out" sally kicks them >"AHHH!" said "Tasuls and I was in ahuge fights with them >there was so much action you David: Can anyone make snese of that? All: No >wouldn't belive!" >"Sacre Blue!" said Antoinne >"And there was a ship! and a guy named Dr Quack!" said >Tails >"Woah new Badnik?" said Sonic >"Sacre Blue!" said Antoinne >"No prob lil bro" said Sonic "I can beat a billion bots Austin: But not while they do the can-can >standing behind my back" David: what? >"wow cool sonic" said Tails >Sally made a battle plan and showed it to the freedom >fighters "Ok, we go into Robotropolis and fight the bots >and blow up the ship" Jamie: (Sally) Sorry I culdn't think of something better but I was too busy being a whore. >said Sally >"It's Jammin' Penut butter Jive time!" said Sonic >They went to robotropolis David: Jammin Penut jive time? Terminator: Uncle Bob? ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >As soon as the freedom fighters got there an exciting >battle took place. Austin: I wanna see!! >Sonic fought some bots! David: )Batman 70's show): POW!! BLAM!! DOPE!! >Sally and Bunnie and Antoinne were shooting bots with >paint guns. >Tails Karatre kicked the bots! >haiiiiyyyayyayYYYYYASAAAAAAA!!!! >And Rotor dismantled a bot >Sonic was killing bots but then a evil bot was going to >blade his head off! YAHAHHH!! Scott: Blade his head off? Terminator: Uncle Bob? >Sally shot it with a rocket launcher! KABOOOMMM!!! >DROONNNNNEEEE!!! >More bots >said sonic >Sonic zoomed and dashed and killed them >"Hey bots don't drone just fight" said Sonic >Then more bots apperead on the horizon Jamie: Where were they housed? Robotnik's shack? >"Don't these dudes get tired" Sonic thought out loud >Bunnie threw the cybersuit to sonic. Sonic: Dammit Bunnie I thought you were on my side!! >Sonic caught it >"ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!" >Sonic put on the suit >DUNN DUUN DUNNNNNN >CYBERSONIC! All: ooooh... >SOnic was way past cool cyber style! >Then he fought the bots with Cyberweapons >WHEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEHEHGUDGUGIOOO!! DROONNNEEEE >BOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!! >BANG! >KRAK!@ >BOOM! >BARG! >JHOT! >ADBN! >EROROTIOROOOOOP! Austin: Erotictrooper?! David: Can anyone explain that? All: No >The bots are dead but what's this? >WHAT'S THIS??? >WHAT THE FOCK IS THIS!!!!?!?!?!?! David: ITS A FOCKING PLOT HOLE >Thought Sonic >SNIVELY HAD A CYBERSUIT OF HIS OWN! >But sonic cyber-punched Snivley first and Snivley went >flying up 500000 feet in the air >"YEeeeaahhhh" said sonic >After more bot blasting action all the robots were dead, >or were they? Jose: Yes they were All: Hey, get out of here >Dr Quack stepped out of the ship >"Quaak quaaak" he said "So Headgehog, quaaack, you seem >to have killed my bots waaak wakk quack. But I still >have the power of the MEGA-GEM!" >"The what?" said Sonic >"THIS!! quaakk waakkk" said Quack >Dr. qUACK used the power of the Austin: Penis Enlargener!! David: Austin, you're going to get us in trouble again!! >MEGA-GEM on sonic. >THE CYBERSUIT BLEW UP!!! SONCI IS DEAD >Quack powered up the mEgA-GEM again!!!!!!!! >"WE GOTTA RUN!!!!" said Sonic >And the freedom fighters ran away back to Knathole Jamie: Kanthole: A popular cafe fr Gnats >"QUAAKAKK QUAAACKK QUAAAAAAAACK HA HA QUACK!" said Dr. >Quack All:..... >"Whew," said Sonic "Well at least we killed all the >bots" >"No we didn't sonic I noticed that there were a lot more >bots we didn't fight" said Tails >"Oh well" said Sonic "I'm hungry I need a chilidog!" Jamie: (Sally) THere's an alien duck out to destroy us, there's a lot of Swat bots and there's Robotnik : We need a plan!! Scott: (Rotor)I have no ideas as usual Austin:(Tails) I propose a Lactation Lounge David: (Sonic) I know, let's eat a chili dog!!! All: YAY!! ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >We'll be right back ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Hi there. We're back. The scene is Knothole villiage. .... >Sally is planning the next attack while Rotor and Sonic >are arguing >"Hey assmunch!" said Sonic "You were lazy all you did >was dismantle a bot while I was killing millions of >them!" Scott: (Rotor) But I'm more usefull David: (Sonic) usefull my ass!! >"I was getting some chips out of it ok?" said Rotor >"Fock you rotor" said sonic "You're a chicken BOCK BOCK >BGAAAWK!" >"Go fock yourself" said Rotor Sonic: I already did I need something else to do!! >Sonic went back to his hut Scott: Where did he get that pet Hutt? >"Stupid Rotor" he said "Putting coffee in the power ring >pool" >Sonic grabbed his guitar and played the Rotor Sucks Song >You can sing along! (or not) David: This better not be Greenday >ROtor Sucks! >Rotor Sucks! >He so stupid >He just sucks! >He's to fat! >Rotor Sucks! >Walrus face >Rotor sucks! >Then Tails walked into the hut Tails sucks Hes so stupid He just sucks H's so fat Tails sucks Walrus face Tails sucks! >"Hey sonic what are you >jamming to?" he said >"Just a song about how rotor sucks" said sonic >"Yeah but Rotors smart and he knows stuff" said Tails >"Yeah I guess you right" said sonic >Sonic made up with rotor and they gave hi-5's and were >freinds again. David: Damn !! I was hoping for a bloody fight Jamie: There wouldn't be any detail..keep in mind SonicFan wrote this David: Damn !! ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >Later.... MOBIUS BLEW UP >"So rotor" said Sonic "How can we beat the MEGA-GEM?" >"To beat the MEGA-GEM we need and ANTI-MEGA-GEM said >Rotor "But I don't know where to find one, >"Maybe my uncle, Rabbi Prower, knows" said Tails >"Who?" said Sonic >"The guy who owns the Knothole Kosher Deli" said Tails David: Does tails have a horny granpa or what? Jamie giggles Austin chuckles Scott: Ok, is this some sort of an in-joke? Austin:>"Woah that place must have always been there but I just >didn't know that it was there" sonic said >"Let's, er, juice n' jam, i think" said Rotor >"RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said >sonic ><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Knothole Kosher Deli >They walk into the Deli >"Hiya Unc!" said Tails >"Hello, it is my nephew Tails, what do you want today?" >said Rabbi >"I was kind of wondering if you know anything about an >ANTI-MEGA-GEM" said Tails >"An anti mega gem?" said Rabbi Austin: (Rabbi) No, but I do circumsizions by the hour! >"Well let's see you can >find the great crystal of Zgghgotoytin in the ice caves >up north" >"Wow thanks!" said Tails >"Now either buy something or get the fock out of my >deli" said Rabbi ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >The robots are rebuilding the city >HI HO HI HO IT'S OFF TO WORK WE GO >DROONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE DRONE >HI HO >HI HO Austin: I dont feel good.. Austin: ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> >Knothole >DUNN DUNUNUNUNUNJUN DUNN DUNNN!! >DUNN DUNN! >DUNUNUNUNUNUN DUNNN DUNNNN! >DUNNN DUNN!!!! >DUN NUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN! >DUUUNNNNNNNNN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! >DARRRNARRRRRR!!! David: I doubt anyone can make sense of that >WHEEEOOOOOOOOOO >DUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN!!!! >DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn >BOOM BOOM BOOM-BA-DOOM! >Sonic and the band were having one last jam session >before Sonic Tails Rotor and Antoinne left to get the >crystal. >Sally and Bunnie were preparing more rocket lunchers. >"Yo sal see ya ROUND!!!!!!!" said Sonic >BZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!! they zoomed off ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> David: ... >A feild >"Doo doo doo" said ROtor "I'm walking >along...WWOOOOOAQAHHHHH!!!!" >They all fell into a hole Scott: A plot hole >"Hey I can't see" said Tails >Just then A VOICE SPOKE >----WARNING MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!------ >"Hey , want some yiffy vixens?" said the voice >------OK KIds back to apporpiatre content! :)------ >"Huh huh that would be cool" said sonic >"Just go into that room" said the David: Yiffy...last night was pretty yiffy Scott; AHA!! SO THATS WHAT HAPPENED!! >voice >A door lit up >"heh heh that's right in there....*DRONE* i >mean..." said the voice >"Hey WAIT!!!!" said Sonic "It's a robot! This is a >trap!" >"Nooo!" said the voice "You have to go into the room of >death!" Austin: And DIE >"Fat chance robo-brane!" said Tails >JUST THEN THE LIGHTS WENT ON >And they saw... >ROBO-PROWER! >"Ha ha ha FIGHT TIME!" said ROBO-Prower >BANG BANG FRAHFHS ROOOOOO >HA DOOO KEN!!!!! >BANG HOOOIIII >THE lights went off >CRRRUUNNNCCHHHHHHH SCREEEEEEEEEEEECCHHHHHH KAAAABLAM!! >KABLOMO! GLOOP! SPLOSH! SPAKKK!!! WAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEE! >ORP! >FYIE! OOOORRRRGHHHH!!! >GRAKKAA GRKKA! >CREAK CRAK CRAK!!! >SNAP! >CRACKLE! >hey where's pop >POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!! >!!!!!!!! All:... >!!!!!!!! >tHEN tHE liGHtS WeRe BACk On >"Wow what an exciting battle!" said Rotor >"Oui!" said Antoinne ><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> >The Ice Caves >"Well let's go in" said Sonic >They went in and slipped and slided through an ice maze >WHEEEE said Tails as he slid down a steep hill >Tails fell into a pit but since he could fly it didn't >matter David: Well that was pointless >Rotor fell in the pit too but antoinne helped him out >After much struggle they reached the crystal >Sonic grabbed it >BUT THEN THE CAVE STARTED TO COLLAPSE AND A GIANT ICICLE >WAS SLIDING AFTER THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS! Scott: Indiana Jones: a ROck not an icicle!! >"ahhhh" said Rotor >They all jumped on sonic and sonic ran and ran and >SLIPPED ON SLIPPERY ICE!!! >WahahhhhhH!!! Will we make it!?!? >Sonic escaped just in the nick of time! >A resounding phew echoed from the group >CLIK >But then thousands of bots pointed their lasers at the >freedom fighters >"UH OH!!! >" said sonic ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>> >They're in big trouble now! >"HHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!" said RObotnik "Hedgehog on ice I like >it HAHHAHAHAHHAAHHHA" >"QUAAKK QUAAAAAK" said Quack "ME TOO!!! >HAHHAHHAWUAKHAHAHHAH QUAK HAHHAHAHA WAAAAAKKKKK!!!!" >"Give me the crystal!" said Quack! "Now!" >"No no no!" said Sonic >"SONIC!" whispered Rooter >"I have a plan" said sonic "You guys run NOW!" >They ran. Then the bots looked Austin: Like fags > at them and Sonic jumped >on his snowboard >The bots looked at sonic giving the other freedom >fighters time to hide! >"DAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!" said Ropotnik David: Robotnik's clone..Ropotnik >"GET THAT >HEDGEHOG!!!!!" >The SWAT bots chased sonic, they had hover-skis, hover- >snowmobiles and hover-tobbogains >Sonic was snowbaording down a cliff and he hit a jump. >2 SWAT bots on snowmobiles hit the jump too and crashed >into each other in mid-air! ... >Sonic went around trees and the tobbogain swats ran into >them >Fire and bot parts were a-flyin' >"Wonky juicin jam time!" said sonic Austin: NASTY >as he did a flip in >the air >Some bots tried to do this on their skis but they landed >on their heads >The snowmobile bots were shooting at sonic but they >missed >Robotnik and Quack were in the helicopter shooting at >sonic but they missed too Scott: Oh,come on Sonic goes about 60MPH people have shot cheetahs at full speeds >"He is fast!" said Quack >Grounder and Scratch were chasing sonic on their zamboni David: a what? >"Huhuhuhuhuhu!" said Grounder "Eat lead!" >Grounder shot the zamboni's machine gun at sonic, just >barely missing him >"Hhehehehehehheh" said Scratch "You suck Grounder!" >"Shutup Dillhole!" said Grounder >Scratch kicked Grounder in the nads David; THATS ENOUGH!! SONICFAN ENOUGH WITH BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD Jamies: 1: That's my line and 2: You killed him. >Then the zamboni fell off a cliff >KABOOOOOMMMM!!! >Sonic went over another jump and slammed a Mountain Dew! ... >"Grr" said Robotnik "Send the TANKbot after him!" >BUMM BUMM BUMMMMM >TANKbot mark III >The TANKbot was made for Snow travel and it quickly >caught up to sonic and fired missles David: But suddenly it blew up!! >at him. >"Woah woah WOOOOOHHHH!!!" said Sonic >Then Sonic was headed straight for a cliff! >TANKbot stopped but sonic kept going and went right off >the cliff! >All the bots stopped to look off the cliff Sonic dies!!! >THen Dulcy flew up. Sonic had landed on her wing. Sally >and Bunnie were on Dulcy too, Jamie: A new Children's Book: The Freedom Fighters, the Whore and the Ditz >and they blew all the bots >away with their rocket launchers. >"Hey Sal," said Sonic "How did you know I would be >here?" >"Oh I just did" smiled Sally >They picked up Antoinne Tails and Rotor and escaped back >to Knothole ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> David: Austin, can you get us some popcorn? >Knothole >Sonic was eating 500 chili dogs Jamie: I dont think I want any popcorn... >"All that action makes hedgehog hungry" said Sonic >MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH >"Well time to go fight robotnik" said Sally >"Yep" said Sonic >"All right" said Tails David: (Sonic) Oh man, I'm gonna barf on Tails>"JAM JAM WHAM BAM JUICY JAM ZAM!" went sonic's battle >cry >ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >!! ><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis David: Why are all of Sonics' "War Cries" so gay? >An explosive battle took place, Sonic fighting without >his cybersuit, but the rockey launchers made up for >that. >Bots got killed, but the EVIL bots Jamie: Oh, excuse me, the EVIL bots!! >were harder to kill >than SWAT bots and the MONKEY bots were agile >"Boy I hate new bots" said sonic, while running fastly >After the battle the bots were dead and the freedom >fighters were in the Death Egg. David: Ok, whats with the Death egg? Austin: I got the snacks David: hey, wher'es my change? Austin: Oh, I got a Dr.Pepper and a KitKat bar.. David: Then get us something esle with your money Austin:aw.. >"Face the wrath of my MEGA-GEM!" said Dr. Quack >Sonic used the crystal on Dr. Quack and the MEGA-GEM was >destroyed and Dr. Quack was frozen. David: (Sonic as Homer Simpson) mmmmm...frozen duck dinner... >Then Bunnie kicked robotnik in the head and pounded on >his skull with her metal arm >"Ow ow ow ow cut that out" went Robotnik >Just then Robotnik pushed the emergency aLarm and more >bots came running out to his aid. >The bots grabbed Bunnie and threw her at the freedom >fighter's they get knocked down! Scott: WHy settle for puncuation when you can have crappy writing? >Tails walks over to the audio control terminal, puts in >a CD and blasts Greenday music. David: JUST SHUT UP GREENDAY SUCKS >Then sonic and sally and tails and rotor and antoinne >fought will all their might and killed the bots but >robotnik had escaped, but Bunnie was injured >"no" said rotor >"We have to get back to Knothole NOW" said Sally >So back they went David: and had 5000chili dogs >em are blue and some of em are yella and some of em are >green and some of em are purple and some of em are cyan >heck y'all all some of em aren't even stars at all!" >"Are you alright Bunnie" said Doctor Prower >"Yeh heck y'all" said Bunnie >"Well we beat robotnik again but he will attack again" Jamie: Ditz Austin: Im back >said Sonic >"That I can agree with" said Rotor >"Hey Rote how are the power rings" said Sonic >"They work now but they taste like coffee" said Rotor >"Don't worry I won't eat them!" said Sonic >Everybody laughed ><<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> >Robotropolis >"Huh hhuh huh" said Grounder "That sucked" >"You stupid bots!" said Robotnik "This was all your >fault!" >", no it wasn't" said Grounder >"Heh heh heh YEAH! heh heh" said Scratch Jamie: NO MORE BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD >"Your right, I guess it was....Dr. Quacks fault" said >Robotnik >"He is cryo frozen" said Robotnik "But I don't think I >will be unthawing that imbicile any time soon. Speaking >of idiots, where's Snivley?" ><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Austin: Snively ah the runs... >Knothole >It is Christmastime at knothole villiage. All the >animals are sitting down to the Christmas Dinner. Uncle >chuck is just about to carve the turkey when..... >SNIVELY'S DEAD BODY FALLS THROUGH THE ROOF AND LANDS ON >THE TABLE! David and Austin; DELICIOUS!!!!! >"Oh no Christmas is runined!" said Sally >"YOU FOCKING BASTARDS!!!!" said Tails >Sally kicked Tails in the head "Don't say that!" >Sonic sighed "Juicy jam peanut butter no more" David: what? >Robotropolis >"This time *I* had the last laugh!" said Robotnik >"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!" David: What exitement ><<<<<<<>>>>>>> >THE END >If you want to read more good storys like this one, read >the other Sonic Fights Robotnik storys >Sonic Fights Robotnik >Sonic Fights Robotnik 2: The next Battle >Sonic Fights Robotnik 3: Too Fast for the Naked Eye Scott: The Sonic fights Robotnik Trilogy: You haven't seen anything until you've seen everything >Look for them on your favorite sonic website if you >can't find them just go to and search >for "sonic fights robotnik" >Any questions comments flames or requests for reposts of >previus storys or stuff just email > ><<<<<<>>>>>>>> >The Next Chapter in the SFR series! >Sonic Fights Robotnik 5: The Good Snivley David: Come one guys lets go. I think their showing "Lethal Weapon 4" Scott: Then lets stay It's coming on right now Jose Solano