For the Scrolls of Time Sing Eternal of a Hill

Michael's Library

This Burning Rangers fanfic is set in a world much like our own.. In fact, it is our own, except that video game fans are even more fanatical than they are now, Sonic fans are a tad more excitable and prone to Lord of the Flies quoting, and, umm, oh yeah, the Burning Rangers are real people who have their own video game. Spencer Nilsen is the devil, and real people who are killed in this universe are not neccessarily killed in the real world, but they all die eventually, because the wheel weaves as the wheel wills, and ages past will come again, and.. umm, wait, that's not it... Thank you for reading this silly description of my fanfic universe.

Burning Rangers parody 'fic


All stories on this page © Michael. Burning Rangers and all characters are, unless otherwise indicated, trademarks of Sega Enterprises.