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Davey-Kins' Blog

A little experiment in convience, using a Blog to post daily updates and save the splicing into the web site for the major updates.
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Good news for Ivan Mayne's fans: has finally gotten their act together and make their updated 'convert to HTML' feature--much desired by this site as well as many others--available once again. Thanks to this, I'm able to update the 'Kitsune Tails' sage up to the Eleventh Chapter. Open them up and start reading, people :)

And Meanwhile, at the BakaBreakers Front, I'm opening this up to the public...

Okay, it's upgrading the site as well as starting the main story time, which means that I need new characters. So far, I have these in development to add to the characters I already thrown into the mix.

The BakaBreakers Store Owner: He won't need too much development, since he's going to be the first victim, but he should have an deep enough character to make the reader want to see his killer go down in a big way.

The Store Owner's Daughter: I was thinking of him having a daughter, or maybe even a wife and/or small child, to help further the need to have the case solved.

New Pastor: In BakaBreakers, the old paster cracked and formed a cult, where all the 'swiffers' originate. Of course, the need for a more stable paster has been recently filled in. Someone who doesn't sleep with the trashy girls, sputter off like Ozzy Ozborne in water towers, and is interested in more important matters than the coffee shop. Well, as long as he and the people running the store ensure that nothing explicit pops up on the video screens. (It *is* Anime-themed, after all)

Developer: This guy's heading the building of the historical resort.

Fisherman: Have to replace the geezer in the show with somebody, and since this is Maine, why not a fisherman. Nice and delierious with a bit of parinoia in him. Would be the first guy expected from some people.

Jealous Jock: Remember the character design I told to you all about? The guy who can move heaven and earth spending the national debt doing stuff which would be all but perfect, only to be publicly outclassed by our hero with very little effort? He's still one of the characters, and he'll provide some rather formidable friction

High School Principle: He thinks cartoons are for kids, and Anime is corrupting the youth. Where's my Bang Stick?

Political Opponent: A surprise arrival in the middle of the first day, someone in town actually thinks he can make a better mayor than either Sparky or the Sheriff he's primping to take over the role. Will stoop to no level to promote himself. And then he'll go off and tell Adam how much of an Egotist this guy thinks he is.

And one more character that's mostly arrives for comic relief, unless you know of others.

I'm looking for suggestions, people, so let's fling the stuff to the wall.


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